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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from dune.

Authors note: thank you to anyone who is reading this I relay appreciate it as I have never done a story in this style before. 

Y/n's POV:

Weeks turned into months with Paul and I sneaking out as ,often as we could without drawing too much attention, to our secret haven behind the gap in the hedge usually just to relax with a book or kiss and cuddle on one particularly memorable occasion Paul had  brought down a small pick nick and we had sat there for hours eating and laughing, just able to forget about everything else. A bit too much, I had had the telling off of a lifetime apron returning after three hours of being unaccounted for in the middle of the day. 

I smiled slightly remembering "What are you smiling about?" asked Mia. I had debated telling Mia about Paul after all Camilla had known from the start after all but the less people knew the safer we both were. Still Mia was a close friend and I had complete trust in her. 

I steeled myself and said "Can you help me with a job please, get Camilla too" 

"Y/n it's late are you sure you can't just leave it to tommr oooooooh" I had raised my eyebrows indicating without words that I just needed a good excuse to leave.


About five minuets later I was trekking the now familiar path to Paul's room with my two friends. I had decided to bring Camilla too as despite being 'in the know' she had never relay seen me and Paul together. We can't flaunt our relationship and keeping it secret isn't as easy as it might seem.

"Where are we going?" asked Mia clearly confused as we entered the higher floors and passed the entrance to the garden. 

"Shh" whispered Camilla 

"You know what she's going to show us" 

"Yes, I think so so shut up" hissed Camilla not aggressively just sort of as a warning. We had just reached Paul's door. 

"What the hell are you..." I raised my hand and knocked. 

Her eyes seemed to grow to the size of dinner plates but I just gave her a comforting smile as the door slipped ajar.

"Hello?" said Paul

"Can we come in?" I asked He looked at me questioningly for a second then realized what I was doing and let me in. 

Once we were inside we dropped the act, I leaned back gently into Paul's chest and let out a small sigh and closed my eyes as I fully relaxed for the first time in about three days.

I opened my eyes to see Mia staring at me as if I had sprouted a second head.

"You and Him? Him and you? Your... what are you?" 

"Were dating" I said softly my eyes focused not on her but on Paul's beaming face, the I looked at her a sense of urgency coming into my voice"And you cant tell anyone else"

"Why did you tell me?" She asked 

"Because I trust you," I answered  "your my family, or the closest thing I have, both of you and Paul is one of the most important parts of my life, I couldn't hide him from you anymore.Plus" I said a note of merriment creeping into my voice "I now have one more person to cover for me!"

I heard Paul chuckle and squeezed his hand before turning to face him "I'm so sorry you can't tell your family"

"It's okay maybe one day, now in the meantime who wants to play a board game, It's called monopoly and we have never finished it but tonight could be the night" 

Paul set up then sat his legs slightly spread to allow me room to me to rest in between them he pressed a gentle kiss to my temple. Camilla pulled a face and said "seriously you two get a room" 

"We are in a room" I chuckled flipping onto my side and bringing Paul's lips to mine. The kiss was sensational his tongue gently  licking my lips and the taste of him filling my mouth.

"Ahem" We pulled apart to see both Mia and Camilla giggling

Mia said "Seriously guys"

"What you can't talk, you snogged Ben the first time you introduced him to us"

"Year, but I wasn't lying between his legs!"

"No, It's not like that it's just... comfortable" I stammered, both of them raised their eyebrows and I blushed 

"So, shall we play this game" asked Paul clearly trying to distract from our predicament. It worked!

We all nodded and began to play, after a short dispute as to who would use each piece. It was  bliss just laughing with the my friends and the man I loved, because I knew that now for curtain, I loved him. I would just have to find the right moment to say.


Paul won the Monopoly but I didn't mind the look on his face when he won made my heart swell with joy. we talked a little longer but eventually all knew it was time to go.

"Remember, if anyone asks we were in the library reading" I said to the girls

"and what was I doing?" asked Paul with a tiny smile highlighting his perfect lips. I pushed him slightly but he grabbed both my hands and clasped them in his. 

"We'll wait in the hall" said Camilla and her and Mia quietly left the room. Neither of us acknowledged them leaving but a few seconds after the door closed behind them his lips were on mine. The kiss was slow and gentle but not without passion, I poured myself into the kiss giving him everything I had signing into the kiss allowing his tongue to explore my mouth while my own tongue explored his tasting him, memorizing the feel of his mouth, his every moan and sigh and then we broke apart. 

"Bloody hell" gasped Paul, his breathing still irregular from the kiss and his cheeks tinged slightly pink. 

I couldn't help my self  I leaned in to his exposed neck and kissed his bobbing Adams apple then I turned my attention to his collar bone and began to gently bite and suck my way along it bringing long low moans of pleasure from his mouth. When I was done I stepped back. A small bruise had already started to form on. 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I gasped gently stroking over his collar bone.

"Don't be," he said, before adding "you should go your friends are probably wondering where you are"

"Shit, do you think they heard?" 

"you better go find out" he said laughing as he pushed me gently towards the door.

"I hate you" I muttered puling open the door.

"No you don't" he quipped cheerfully as he waved us goodbye before closing the door.

As soon as he left both of my friends burst out laughing "That sounded fun" Camilla just about pushed out the words before another fit of giggles hit her. 

"Shut up both of you" I said but I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and knew that my face was probably as bright red as the setting sun just visible outside the window. 

"Seriously though what the hell were you doing to him to get him to be that loud?" asked Mia

"Why, want to test it out on Ben?" I asked 

"No" she shot back quickly but she blushed slightly giving herself away.


When we returned to the servants quarters Matron stood in the middle of the kitchen string at us as if we were the grime on her shoes. 

"Where the hell have you lot been?" she asked furiously 

"In the library Matron" we chorused. She didn't look completely convinced but allowed us to pass and hurriedly prepare for lights out. Chatting all the wile about the books we had supposedly been reading in the library.

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