Chapter 13

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A month had passed by and Zhan's life was getting better as a model and ambassador but considering his private life, one could say that he has no more privacy at all which means everywhere he goes, there would be fans following him and even come near him to have a picture with him and Zhan who was a good man gladly obliged and took pictures with them but sometimes, life was not easy for him. Every day, Zhan would get some minor bruises due to his fans pushing him or engaging in physical contact and we all know that Zhan's skin is sensitive to things.

"I told you to have a bodyguard beside you so that this will not happen," Wen Qing scolded Zhan weeks before but Zhan just replied, "I'll be fine," was what he said and assured Wen Qing.

Days passed, more and more fans just came to Zhan and someone even came to his office at the gallery and threatened him!

Even Jiang Cheng screamed at the girl who went into Zhan's office. "Can't you give the person some private moment!" was what he screamed and that made the girl run away and never showed his face again. When Yanli knew this she was beyond angry for what the girl did to her A-Zhan.

She even made an agreement with the director of the gallery to strengthen the gallery's security and the director gladly gave permission to her request because of the gallery's improvement to the public.

Back to the present, Zhan took a day off and sat on his sofa spending his time with Wei and giving him cuddles. Minutes passed, Zhan became bored and an idea popped into his mind, "Little Wei, let's go outside," and as if the bunny understood him, it reacted to his words.

"Then let's go!" exclaimed Zhan as he exited his apartment with Wei in his arms.


Zhan clasped his hat tightly and covered his eyes so that someone won't recognize him, which is what he thought but considering his height, someone can recognize him right away that is if they encountered Zhan with no accessories covering his face.

He was holding Wei's leash and Wei jumped up and hopped faster and made Zhan run too. "Ugh, little bunny! Slow down will you," Zhan scolded Wei but had no avail. "Weiiii," Zhan exclaimed as Wei pulled him in God knows where.


Zhan sighed in relief when Wei stopped hopping and calmed down. Zhan stared at the scenery and was mesmerized by the view, he never knew that this area existed in the park.

"Wow," was the only word that got out of his mouth. The scenery was filled with lots of flowers of different kinds and it gave off aesthetic vibes to Zhan. "I should've brought my camera," Zhan said. How he wished he grabbed his camera before going out and capturing this magnificent scene.

Zhan stared at the scenery when Wei suddenly hopped and pulled Zhan, "oie, Wei stop hopping, it's tiring and you're too—" Zhan didn't finish his nagging to the bunny when he saw another bunny!

'A white one,'

He was about to go near it when Wei struggled to get out of his leash and Zhan let him, after all, Wei has the right to meet his own kind.

When Wei was released, the bunny excitedly hopped towards the white bunny. He hopped around in Hope's to get noticed but the white bunny just sat there and did not even move. It was like the white bunny was staring at Xiao Zhan's soul. Though it made Zhan uncomfortable, he couldn't ignore the fact that he found it funny when Wei did his best just for the white bunny to notice him.

'So cold,' Zhan thought while staring at the white bunny which reminded him of a certain someone. Just thinking about it made him chuckle.

"Ah just how amazing it is when that person actually has an animal that acts like him," Zhan said while staring at the two bunnies, one craving attention and one who's ignoring its surroundings.

He stood there for a minute and noticed that the white bunny is slowly moving and welcomed his little Wei into its comfort zone. When Wei excitedly hops, the white bunny also does the same thing but only with a little energy that made Zhan wonder if the bunny was sick.

Zhan sat on the ground and admired the bunnies playing when Wei came to him, followed by the white bunny. Wei snuggled into Zhan and the white bunny was staring at Zhan and also wants to be picked up, that was what Zhan thought but boy he was wrong. Instead, the bunny turned around and hopped away. Wei who was surprised jumped out of Zhan's arms and went to follow the white bunny while Zhan quickly stood up and walked to follow where his bunny went.

"Ahhh, there you two are," Zhan took a deep breath and looked around at the new surroundings and when he looked at the two bunnies, he noticed a figure under the tree.

It was a boy sleeping, covering his whole face with his cap and Zhan could hear his soft snores and his steady breathing. Zhan averted his gaze to the bunnies that stayed still beside Zhan who was looking at the sleeping man again.

Zhan went closer to the man's face because he was confident that he recognized this figure, after their meeting, the man's figure, voice and look was already pinned into Xiao Zhan's mind.

"Wah, he's sleeping so peacefully," Zhan remarked and that exact time, the wind blew and made the cap fall to the ground, exposing the man's bare face.

"I was right!" Zhan smiled at his guess and changed his gaze to both bunnies who was watching them intensely. "What are you two looking at?" asked Zhan and the two came closer to Zhan as if asking to be pet. When Zhan was done petting Wei, he turned his gaze to the white bunny who just stayed still. He wanted to pet him too but his stare just tells him to keep his hands to himself. Nevertheless, Zhan picked up the white rabbit and to his surprise, it didn't reject him at all.

The first thing Zhan did to the bunny was checking its genital area. "You're a male?" Zhan asked the bunny loudly and immediately shut his mouth but the bunny just stared at him. Zhan then looked at his own bunny and was about to react but chose did not to as he didn't want to wake up the sleeping man. But it was already too late.

"Why is it so noisy?" mumbled the man who was rubbing his eyes and looked at where the noise was coming from.

"Ugh, did people find me already?" he mumbled once again making Zhan freeze at his position.

"Ahhh stay away from me," said the man while Zhan's eyes went wide when he saw Wei lick the man's hand.

"Wei!" Zhan whisper-shouted but the bunny didn't listen. "Ah, really," the man complained and stretched out his arms and opened his eyes, and when he looked at the figure whom he thought was a stranger, his eyes went wide...

..."Xiao Zhan?!"

And Xiao Zhan just smiled and waved at the man who was shocked.


[Sorry guys, I did not update yesterday because I was tired from answering my school works, anyways, here's the chapter! Hope you all enjoy it!]

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