Part 7

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 I hope you all like it to! And thanks alot for the 80 reads and 5 votes <3 means alot to me


it was around 8pm and my mom & me were sitll waiting till my dad woul arrive. Niall leaved 20 minutes ago because he couldn't stay longer. and than I heard it. Someone knocking on the door, I looked to my mom and saw she heard it to. Would that be him? I tryed to walk normal to the door so my mom could follow me easy. and than I saw him.

"Emily? Amy?"

"Yes! Jack, it's us." he tryed to hug us but he sat in a weelchair.. than I didnt saw anything on the place of his legs. everything was much easier to understand now. but I didn't want to think about that tonight. I made his favourite food so I just wanted to enjoy this moment.

"I missed you Emily"

"I missed you to Jack, look how big our daughter is now. when you leaved she was just 5 and now. now she's allready a big girl."

"She is! You're beautiful Amy, just like your mom." idk but when I was younger i didnt know where he was so i hated him for leaving us. but now i can see how much he still loves mom, even after 15 years.

"Thank you dad! come in, i made lasagna! mom said you like it."

"mhhh.. It's long ago i ate good lasagna! and yes, I love it." We went to the kitchen and ated the lasagna in silent till my dad started asking me alot of questions;

"Do you have a boyfriend?" 

"No dad."


"She has, she just don't want to tell us, you can see the love when they talk." mom... always that funny mom..

"No! Niall isn't my boyfriend!"

"ow, so his name's Niall? i see"

"okay and now I wont say anything anymore, now we can ask you questions."

"okay! ask me whatever you want!"

"Why did you stayed away for so long when you allready knew who you were in 2008 and remembered mom on tv. Why?" my mom looked to me like she wanted to kill me but this was the question I was thinking about for so long.

"Because..." and than he stoped. he promised to answer so now he need to answer.

"you need to answer."

"I'll leave you 2 alone for a moment." my mom leaved the kitchen and went to the tv.


"Amy, maybe you wont understand it but... I couldn't.."

"you couldn't what?! you had a uniform with your name and countrie. everyone knew who you are. And you just stayed there for 15 years. Leaving us alone and not even calling. We thought you were DEAD!" i started screaming and crying at the same moment. "Don't you know what you did to us?! all I wanted was to see you again, and I needed to show on tv before you realised that! what if i never did?! would you stay there even longer? What if you never came back?! We didn't knew anything about you since you leaved! okay i was still young but i'm not anymore now! you missed everything here but still didn't come back? we thought you were Dead! i say DEAD! you couldn't just call saying you needed to stay there a bit longer?! if you just did that!" I still wasn't ended but i couldn't hold the tears anymore and stoped screaming. "We needed you dad, but you just leaved us.."

my dad didn't knew what to say anymore. so I just continued with this little sentence.

"I don't know anymore if i love you or not.. You leaved us without carying about us.. Maybe we don't carry about you anymore.. think about that.." with that i leaved the room. I saw my mom looking at me when I walked to my room, she heard everything i said and didn't thought i was wrong about anything. else she would be mad at me now, but i only saw some tears. I said what she was to afraid for to say.


"she said the truth Jack.. you just leaved us and only thought about yourself in america.."

"i'm sorry-"

"sorry isn't enough.. you really hurted Amy. And she was the only one that cared about me after you leaved and aunt May, but Jenny passed away a few months ago.. you wasn't here when we needed you the most. Amy needs to work everyday so we can keep the house. i can't work anymore. She kept me in life and you didn't even tryed to talk our see us. all she said was just the truth."

"I'm sorry.. i'll try to make everything good again, i promise."

"you can't anymore.. just give her time, that's the only thing that helps." after that i didnt heard anything anymore; it was to silent. even to silent for my mom. no tv. no crying. nothing just the sound of myself breathing.

that night i only had nightmares so I went downstairs to drink some milk. I wasn't alone there.

"amy, let me axplain what happened..." I didn't say anything so he accepted that as yes. ((((****the story is in 2016 maybe that axplains a bit more..****)))) "when I leaved here i went to military but I wasn't that good and got hit in my both legs, I was in come for 1 year and they thought I was dead, but after I woke up I didn't remember anything anymore. after 6 years I still didn't knew anything anymore, my friends neevr came to visit me and my uniform.. it was impossible to read from where and who i was, I didnt want someone would come to you and tell:'your dad died.' so i tryed to do that part away so my uniform was nothing worth. than it was 2008, I saw your mom on tv, yes I did remember her, I remembered I knew her from somewhere but i ddin't know why. I thought about it really long but than i had a second accident where i lost my legs completly. and again I lost everything. I forget about that I saw Emily there till 2 weeks ago. I only saw emily and dreamer there, just how i always helped her with trainings. but than i heard your name 'Amy wicklet' and I rembered everything again; you made me realise I lost my 2 girls. I missed you..." I was crying but a part of me says ' don't believe that man, he'll leave again soon and than you'll be as sad as in the beginning. all i did was go back to my room with my milk. I hope he understands that i need some space and time to put all of this right in my head. bt right now I didn't belieevd anything he said.

"Hello?" I didnt even realised I was calling Niall.


"Yes Amy, I hope you have a good reason because it's really early and you woke me up."

"My dad's home but i can't believe him. I screamed to him and walked away."

"What? And what did your mom do?"

"she said that every single word I said was right.." i started crying again. this was just to much to think about at the same moment.

"Don't cry babe, I'll come to you now to cheer you up. and than we can talk a bit."

"Bt my dad's here.."

"I dont care. so long I can make you happy, I don't care who there is, even not if it would be 1000000 screaming fans, I'll do everything for you."

"thank you;"

"I'll be right there." after 10 min I heard someone on the door,  ofcourse I first thought it was my dad..

"Go away dad!"

"Hey Amy, it's Nialler here. can I come in?" I runed to the door to open it, I did alot of things without i knew it like locking my door, .. when I saw him I hugged him and he hugged back. I was so happy to see him "I'm here for you"


thanks for reading!

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