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Disclaimer: I don't own dune.

Y/n's POV: 

Pain, Pain was all I could feel, it was like my whole body was squeezing and contracting down towards my uterus and I swear this child was the size of a small elephant. I yelled out and squeezed Paul's hand, he winced and as he did the contraction finished. "that hurt so much" I gasped.

"I can tell, you nearly broke my hand" He chuckled rubbing the reddened joints. 

"Sorry" I whispered. 

"don't be, I'm positive that that hurt you a hell of a lot more than..." But he broke of due to another contraction sweeping through my body causing me to once again crush his fingers and scream out in anguish. 

Mia, who was staying for the delivery, winced slightly perhaps remembering the same pain that she had felt not so long ago. The contraction subsided and Paul  placed a butterfly kiss on my forehead despite the fact that by now i was drenched in sweat and in considerable pain. 

I had been in the delivery room for 6 hours and the mental and physical strain was starting to take effect on my body. The doctor had informed us that although he could provide pain medication it could be unwise due to my uncertain background. He had then muttered something which could have either been worried or insulting but at that point I was in to much pain to care much as it had been the turning point s the contractions got worse. 

Paul had not left my side through the whole process and I was sure that much like with Mia's delivery my friends would be waiting just outside the door after the doctor had asked them to give me room about ten minuets ago.

"Your doing so well baby" Paul whispered into my hair "your so brave and I'm so proud of you"

My contraction had stopped but the time in between them was getting closer and I knew  that out baby would be here soon and that that would make all of this pain and torment worth it. Mia had said ' it's like once you have the baby nothing else matters because it's the most precious thing in your life, I would jump in front of a bullet to save Lucas and I'm sure that you would do the same for your baby once she is born. Just remember how ever much pain you go threw it will be worth it'. Honestly the promise of severe pain had scared me but the hope at the end was what was keeping me going. 

The doctor walked over and checked the dilation of my cervix. He smiled at me "I think that your ready to start pushing, wait for your next contraction and then push"

I nodded and the doctor took the position at the end of my bed along with Mia waiting for my baby to come.  

Then the next contraction hit me and I furrowed down in a stubborn effort furrowing my brow and bracing my legs as I pushed with all my might as I felt a building pressure as if a cork had been lodged inside my and I was trying to force it out. 

It was excruciating. 

"Your doing so well baby" Paul said kissing me gently on the lips as my contraction subsided.

"That hurt like fuck" I gasped wincing at the pressure still building inside of me before another contraction hit me like a pipe to the chest causing me to scream piercingly  as inhuman pain coursed through my body like poison in flooding through my whole body as if every nerve in my body were convulsing in an awkward pattern. 

"Come on baby, you can do this" Paul continued trew a wince as I had once again grabbed his finger and I could feel his wedding ring digging into my hand as well as, I suspect, his. He was incredible to do this for me and I was held that he was by my side threw everything despite the fact, though I forgot it more and more there days, that I was by birth far below his social status. 

Many nobles would have fucked me and left me to have the baby on my own, but not him, I was so lucky that he fell in love with me.

"I love you" I whispered to him

"I know" he returned

Then another contraction hit me but this one was to be the last for as I pushed with all my might the sound of a baby balling filled the room. The sweet sound of my child's wailing filled my ears.   

There was a moment of too as the after birth passed then my child was lain on my chest. I felt my eyes begin to tear. "She's so beautiful!" I gasped 

Paul gazed at out child "She's perfect, just like you" He said kissing my head then perching beside me on the bed and embracing out whole family in a hug "I love you both so much"

" I love you both so much too" I replied gazing down at our baby, eyes still closed, perfect. "can our friends come and meet her" I asked 

"Of course, but who should I tell them they are meeting" 

I glanced at Paul then spoke the name we had agreed on "Izzy Jessica Atreides" I said smiling.

Yeuh walked over to the door and I heard him say " please come in, someone would like to meet you" 

I walked in to see Camilla and Duncan crying whilst grinning. "Wow, your all grown up" said Camilla "Your not that little servant girl I met all those years ago, you are so much more brave and strong and powerful but you heald on to who you are, your the best friend I could ever ask for and you are going to be the joint best mum in the world" 

"Joint?" asked Mary

"Yep, with Mia" Said Camilla and we chuckled.

I glanced over at Paul and Duncan.

"Well done mate" Said Duncan hugging him and slapping him on the back. 


Were not a conventional family, we have servants and warriors and nobles as mums and dads and aunts and uncles but you know what, I think were going to be okay. Cause it worked out so far didn't it. 

This is the last chapter of the story however I am posting an epilogue witch should come up in a week or so as I have a hiking week, lots of training. Hope you loved this book as much as I loved writing it and I will post the final installment a week from now.

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