Part 6

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"Okay." Rocket said and turned to look at us. "Who here hasn't been to space?"

Nat, Steve, Rhodey and I put our hands up.

"Why?" Rhodey whispered in fear to Thor.

Carol chuckled, "You better not throw up on my ship." Rocket said.

"Approaching jump in three..." I held the chair hard, "Two..." Steve reached for my hand, "One." The ship started moving really fast into a purple light.

When we stopped I felt really sick, and I closed my eyes. "You're okay?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." I said quietly. "Yeah I'm fine."

Carol went out of the spaceship, "I'll head down for recon." She said.

Steve got out of his chair and looked down on something.

Nat looked back at me, "Soph, you don't look good."

"I'm fine!" I said. "I'm fine..."

"This is gonna work, Steve." Nat said.

"I know it will." He said, "Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

Carol came back, "No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defenses of any kind. It's just him."

"And that's enough." Nebula said.

Me, Rocket, Nat and Steve walked inside the shed, Carol, Rhodey and Banner holding Thanos. Thor cutting Thanos's hand.

Rocket rolled over Thanos's hand but it was empty. The stones were gone.

"Where are they?" Steve asked.

"Answer the question." Carol said.

"Where are they!" I yelled at him.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation."

"You murdered trillions!" Banner said and pushed Thanos backwards.

"You should be grateful." Banner punched him in the face.

"Where are the stones?" I asked with tears walking towards him

"Uh... Sophia..." he looked at me and smiled creepily and looked at Steve, "Does he know?"

I looked at him in realization and anger. 

"Where are the stones?" Nat asked again.

"Gone. Reduce to atoms."

"You used them two days ago!" Banner yelled at him.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am inevitable."

"We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying!" I said, crying.

"My father is many things." Nebula said. "A liar is not one of them."

I leaned my body on Steve in weakness.

"Ah... thank you, daughter." Thanos said. "Perhaps, I treated you too harshly."

Thor grunt in anger before he swing the hammer and ripped Thanos's head off.

"What did you do?" Rocket asked softly.

"I went for the head." Thor said and walked out.

I leaned more on Steve, crying.

That would be a no • Steve Rogers [6]Where stories live. Discover now