Chapter 23

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Morning finally came and what Zhan did first was to check on Yibo if his 'cold' went down he was thankful that he wasn't showing symptoms yesterday such as severely red and he could hear his heartbeat even from a distance.

"Thank God, he finally recovered from his cold, who knows how hard it is to hide it from everyone," Zhan mumbled then looked at Yibo who was peacefully sleeping and soft snore could be heard and Zhan chuckled at the sight. He took his towel from his bag and spared Yibo one more glance before going to the bathroom.

After showering, he changed his clothes into comfy ones before going downstairs to look at what the other three are doing.

He then saw Haoxuan and Jiyang sitting together while Ji Li is setting up the table. "You all should've woken me up, I could've cooked you all breakfast," Zhan pouted and Ji Li came near him and just patted his shoulder.

"You can always cook us dinner," said Ji Li joking but Zhan took it seriously. "That's alright," Zhan's reply made the three widen their eyes. They never thought that Zhan would take this matter seriously.

"Haha, Zhan there's no need for you to—" Ji Li was cut off when suddenly a figure was seen from the stairs.

"Yibo!" Zhan greeted the younger that was still rubbing his eyes. "Morning Zhan-ge," Yibo greeted casually, forgetting the three that was looking at him, waiting for him to also greet them.

"What do you want? Are you now alright? Where does it hurt?" Zhan asked continuously leaving Yibo to just listen to his questions and not answer them. He just answered Xiao Zhan when he calmed and sat down beside him.

"I'm fine now, there's no need for you to worry about me. I'm not a kid anymore," rambled Yibo while Zhan just laughed it off until he noticed that the house was too quiet. He looked at the three sitting on the opposite side of them and saw that they were just watching him and Yibo talking.

"Hey guys, why aren't you talking?" Zhan asked and Haoxuan answered truthfully. "Why? Because it seems like you two are the only humans living in this house."

"Yeah, Yibo didn't even greet us," followed Ji Li while Jiyang just sat there, quietly enjoying his coffee while the three were talking about this and that. Jiyang spared a look at Yibo that was stirring his coffee while seriously looking at Zhan that was bickering with his boyfriend and friend.

He then started to study Yibo's every move and in a span of 10 minutes he arrived at the conclusion. 'Yibo is in love with Xiao Zhan," is what his thoughts summarized into one sentence.

After eating breakfast, each one of them then received a text from the director, telling them that today is when the workshop starts. Their schedule changed, they will do their workshop for a span of one month and that's also the time where Zhan has to practice his acting. Not gonna lie, Xiao Zhan actually feels pressure from this but he still kept his positivity, after all, that's what his Jie told him before he left the Gallery.

"A-Zhan, we will not see you in months so I hope you will take care of yourself and also always remember to keep your positivity,"

"Yes, Jie!" Zhan saluted at Yanli before he hugged her tightly because he will not be able to see his friend in months.

Zhan is now in his and Yibo's shared room. He was thinking of something or tactics to make him feel his character more and more so he tried to connect with it to the point of not noticing Yibo coming in.

"Zhan-ge," Yibo called the older but Xiao Zhan seems to not be bothered about the younger calling him. So Yibo tried once again, louder this time, "Zhan-ge," still to no avail.

"Xiao Zhan!" he called and Zhan jolted from the bed and looked at Yibo who had his hands on his hips. "I was calling you since earlier. Just who are you thinking about that it makes you deaf huh?" Yibo asked with a hint of irritation in his voice. Well, he was not irritated but jealous. Since he realized that he liked Zhan, he became warier of the people around them and he gets jealous very easily.

"Ahahaha," Zhan laughed awkwardly and this made Yibo's eyes squint more.

"I was thinking about how to act," Zhan shyly said and this made Yibo smile and feel relief at the same time. He was relieved that Zhan was not thinking about someone at all.

"Oh, if that's your problem then I can help you," Yibo volunteered and this action made Zhan shocked.

'How can a well-known celebrity teach a newbie?'

He asked that question in his mind and continuously praised Yibo and contradicted what the media says about the younger. How Yibo is cold and would ignore people and should stare at them with his cold eyes. Though Zhan felt that Yibo was a cold person at first but he took it back when he saw that Yibo is actually a very warm person and even has a good personality.

During the past 2 hours, Yibo has been giving Xiao Zhan some tips on how to act and Zhan found this very helpful. He even bowed to Yibo who showed him the proper way but Yibo just made fun of Xiao Zhan for bowing at someone who's younger than him.

"Who cares, you deserve it though..." said Zhan and Yibo were shaking at Zhan's words. Even though it was just simple words with no hidden meanings, Yibo found it special and promised himself that he'll never forget it.

"...Lao Wang," Yibo stopped and stared at Xiao Zhan who was smiling sheepishly. Even though Yibo was remaining cool on the outside, the inside him was screaming and was happy at Zhan's pet name for him. If Zhan was not at his front right now, he would take the chance to shout and roll at the ground just to express how happy he is right now.

"Stop it," his voice trembled. He doesn't want Xiao Zhan to see 'that's the side of him so tried to maintain his cool posture and left the room with Xiao Zhan still inside it.

"Aiya, how can that child be so cold towards his student," Zhan pouted before going outside, following Yibo that was already inside the van.

After Zhan locked the house, he went inside the van and saw the four of them on it. "We'll be going together?" asked Zhan and the three nodded except Yibo who was trying to hide his beet-red face. Jiyang, who saw Yibo's actions just smirked and when Haoxuan noticed his smirk, he asked his lover why he smirked but Jiyang kept it inside him since he didn't want Yibo to get in trouble.

When they arrived at the workshop, they were greeted by Director Xiu that was smiling at them. They greeted the Director back and immediately got into the business. Xiu Shang gave them a description of their roles and Haoxuan complained about his.

"Why do I have to be the villain?" Haoxuan pouted and Jiyang, being the sweet lover that he is, comforted Haoxuan by hugging him.

"It's because of you face ge, you do actually look like a villain," Yibo said and Zhan, Ji Li and Jiyang laughed som much while Haoxuan just gave him a frown.

"I do not love you anymore Yibo," Haoxuan pouted and Yibo, with a slip of a tongue, accidentally spilt something, "don't, I don't have time for your love since I want to pursue someone to become mine,"

Zhan's ears became alert when he heard what Yibo just said. "What? What? Do you have someone? You—" Zhan was not able to finish his sentence because he squealed in excitement. Finally! His younger friend had now someone he wants to become his!

"Ohhh, tell me Yibo," Zhan poked Yibo in his arm. "N-Nothing," Yibo scolded himself.

'Why did I have to say that?!'

"Come on Yibo, tell this gege so that he'll help you to pursue this someone!" pleaded Zhan but was ignored by Yibo.

'I feel sorry for you Yibo but it is you who brought this to yourself,' said Jiyang in his mind while eyeing Yibo who was avoiding Xiao Zhan's questions and Xiao Zhan who keeps asking Yibo who his special someone is.

And that is how their workshop and shooting began...



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