Chapter 16

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Yibo was at the dressing room, getting his make up ready and waiting for the director's cue so that they'll start to shoot for the interview. Even though Yibo was annoyed why the crew called him at this late hour when all he wants to do is lay flat on his bed but he tries to endure this, after all, he chose to enter this field and there's no coming back.

"Hah," Yibo sighed and his stylist clearly heard his sigh. "Yibo, what's wrong?" the stylist asked. "Oh, nothing Jie." Yibo called his stylist 'Jie' because he respected her both as a stylist and his elder. He was amazed at how his Jie could muster this kind of hectic schedule even though she has three kids to take care of back at her house. "Jie, you know that you can just leave because it's already getting late...and your kids," Yibo thought carefully and voiced his concern.

"Aiya, I know that you're uncomfortable with other stylists because they don't know your preferences in your makeup and besides, my kids can understand. After all, they're raised by me, an independent woman," his Jie said proudly while continuing her job.

Yibo smiled at his Jie while remembering her past. Qin, the name of Yibo's stylist is divorced from her husband because of that time when she caught her husband doing deeds that were inappropriate, in other words, cheating.

Yibo was there to witness his Jie's downfall and knowing how hard it is, he reached his hands and helped Qin to gain the custody of her 3 children and thankfully, they succeeded. With Yibo's help, Qin became indebted to the actor and pledged to help him whenever he needs her though Yibo doesn't want to bother her with all his problems and such, Qin still offered and the reason for that is 'it's the only way for me to repay you, consider me as your elder sister and tell me your problems, I'll aid you with all I know,'

"But Jie," Yibo whined slightly but was told to be quiet by Qin, "shush now, you're almost done," and with that statement, Yibo kept quiet and just let his Qin Jie do her work.


"Let's all welcome our guest for today, Wang Yibo!"

Yibo got the cue and walked onto the stage with his professional look.

"As always! Wang Yibo and his looks never fail to catch any girl's heart,"

Complimented the host and Yibo knew it to himself that it was just based on the script given to them. Yibo who was sticking to the script faced the camera and gave it his smile.

"Yibo, how was your day?"

And the interview continued like that, with the host asking how Yibo's day went and asks his preferences and things that's associated with his social life. He was thankful when the hosts did not ask about his private life because he wouldn't really like that.

The interview almost ended when the host decided to ask a question that was out of the script.

"Yibo, there were some rumours about you dating someone from the modelling world, is this true?"

But of course, Yibo was baffled about the question the host just asked him. 'Where the heck do they get these baseless rumours?' Yibo asked on his mind before handling the matter professionally.

"That is not true, right now I am currently enjoying my single life and is not interested to be in a relationship yet," said Yibo with his cold aura surrounding the shooting area.

"Aiya, so this really is the cold Wang Yibo. Know that Yibo is not yet interested in tying the knot with someone just yet, girls, let this be a reminder for you all, you'll be all old until Yibo finds someone tying down the knot."

And with that, The interview with the cold Wang Yibo, as they liked to call it, had ended.

Yibo was about to go out when one of the crew asked him if he already had his dinner and Yibo shook his head as a sign of no. The crew smiled and invited him to their dinner party as they would like to celebrate the accomplished shooting earlier.

Chen Qin looked at Yibo who kept silent and was about to tell the crew that Yibo is uncomfortable with people surrounding him when Yibo's phone suddenly rang, "Yibo, you take that," said Qin and Yibo nodded before heading out.

Qin looked at the crew and apologized in Yibo's place. "I'm really sorry but Yibo is uncomfortable with many people surrounding him so he'll have to deny your invitation."

Upon hearing this, the staff got mad at Chen Qin and raised his voice at the woman, "who are you to speak for the artist himself?! You're just a lowly stylist who obviously just wants money from their employer!"

Qin scoffed at what the staff just said, "so are you saying that you're not after the pay too? And that you're just doing this for free?"

The staff was speechless before talking back to her, "so you're admitting that you're doing this for money?"

Chen Qin was now getting irritated at the staff, "I mean who doesn't?! And besides, I don't treat my employer as a moneymaker, I treat him with respect and not backstab him with words! I'm not like you people who just wants to please their boss so that they can get a higher salary or climb at a higher position!" and with that burst of words, Chen Qing walked out.


Yibo who ran out from the scene picked up the call without reading the caller I.D.

"Are you busy Yibo?"

Yibo was a bit shocked by the voice from the other line. So he took his phone away from his ear and read the I.D. to confirm who it was before talking back.

"Uh, no, why?"
"Can you accompany me for a drink?"

Yibo was once again shocked by the other line before telling the answer.

"Okay, where are you right now Zhan-ge?"
"At the gallery,"

And without wasting any more time, Yibo walked out and immediately wore his cap and mask before getting himself a taxi.


Zhan on the other hand, waited for Yibo to come. He knew that Haoxuan would be busy with Jiyang and Cheng with his date and he can't bother his Jie anymore. He also can't call Wen Qing because he knew that she's probably buried with paperwork that's why he called Yibo. He doesn't also know why he picked Yibo to be his drinking buddy, it just naturally came to his mind.

He decided to wait at Yibo outside the gallery. While waiting he can't help but wonder how his two bunnies are doing at his apartment, alone. He was not worried if they would wreck his apartment but he was worried if they were feeling lonely. After thinking about it, he saw a stick in front of him and played with it, to drift his mind off the news he just heard earlier.

'Ah!' He screamed in his mind.

He threw the stick and noticed that a taxi stopped in front of him followed by a foot that stepped out from it and it stopped in front of him.

He was still looking down so he did not see who it was and even tried to shoo the person standing away.

"Go away, I'm waiting for someone,"

"But I'm now here..." a familiar voice greeted Xiao Zhan's ears and when he looked up, he saw a masked man with a cap almost covering his whole face but Xiao Zhan could still recognize him.

"...Zhan-ge," the man continued.



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