Part 16

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The stuff I find on the internet...


It was currently the next day at UA, and everyone was waiting for Aizawa and Haru to enter. They were in an extra large classroom for some reason, and all of 1A and 1B were there. They said that they were going to have some sort of 'Normal' school thing going on soon.

Everyone was talking amongst each other, but Katsuki was just in the corner fuming in anger since his right hand was still broken during Hero Training, and his feet were kind of numb.

What exactly happened? Let's go back a few days before now, and something else that happened afterwards...


It was the day after 1A's hero training and Kuroshi and Setsuna's Da- I mean, friendly hangout, and 3 days and 2 nights before Kaisel infiltrated the Yagi's, Kaji's, and the enemies' meeting.

Class 1B was doing their Hero training with both Novabolt and All For One.

Apparently, since 1B had an odd number of 27 students, it was either one team was a trio against a 4-person team, or a confident person went solo against a duo. Of course, being the cocky bastard he is, Katsuki went for the solo one.

His opponents were, unfortunately for him, Hikori and Nagisa.

Katsuki was on villain team, while the other 2 were on hero team.

They were in ground beta, and Katsuki hid the bomb in the middle of the city, out in the fucking open. Meanwhile Hikori and Nagisa were waiting for the timer to go down to zero. Good thing that the Audio got damaged from one of the last matches, so it's only the video being shown. If the Audio wasn't damaged, then everyone in the Observation room would've heard Nagisa and Hikori's conversation.

Nagisa: "Hey, sis, between you and me, you're way smarter. So, where do you think that guy's gonna hide the bomb?"

Hikori: "Probably out in the open. For all we know, he's way too confident that he'll beat us, that he doesn't even realize that he's outnumbered. I mean, yeah, a single person can beat the hell out of a group of people. But for this case, I doubt it. It depends on skill, willpower, brains, and a whole lot of power and guts to do so. As for Yagi, well... we both know what he's like."

Nagisa: "Sounds about right. So... how do you feel about him having a crush on you?"

Hikori: "Makes me wanna commit a murder. Why?"

Nagisa: "Heh, so you're a Mama's girl, eh?"

Hikori: "I mean, I do look like mom, but-"

Nagisa: "No no, I meant it more in a 'Like mother, like daughter' sort of thing."

Hikori: "Oh... but you're my Twin."

Nagisa: "Yeah, but I only got a bit of her personality passed on to me. You on the other hand, you're so open about wanting to commit a murder just because another person's got a crush on you, and claims that he'll take you away from our boyfriend. That sounds a bit... Yandere, don't you agree?"

Hikori: "...I guess? Well, I only act like that because of how annoying he is. Yagi is egotistical, atrocious, and one hell of an annoyance to everyone. And the fact that he has a crush on me, makes me think that he is trying to get in the way of our relationship. That pisses me off to the point I wanna commit multiple felonies."

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