I love you

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from dune. 

Y/n's POV:

A few days later I was shocked by my list of tasks. There was only one thing, 'assist in training'. I was a trained acrobat and was proficient in many martial arts and fighting styles but still I couldn't understand why anyone would ask for a servants assistance to train. 

I showed the piece of paper to Camilla and she was as confused as I "Why didn't they ask Gurney Halleck or Duncan Idaho?" she asked 

"Don't know, maybe they wanted a different kind of input" I suggested "and I mean I'm not going to complain I love training and I've not had as much time as usual to do it lately due to, well you know what it's due to"

Camilla rolled her eyes at me before returning to her bowl of broth which she had picked out for breakfast. Mia walked in and sat down "looks like your going to have a fun day, Paul said you were training"

"Um, year, how does he know that?"

"Who did you think you were going to be training?" she asked laughing slightly "I mean who do we know that might have dropped a subtle hit that your a fucking amazing fighter just so that he could spend a bit more time with you?" she asked pulling a face like a gorilla trying to work a computer. 

"oh" I said, realization flooding over me

"and there I was thinking you were the smart one" said Mia causing me to punch her in the arm.

"ow" she said 

"What," I said "just practicing"

She rolled her eyes at me before saying in whisper "You should go and get changed, into your fighting gear now, wouldn't want to be late for your make out, I mean, training session with Paul" her voice dripped with sarcasm on the last words but I pretended not to notice and, only stopping to wash my bowl before I left the room to change. 


My fighting gear was composed of some black skin tight trousers with a weapons belt containing two knives and a set of small pins and other useful items. On the top I stuck on a matching black sports bra and a mustard yellow shirt that fit loosely around my form I also put on some leather pads on my forearms and of course strapped my shield generator to my hand. I was ready. I could have chosen more battle ready cloths but since it was a training session I had just gone for something flexible and versatile.

I walked back into the main room of the maid's  quarters and was instantly met with stares normally I trained late at night and very few of the girls had seen me  in my gear. It made me grateful that I hadn't gone for full kit, that would be a shock for another day. 

"What are you planing to do in that?"sneered Beth" Oh, sorry I forgot, You got called to loose a fight so that training could be easy today" Alisha laughed maliciously at her comment but I just smiled.

"Yes, I was called to help training, so maybe that might be because before I came here I trained in fighting and defense."

"Oh year? Well if your so good why didn't you become part of the guard?"

"Because the best don't choose to bear arms they are summoned" I said head healed high. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Alisha 

"It means that if anything ever goes wrong then I will be able to defend house Atradies but until then I don't see the point in spending my whole life training for a mission that may never come. I love my job" I finished and, seeming unable to retort they both walked off. 

"Bitches" Muttered Camilla as they walked away, I hadn't noticed her coming up behind me during the exchange. Then changing her tone of voice she said "You should go your going to be late" 

I nodded my head once and began to run up the steeping corridor to the upper floors and the training room today was going to be a good day. 


I reached the training room five minuets early but entered anyway since the lights were already on. Paul was standing in the middle of the room attacking a manikin. I coughed lightly making him aware of my presence and he stopped turning around to see who was there. I smiled and he smiled back. 

"You know what" he said in deep low tones "you have a lot to answer for young lady" as he spoke he pulled down his shirt to reveal a small procession of bruises running the length of his collar bone.

"Opps" I said barely concealing a giggle

"Yes, opps" He said indignantly, "do you know how hard it is to hide these bloody things"

"You weren't complaining when I made those marks" I said a smile unfurling on my face

"and you won't be complaining when I make some on you" he returned before stepping closer to me and beginning to nuzzle into the crook of my neck, pulling back the thick bra strap so that the mark could be hidden later. Electricity shot through my body at the point of contact and moans escaped my lips. 

"Please. Paul. Don't stop." words tumbled out my mouth with no particular form I just knew that I needed him and never wanted him to stop. He nuzzled closer a second longer and then pulled away. replacing the strap to the original position. 

"There" he said an animalistic note coming into his voice "mine"

I laughed at him and booped his nose. "I love you" the words just slipped out of my mouth and hung in the air. 

Then Paul spoke "I love you too"

There was a moment of complete science and then our lips came together simultaneously like two halves becoming whole. The kiss was soft and gentle, the slow movement of it filled me up inside. I relaxed completely into his arms as I pulled away. Whispering "I love you, so much" into his chest. 

Then a voice spoke from behind us "I'm afraid to say that the rest of training may not be quite so interesting for the pair of you"

"Shit" said Paul looking up as I turned around.

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