The Meeting

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from dune.

Y/n's POV:

 It had been thirty minuets, Camilla still hadn't come back and I was starting to worry. Had Paul had her fired or was I going to be fired or... and then the door swung open. It was Camilla she looked confused but happy. 

"What happened" I ask my voice still a little thick from crying

"Let's just say that the situation has been taken care of, we are both keeping our jobs and Paul defiantly regrets what he did"

"Okay, What the hell did you do?" I asked seriously concerned. 

"Nothing!" she said laughing slightly "We should both get some rest, there's a visiting party form Uresiga tomorrow and you and I have been asked to wait on the meetings and then the dinner afterwards."

"Fine, but I'm not dropping this, I know your hiding something" I said before grabbing my hairbrush and beginning to get ready for bed. 


The next day, I woke feeling significantly better than I had the night before but still not looking forward to seeing Paul again. I didn't want to see that anger in his eyes again. 

I quickly changed into my formal wear and walked into the corridor to see matron desperately trying to neaten Camilla's hair into a bun atop her head. Next to her stood Beth who was glaring at me as usual.  Today was going to be unbearable If I had to work with her we had hated each other since the day she arrived. I tried to push past my feelings and get on with the day. I fastened my hair into a neat not on the top of my head and prepared then stood in front of matron who had finally stopped fiddling with Camilla's hair.

"Alright girls, you need to be impeccable today Duke Lento is relying on us. You will treat our guests with the upmost respect and get them anything that they need. Do you understand?"

"Yes, matron" We chorused. 

"Good" she said "I will be down her helping prepare the food If I am required"

We all bowed our heads to show our understanding and hurried upstairs to take our places in the welcoming chamber.


When we reached the chamber the majority of the house had already assembled, Paul was standing on Duke Lento's right side and  Lady Jessica, Paul's mother, was on his left. They were all facing forwards towards the great doors and non acknowledged our entrance. Duncan was standing next to a line of guards on one side and on the other was Gurney Halleck, Paul's other trainer.  It  wasn't a huge welcoming party but it was enough to show respect to the visitors. 

We stood for a minuet or two in absolute silence before the ship docked and maybe fifty  people poured out of it in an organised structure. The duke leading the group. They stopped just in front of Lento and the visiting Duke extended his hand.

"Duke Haraken," said Duke Lento as the two men shook hands "so good to finally see you again."

"Same to you Duke Lento"

"Shall we continue inside?" Asked Duke Lento and the visitor nodded his head. We cleared the way and allowed the Nobles to pass as Paul walked past he caught my eye and his lips rose in the shadow of a smile. Whatever had been bothering him yesterday seemed to have resolved itself, perhaps Camilla had been right and the problem really was solved. 


We stood around the grand table overseeing the meeting for three hours occasionally being asked to bring a new scroll or remove an old one. I was no longer really listening  to what they were saying. I checked my watch. It was twenty minuets until lunch was due to be served. I gestured to Camilla that we needed to go get it and she passed the message on to Beth.

All the way down to the kitchen Beth was bragging about how she had been so much better than us but Camilla and I just ignored her and chatted merrily to each other about  the proceedings of the morning and about the leftovers that we would probably receive for dinner tonight.


When we returned to the table now carrying the food Paul was gone. We carefully placed  the food onto the table and stepped back. Jessica turned to the three of us and said "can one of you girls go and find Paul?"

"Y/n will do it" said Camilla instantly

"Um, yeah," I stuttered stumbling slightly over my words "I'll have him back as soon as possible"

With that I turned away and walked into the corridor looking for Paul. 

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