Chapter 18: The Warning

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(Phoebe's POV)

After Moon and I finished dancing we returned to our rooms for the day. I wasn't exhausted but I needed some time alone to think... about Moon. I-I actually think I might be in love with him...! But that's ridiculous! I can't love... not anymore... otherwise I'll get hurt. But... Moon's really kind, and adorable. His bursts of violence can be stopped, and I know him from his story. He seems like the perfect person for me. But what if it's an act...?

I shook my head and whined softly. I need to get my mind off of this for now. I thought about something else that's been bothering me for a while: Lydia. Did she go back to the village? Did she get help? Hopefully I would be able to explain the situation. Suddenly, from my open window (it became spring again), I heard a loud neigh. My eyes widened as I rushed to the window. From there I could see Emily neighing, rearing up and calling for me. I quickly hopped out the window and levitated to her, trying to soothe her. Moon teleported to us as well as he looked at Emily,

"Wait... isn't that your friend's horse??" He asked worriedly. I nodded as I stroked her mane,

"Something must've happened to Lydia...!" I became worried and was about to rush out, but Moon grabbed my arm,

"Wait! You don't know what you're getting into!" I turned to him worriedly,

"Lydia might be in danger!"

"But you don't know where she is!" He said, causing me to pause. He was right. Emily might be here but Lydia could be anywhere. He then hummed softly,

"I got an idea." He then teleported the two of us into his room. I watched him confused as he grabbed a hand mirror and gave it to me,

"How will this help...?" I asked. Moon smiled,

"Tell it to show you where your friend is." Confused, I did what he said. The mirror's reflection then warbled before showing me Lydia. My eyes widened. She... she was safe! But she was talking with someone... a nekojin... they looked familiar. Suddenly the mirror warbled again as the two left a treehouse, the nekojin carrying Lydia (who was blushing a lot) as they leapt from tree to tree. I watched confused as Moon peeked his head over my shoulder and watched as the two then entered an area with blossoms in the trees. My eyes widened as I realized they were coming here...!

"Hey!! That's the guy who kept stealing our food!!" Moon pouted as I looked at him, confused and amused. I giggled and nuzzled him as he looked at me, then back at the mirror. I did the same as the two leapt over the castle wall and into the castle. We then heard a voice from outside,

"Phoebe!!" Lydia called for me. Moon and I looked at each other before nodding. Moon put the mirror down on the vanity as I ran to the balcony. Moon followed and hugged me,

"I'll carry you!" He declared with a smile as I turned to him concerned,

"Are you sure? What about your wing?" He shrugged,

"It's okay! I'm tough and strong!" He put his hands on his hips and smiled confidently. I couldn't help but giggle,

"You're so adorable... but no." I lifted Moon up as he squeaked surprised, "Until I know your wing, leg, and arm are feeling better, I'm gonna carry you." Moon pouted and protested as I giggled and levitated to Lydia, landing and putting down a pouty Moon,

"Hey Lyds." I smiled at her before being engulfed in a tight hug,

"Phoebe!!" She exclaimed, "You're okay!!" I hugged back with a chuckle as Moon watched in unusual envy. The nekojin then approached me. Before Lydia could introduce us the two of us beamed,


"Selene!!" The two of us hugged as Moon's jealousy increased. Lydia watched us confused before I turned to her,

"Mischief's an old friend of mine from high school! I thought I'd never see the goofball again!" Mischief let go and punched my shoulder playfully,

"I ain't that old Selene!" He joked. I giggled before another pair of arms wrapped around me, this time from behind. I looked at Moon confused as he hugged me tightly, seeming peeved as he glared at Mischief. I sighed and pat his head as Lydia watched him anxiously. Moon looked at her confused before looking away sadly,

"I'm... I'm sorry about... everything." He sighed. I gently stroked his fur as he purred and nuzzled me. I smiled warmly and looked at Lydia,

"He isn't as bad as you thought Lyds. He's really kind." I explained calmly, Moon resting his head on my shoulder. Mischief smiled,

"Wow Selene! Looks like you've gone and found yourself somebody new!" He giggled before crossing his arms and looking at me, waiting for me to admit it. I sighed and rolled my eyes,

"You were right Mischief. I'm sorry for not listening." I grumbled softly. He giggled before hugging Lydia,

"It's alright! Besides I found this little Persephone tied to a tree and rescued her! So it all worked out!" My eyes widened shocked at his words,

"Tied to a tree!?" I exclaimed, Moon letting me go. Lydia looked at me nervously as she blushed (cause of Mischief),

"It was Fajr!" My rage bubbled inside me as I glared at the ground, "H-He agreed to help me rescue you b-but... he wants to kill him instead and keep you to himself!" She pointed at Moon as we were both stunned. I was more pissed than anything as Moon crossed his arms and looked away nervously. I grabbed Moon and hugged him tightly as Lydia continued,

"A-And when I c-confronted him h-he... he revealed his... his..."

"His wild card. I already know about it Lydia." She looked at me surprised as I growled, "And I will murder Fajr." Moon looked at me shocked before grabbing my face and pulling it towards him, my cheeks dusted in blush as he squished them,

"Phoebe no. Bad Phoebe." He scolded like I was a little puppy. I giggled softly before holding his hands, Mischief humming softly,

"We do have time, though, to prepare." He explained, "They'll probably have to plan out an attack to catch you guys off guard. Therefore we have to work around it." I looked at Mischief as I lifted Moon up into my arms, causing him to squeak and blush,

"Then let's get planning."

The next few days were us spying on Fajr and the villagers with the mirror, listening as they discussed their plans of attack, and us figuring out counter strategies. Choco, Glitch, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Garderobe, and all the other objects of the castle joined us as we discussed who went where and what task they were assigned with. We also ate, obviously, as Moon was working nonstop to get his wings healed quickly so that he could get to action quicker. I watched him concerned as I didn't want him to push himself, but the pressing problem was high.

After a while of organizing the objects in their assigned places, and planning out our methods of attack, we were ready.

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