Sequel x

660 34 13

10 years later



"What did you actually ment with dad going on vacation?"

"Why do you ask that now?"

"Look" He said and showed me his little phone opened on twitter and showing the trends



** flashback **

5 years ago


"Yes George?" I said while doing a few tears away.

"Why are you crying?" How can I explain a 5 year old that his dad and uncles died in a car crash? i can't just say it.. I just can't.

** Flashback in a flashback **

I was watching tv when the phone went off;

"With Amy Horan" I asked since it was an unknown number.

"Goodevening miss, are you the wife of Niall Horan?" a man asked

"Yes, why?"

"We're really sorry to tell you that your husband nd his 4 friends, died in a car crash this morning. We couldn't call you earlier because we needed to do a research for the right persons to call."

"Who are you? because if this is a sick joke I)"

"It isn't miss, I'm agent McKee. Could you come to the office tomorrow so we can -"He stoped talking when I broke down crying. He probably heard me crying. Why? Why did this needed to happen to them?

I know the 4 other friends are Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry because they're in London together now. i even reconised the name of the agent... I don't know from where but I do remember something about him.

I also needed to think about Danielle who is left alone now with 2 kids, a girl and a boy (a twin) and she's also pregnant right now. So she's alone now with 3 kids.

Eleanor is left alone with her daughter now..

Angely with their 2 sons and 1 daughter.

And Manon with 1 daughter.

I can't believe this. Why did this needed to happen to us, I just broke down and didn't even answer anymore on the phone.

Hours later I finally stopped crying. i looked to my phone and atleast the agent ended the call.

I looked at the clock and it was allready 6am. I've been crying since 11pm..


i woke up out of my flashback by george screaming



"Why are you crying?"


Daddy left on a vacation.. He would stay there for a long time.." I said

*** end of flashback ***

"Tell me please? Will he ever come back?"

"Daddy and the other boys, your uncles, died in a car crash.. They're on a vacation for ever in heaven. He won't come back.."



"I love you mummy"

"I love you too Georgey"



"Remember I'm always here for you.."

"i know, and i'm always here for you"

** 20 years later **

"Hey Mom!" George said when he walked inside the house with his little girl and wife.

"Hey son" I siaid. I knew I didn't had that much longer to life anymore so i wanted to say them goodbye before I would leave..

"How are you Amy?" Anne asked, anne and george married 5 years ago. 4 years ago their daughter Rose was born. She looks alot like niall....

"I'm good.. And you?" I lied

"good too!"

"Hello granny!"

"hello my little girl! How was school today?"

"it's sunday!"

"owh righ.."

"We gotta go.. We can't stay long. Rose has a ballet performance in a bit.." Anne said

"I stay here.." George said

"Okay, say bye to daddy and Amy and than we will go"

"Bye granny!!! i love you!" Rose said when she kissed my cheeck "Bye daddy!" She said and ran to the car

"bye Amy... You're an amazing woman, never forget that. I hope you'll always know how proud we are off you" seems like I'm not the best liar..

"Thank you Anne" I said and they left

"I'll always love you mom.. Say hi to daddy if you see him there.." was the last thing I heard before I went into an endless sleep, away from all the problems and back to my man.

Back to happiness


So this is the very last update of this story...

Read my other stories please!

THANK YOU FOR WAITING SO LONG! and I hope you like it

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