Part 10

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"I won!!!!!!" I was really happy because this time I won!

"Congrats! This was such a great idea from you! and now there aern't any fans anymore."

"Owh, and about that thing yesterday from changing from life, I don't want to have yourlife anymore.. I understand now how hard this sometimes is for you."

"Finally! and euhm.. Can you help me of Dreamer? I almost can't move anymore.."


"thanks, so what will we do now? I think going back to the car isn't the best idea"

"no, we can go to my house, that's only 2 minutes away from the stables."

"sounds great" we walked back to the stables followed by the horses "so when will be the next time we go for an unexpected ride to get away from fans?"

"well if you would say where we are than it will be soon! But don't do that now, the horses are tired."

"no I won't, is there another way to get at your house without going to the stables?"

"mhh.. Idk if we clim over alot of fences of gardens there is but else I dont think"

"that's not a good idea.. We also just can stay here till we're sure they're away"

"sounds great" we laid down on the grass with the horses eating next to us, at some weird way they kept following us. "i always laid here when I was still young with my mom, we made a picknick here with some friends.. And than made a big waterballoon fight in the sumer or in the winter we played in the snow and trowhing snowballs to eachother.. I miss it when I was young and didn't had any problems."

"same.. When I was younger everything was so much better.. And it was the best before they told me that santa isnt real..."

"why would you care? I bet your life didn't changed that much exept the crazy fans.."

"i miss my home, my mom, dad and Greg.. I miss them. I miss Ireland."

"i understand.."

"Sometimes I just wish I never did the x factor so my life never would be changed.." i was laying on his chest with my head and he was playing with my hair. What he told me now let me realise a bit that I need to be happy with my life, I still have my family close to me.

"I'm sorry.."

"why? Why would you say sorry?"

"because I always say how bad my life is but I still have my family close to me"

"It's nothing Amy... I also like this life. Without the x factor I maybe never met you.." i think my face turned tomato red now

"i love you Nialler"

"i love you to" we just laid there looking to the sky and I think I felt asleep then because when I opened my eyes again the sky was black.. Bye bye beautiful blue sky.. "it's going to rain, we need to go to somewhere inside.."

"the stables are still quiet far away, wait.. Close your ears"


"just do it, DREAMER!!! ODDYYY!!" I screamed as loud as possible and ther they came running to us. My 2 lovely horses

"wow, they listen good!"

"they have a good trainer."

"okay let's go back it starts to be darker and darker" I helped Niall on Dreamer because he couldnt do it without help while I julped on Odette like ther was nothing wrong (Odette is alot bigger btw)

"first one at the stables can chose the movie!"

"okay, 3, 2, 1, GO!!!" we went so fast as possible, but I didnt want to win so I went a bit slower and tryed to believe I could fly like with jumping. I closed my eyes and tryed to think about.. Nothing. Till i heard a screaming voice "I WON!!! thistime I can chose the movie!" we put the horses back to their stables

"hey guys! How was the racing on the beach and in the wedge?" i heard John behind me and I was affraid to look because It's forbidden to ride without sadle at the beach..

"it was great, I won at the beach and in the wedge!" niall was happy about him winning 2 times with what I'm normally the best in.

"hey, I won the second time atthe beach! And John.. Please don't tell your dad or my mom..."

"ofcourse not! If you don't forget me and Star next time, your mom and my dad will never know that!"

"we wont forget you! It was so much fun! And I really liked it."

"for your first time it were really good jumps and it seemed like you allready did this for ages!"

"thank you! Well I think we'll go now it starts to rain.. Bye Dreamer! Come Amy before it starts to rain really hard"

"yes, bye John! I'll text you when we ride again!"

"okay! Bye guys!"


short chapter but I have to much homework and everything.. Sorry!

Hope you like it! Comment & vote pleaseeeeee!

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