Chapter 4: Trip Gone Awry

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(Lydia's POV)

Phoebe carried some bags out to me early in the morning, as she set them down in the carriage. I watched her with a smile as I brushed Emily, my horse's, mane. Emily is a black and white horse, with a diamond mark on her head. I saddled her up and made sure the carriage was on her tight, but not too tight. I then put a foot on the stirrup and got onto Emily. Before I could hold the reigns, Phoebe gave me a bag full of food and medical supplies,

"Stay safe okay Lyds?"

"I will Pheebs." I chimed happily before flicking the reigns. Emily started trotting as we left the town, Phoebe waving us goodbye.

As we trotted, the forest became thicker and began to block off the sun, only a few beams on sunlight streaming through the leaves. It was quite peaceful, as I started humming softly as we journeyed through. Suddenly Emily began to slow down, which confused me. I looked around and I didn't see anything that would be dangerous. As I attempted to get Emily moving again with the flick of the reigns, a lightning bolt suddenly struck the tree ahead of us. I shouted in shock and fear as Emily reared up, causing me to fall off of her. I fell on my butt before getting up and attempting to soothe her, though my heart was racing like crazy. Eventually after what felt like an eternity of mane stroking and soothing words, Emily calmed down and nuzzled me so I also calmed down. I got back on her and looked ahead, noticing how the fallen tree had blocked the path I had to go down,

"Great..." I muttered, "what was even with that lightning...?? It's not even cloudy!" I whined before Emily turned the other way. Confused I looked ahead and noticed the fallen tree had also revealed another path, one I had never noticed before. I gently flicked the reigns as Emily began to trot down the now revealed path. I looked around curiously as slowly, the environment became snowy. I mean, snow in autumn isn't uncommon, but it's certainly rare. I shivered before going to the carriage and searching the bags for a jacket. However as I searched, I heard something... a growl... then more... and more. My heart began to race again as I shakily lifted my head, and thats when I saw them. Piercing yellow eyes glaring at me. My eyes widened as I quickly leapt onto Emily,

"WOLVES!!" I exclaimed as Emily then began to sprint. The wolves growled and snarled before chasing after us. I whimpered scared and clung to Emily, but the wolves were catching up quickly. I looked down at the carriage. It was weighing us down, but I didn't want to lose my stuff...! But they would catch us if I didn't! I shook my head and unlatched the carriage from Emily, as it fell off and even hit a few wolves. I sighed relieved before suddenly I was nearly hurled off of Emily due to a sharp turn. I yelped and held onto Emily tightly, as I thankfully stayed on. I was practically shaking at this point as the wolves kept chasing us. The wind and snow was getting in my face and hair as I could barely see. Once I opened my eyes I noticed something ahead. A gate, and above the gate was a huge castle. My eyes widened as I exclaimed,

"Get to the gate!" To Emily as she sprinted to the gates. That was when I realized they were closed. I began to regret the decision until the gates suddenly opened. We dashed inside and the gates closed right as we did, keeping the wolves from reaching us. Emily then came to a halt as I fell off of her into the snow with a pained whine. I got up and brushed the snow off as I shivered. I noticed Emily head to a water basin and drank out of it. I sighed and looked up at the castle.

It was humongous, nothing like the books I've read. I found myself walking up the steps toward the castle's doors without realizing. As I approached the doors opened, and I was met with a gust of warm, relaxing air. With an entranced smile, I went inside as I turned to the doors, wondering who opened the doors for me.

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