Chapter 6: Rescue Mission

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(Phoebe's POV)

I stared at the black apple I held in my hand solemnly. Fajr was about to bite it and I seriously fucked up. I used my magic to get him out. I'm so so so screwed...! I never showed my magic to anybody except Lydia! I trust Lydia, I trust her to not tell anyone, not Fajr! I mean he appears to like me so maybe he wouldn't tell, but then again he would if it was to fawn over me! If they discover I can use magic they'll witch-hunt me! Sure Fajr has some magic but he also has a sword! Besides he'd never show that side of him unless provoked or with good reason. Rainbow I'm dead! I'm dead!!! I hugged the apple tightly as I started shaking, trying to breathe steadily to calm myself down. However as I did I heard something. It was faint, but it was a word that rung throughout my entire body,

"HELP!!" I shot up. That was Lydia's voice...! She's in danger!! I grabbed my jacket and my bag (which I put the apple in), and rushed outside. Emily had sprinted in and was calling for me. I ran to her and she dashed back out, leading me to where Lydia was. I sprinted after, able to match her speed as the path and forest morphed to snow and a cold breeze barely fazed me. I noticed some wolves growling at us but I glared at them to paralyze them. Eventually we reached a gate which opened to us. I rushed inside ahead of Emily and panted. There were so many emotions coursing through my system. Rage, fear, worry, guilt, it was all a lot to handle. I felt magic in my bag and looked at the apple confused.

It began to glow softly. I looked around confused. It never glowed before. And no it wasn't cause of my emotions. I've felt all of those before and not once did it glow. I sighed shakily and watched Emily as she wandered around anxiously. I looked up at the castle and entered without a word, looking around to try and find some sort of sign as to where Lydia was. I couldn't see anything, probably cause it was dark. I noticed small embers at a fireplace but they had since gone out. I sighed shakily and tried using magic to sense her. Instead all I felt was an overwhelming force. I stumbled with a gasp out of surprise. I hadn't felt anything like that. I looked around confused before trying again. I felt that force again but I managed to quell it enough to sense something else. It wasn't Lydia, no not by a large margin. It was another source of magic, this one... gentler. Before I could identify the source my ears twitched and picked up some voices,

"Look look Glitch! What a fabulous mademoiselle! She could be the one! See see!"

"Yes I can very well see her Choco. I lost my hands not my eyes. But do you feel something strange about her?" My eyes darted to a candelabra and clock, both standing motionless. I know I heard those voices over in that direction... but where? I walked towards them and stared at each object, trying to distinguish anything unusual. I tried magic but once again the overwhelming force managed to block out my power. I sighed and snapped my fingers, a small flame appearing on my index finger as I carefully put it to the wicks of the candelabra. It lit up and illuminated the area quite well. I lifted up the candelabra and looked around. The castle seemed empty... too empty. I put the candelabra down and once again used my magic. That was when I was able to finally identify where Lydia was. She was upstairs. I made a small ball of light in my hands and dashed up the stairs, searching for Lydia worriedly.

After what felt like an eternity of climbing up and up the stairs, I finally reached a dungeon. And in that cell, was Lydia. I breathed a heavy sigh, relieved she was unharmed. She was looking around scared before noticing my light and peeking up,

"Phoebe! You're here!" She whisper-yelled. I nodded and walked over, crouching down to match her,

"What happened?? Why are you here??" I questioned, matching her volume. She whimpered looking away,

"Lightning hit a tree which revealed the path over here... we travelled down the path and got to the castle... th-then I..."

"Who's there?" A melodically baritone voice suddenly asked, catching both of us off guard. Lydia whimpered scared as I whipped my head around towards the figure who had spoken. I couldn't see much, only the faint turquoise glow of a pair of wings behind them as they descended another set of stairs. The glow managed to hide their face but I could tell their eyes were on us. I took a breath and continued to stare at the figure intensely, my senses telling me whoever it was, they were the source magic that I sensed earlier, the gentle one,

"I am here for my friend." I replied calmly. The figure stopped and turned to me, a pair of glowing, yellow-turquoise eyes staring down at us,

"Your friend is a thief." They said, malice tinting their voice, "She's simply paying the price." My eyes narrowed annoyed,

"She's done nothing wrong! Release her this instant!!" I demanded.

"Stealing roses from my garden isn't stealing to you?" The figure chuckled snidely, "Some morals you have there." I turned to Lydia as she nodded anxiously,

"A-And now I-I have to stay here... f-for eternity..." she muttered, scared and anxious. My eyes widened in anger as I turned back to the figure,

"Thievery of a rose is not worthy of an eternity in a dungeon!!" I snapped at them. Suddenly the figure's wings flapped and they rushed towards us. I stood my ground and glared at them, causing them to stop, landing just a few feet in front of me, still hidden by the darkness aside from the glow,

"I was cursed to spend an eternity in my own prison cause of some fragile flowers. I'm only returning the favor. Now I suggest you shut your mouth and leave. Or I'll throw YOU into the dungeon." Lydia's eyes widened in fear as I continued to glare,

"I'm not leaving without my best friend." I sneered, when all of a sudden the figure aimed their hand at me, and a blast of magic was shot at me. I swiftly summoned a shield and blocked the attack, skidding back slightly before countering with a blast of my own magic. The figure seemed shocked as they swiftly dodged, taking to the air before landing again and growling. I smirked and tossed my shield at them as they dodged with ease. They then readied another attack, but my shield came back to me like a boomerang and hit them in the arm, causing them to yelp and fall to the floor. I caught the shield as the figure's hood fell off, finally revealing their appearance.

They were a young boy, probably a bit older than me. He had dark purple fur and wolf ears, plus a tail. He was growling softly as his yellow-turquoise eyes flared with rage, his pupils barely visible. On his back was the wings I previously mentioned, and on his head was brown colored fur in a pattern similar to it being like a normal hairstyle. He wore a black shirt with white outlines, which was currently unbuttoned, revealing a lighter patch of purple fur on his chest, a short, purple cape which was the also the hood, black pants, which had tears in them, and a golden colored headband with a moon symbol on it. I ended up staring at him entranced, my shield vanishing, before his growl snapped me back to reality,

"Tch. You're strong." He then got up and smirked, "Tell you what, I'll let that friend of yours go," the two of us smiled relieved before he held up a finger and pointed to me, "but. You have to take her punishment, and be locked up here forever." He grinned maliciously as he put his hood back up. Lydia's eyes widened scared as I continued to smile and calmly responded,

"Alright then." He chuckled darkly,

"Good choice. I admire your selflessness." He then grabbed a lever and pulled it, as the cell door opened,

"Make sure to say your goodbyes now. Once I close this door it will never open again." He taunted. I wasted no time giving Lydia a tight hug, as she nearly burst into tears hugging back,

"P-Phoebe no!! I-I-I can't...! I can't l-lose you!" I rubbed her back and hummed softly,

"You won't... don't worry." She shook her head,

"B-But you... you'll die before that happens!" I smiled softly before whispering something into Lydia's ear, as her eyes widened shocked, before letting her go and entering the cell, making sure she wasn't near the door so 1. She wouldn't get stuck in too, and 2. So she wouldn't get hurt. The door then closed as Lydia was lifted up by the boy,

"Don't worry." His voice became more calm, "I'll make sure she gets home." The two then vanished and I assumed they had teleported. I sighed and sat down as I took the apple out of my bag. I stared at it solemnly, remembering Yami, my family... and what had... happened to them. I held the apple close and started humming softly.

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