Good Morning

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from dune

Y/n's POV:

I awoke feeling light as a feather and glided around getting prepared for the day, only truly recognizing what I was doing when I found my self knocking on Paul's door.  I was invited in walked over to the bedside table and placed down the tray and poured his drink as per usual before turning to him with a cocky smile on my face. 

He was shirtless again but I attempted to ignore this as I looked straight into his blue-grey eyes and said "Do you need anything else sir?" 

A small noise escaped his mouth on the last word. "Sir?" I questioned and he made a slightly louder noise. 

"You shouldn't call me that" he said in a husky voice. 

I grinned then feigning confusion I asked "And why's that Sir?"

"Come here now" he said he sounded ravenous 

"with pleasure, Sir"

On the last word he literally sprung  at me, wrapping his arms around me and seizing my lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue traced my lips and I allowed him entrance. The kiss was slow and loving but also showed his need and want, I loved it. He pulled away and began to to speak punctuating each work with kisses along my jaw and neck. "You. Should. Not. Tease. Me. Like. That." 

"W-why no-not?" I asked my breath hitching slightly. 

"Because," he said "then I won't be able to keep my fucking hands off of you" he murmured into my neck as he suckled on the soft skin there. 

"I don't see how that's a bad thing" I chuckled pushing him slightly away and tracing his abs with my fingers. "However I relay do need to get back to work so you may have to not be able to keep your hands of me some other time" I chuckled blowing him a kiss as I left the room.  

I heard a faint chuckle from the other side as I closed the door.


"You seem in a good mood today" commented Camilla when I reentered the kitchen humming. 

"I guess I am," I replied but Matron was within earshot so I decided to end the sentence with "I love baking days."   

It was by no means a lie even if it wasn't the complete truth. There was nothing in my life that I found more therapeutic than kneading bread or whipping up  Icing to elegantly top a cupcake. I tipped out the bread which I had set to rise before I had gone upstairs and began knocking it back  before continuing the conversation. 

"What are you doing today?" I asked Camilla 

"Gardening" she said "Then I have to stand around in another boring meeting, you know for all of the talk about our guests you'd think that we'd at least throw them a party but no, just meeting after meeting after..."

"Camilla Woods," It was Matron and she sounded furious " you keep your mouth in check young lady or you'll be spending a night in the basement" 

"Sorry Matron" said Camilla sounding truly apologetic, we all knew that spending a night in the basement was the worst punishment that Matron could give. I had had it only once before only a couple of months after I arrived, I had lost my temper and shouted at a visiting Nobel who had been insulting the serving body calling us surplice and inquiring as to why none of us had ever thought of getting a proper job. Shouting Back had not been worth it, I shivered slightly remembering that night. Never again was all I could hope, Never again. 

"Good," Matron said "now. If i'm not mistaken you have a garden to weed so go"

"Of course Matron" Said Camilla, bowing her head to her before she left the room. 

"And Y/n that bread won't bake itself get back to work" 

I simple nodded not wanting to anger her and swiftly returned to my work.


The rest of the day passed uneventfully. I baked three batches of pastries and two loafs of bread as well as some assorted macaroons. Camilla returned at mid-day and we took lunch break together chatting merrily before she dissipated off again to wait on the meeting in session above. 

I finished my tasks but still had about an hour until my shift officially ended so, having nothing better to do, I made my way over to Matron to ask if there was anything else I could assist with to fill some time. She pondered for a second before asking me to bring up a tray of biscuits and some juice to those in the meeting upstairs claiming that they must be famished. It hardly seemed likely to me having seen the lunch that had been sent up earlier but none the less I removed my flour coated apron dusting myself down to insure that nothing remained on my dress before putting together a plate of biscuits and transferring some juice into a pitcher. I placed the whole lot on a sturdy tray and headed upstairs. 

When I got to the meeting room it was reasonably quiet as some documents were passed around. I broke the silence "Juice and biscuits fresh from the kitchens, my Duke" 

"Thank you Y/n" said Duke Leto "I think we could all do with a break don't you?" He looked imploringly to the side and, following his eye line, my eyes met Paul's which seemed to have been boring into me for some time. 

"Oh, yes father" said Paul coming back to his seances "I'm parched" 

I gave a respectful smile to both of them as well as the Duke Haracan who was sitting at the opposite side of the table. Then I places the biscuits in the middle of the table and took up the pitcher pouring juice into each goblet around the table, when I leaned over to fill Paul's I heard him take the tiniest intake of breath. 

"Is that all sir?" I asked cursing my choice of words a second later as Paul's cheeks tinged slightly pink and he swallowed subtly. I hoped I was the only one who had noticed. 

"Yes, I believe so you may go" I bowed my head and curtsied before backing out of the room and returning to the servants Quarters more than ready for dinner.

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