Fives/Shut Up And Dance

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So I had this idea and no angst this time, yay. I mean there's a little bit but not that much, mostly fluff

(E/n) = Ex's name (for the story's sake)

Plot: You've been having a rough day and your friendly neighborhood ARC Trooper flirts with you to make you feel better

Song of Inspiration: WALK THE MOON - Shut Up And Dance

(I can't put the video with the image cause it'll glitch and delete itself ;-;)

You thanked the taxi driver as you paid him the amount of credits that were needed. You turned around and started to walk towards the bar with a crestfallen expression. Earlier that day, you found out that your boyfriend was cheating on you with your sister. You hoped to the Maker that something like this wouldn't happen but it did. You walked into 79s, the infamous clone bar, and made your way over to the bar counter. You sat on the first stool you spotted and the bartender walked over.

"Whiskey, please." You simply stated.

The bartender gave a nod and grabbed one of the bottles from behind him. He grabbed a shot glass and filled it with the alcohol you wanted then placed it in front of you. You mumbled a small thank you and gently picked up the glass. A few tears fell and you took a sip of your drink. As you set the glass down, one of the regular clone troopers that were there, sat next to you.

"Why's a pretty face like yours wearing a sad look for?" He swooned.

"I.... don't want to talk about it." You mumbled and took another sip of your drink.

"That's fine, but I think you would look a lot prettier if you smiled."

You looked over to him and smiled lightly, feeling a little better. You took in his features and saw that he was quite handsome. Perfect jawline, perfect tan skin, soft black hair. You wouldn't know, though, because you haven't felt it.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?" the trooper flirted.

You smiled a bit wider, stopping your tears. He saw this affect and continued.

"Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be fine print."

You smiled fully this time. Yet, he still persisted.

"Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?"

You laughed a little at the cute pick up line he said. If his current objective was to make you feel better, it's working. You decided to give him one of your own.

"Are you an electrician? Because you're definitely lighting up my night!" You laughed.

The clone smiled upon seeing and hearing you laugh. He didn't even know you and he made sure you were feeling better.

"That was pretty cute, just like you." He complimented and winked.

You slowly stopped your laughing and looked at him with a smile, blushing slightly.

"Thanks, I needed this." You said, not upset anymore.

"You're welcome, seeing a frown on your pretty face didn't suit you." the trooper said.

"Well, thank you again. My name is
(Y/n), what's yours?"

"My name is Fives, but you can call me anything you want."

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