Part 5

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Amy's POV 


"Hello? Niall? You're still alive?" Niall was looking like he could watch so far that he could see the other side of the world, so I was doing a bit crazy to get him to this world again

"Euhm.. What? Sorry I didn't hear you..."

"NIALL! I didn't even ask anything, you're funny!" Wait what? Did I just told him he's funny? Oh oh.. Maybe now he never wants to come with me..

"Owh, and thanks, you and Odette are an AMAZING team! You'll win the olymics really easy!" I started blushing like an idiot, and I saw now that my mom went to see the other horses, she was a trainer like Jacob too before everything.. So she knew everything about every horse

"Thank you, and I don't think, I'll probably be the youngest of all, so there's no change I win of all the older people with alot more experience!"

"Believe in yourself! And go, Jacob is waiting!"

"Okay okay!" With that I turned back to Jacob because he needed to explain me something.


Niall's POV 


Another stable boy came to stand next to me

"Hello, you're here for Amy?" The boy was as old as Amy I think

"Yes, you to?"

"No, I work and live here. My dad's the owner here, but a little bit I'm here to watch her but for me the horse is more important!"

"They're a perfect team!"

"Yes they are. 1 question; are you her boyfriend?"

"No, and my name is Niall."

"Ah the Niall of 1D right? I heard a lot about you from her! She can't stop talking about how amazing you are! And my name is John." we talked for a few more minutes till Amy came back because she was finished.

"So you allready met John! Easy for me, he's a really nice boy!"

"You like him?" I didn't want to say that but I did before I knew it..

"No EWWW! that's just EWWW! we're like brother and sister, I grew up with him! But EWWW no! I dont like him like that!" Wow, I was so happy with her saying that! Wait did I just said that? Ohoh... I wish I could tell someone that I like her... So not her or Emily

"It was just a question" I said laughing softly

"Okay! Let's go back to her stable and than I'll bring you home!" So like she said, we did everything for Oddy and then we looked for her mom and left to her house to drop of her mom and then went to my house.

"C'mon! I think the others have a little pool party!"

"But I dont have anything with me..."

"Mhh.. Danielle has clothes lying here, maybe you can use them." We went to the backyard and like I said there was a pool party!


Amy's POV 


Everyone was here: louis & Eleanor, liam & Danielle, Harry & Manon and Zayn & Angely

"Hey Danielle! Can you come here for a moment?"

"Owh, look who's finally have here!" Louis said when he saw us standing there.

"Okay! Why do you need me?" Danielle runned to us. Wow.. She is so beautiful!

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