Chapter 11: "Attack on the Death Mountain"

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Aleija was looking around to find out why Vah Rudania groaned. And she found her answer, Bokoblins and Lynel attacking death mountain. All of them being Silver. Oh no...

"No no no no NO. WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO. I DONT WANT TO DIE." Aleija started to Panik. "HAHAHA. Have you never seen the power from a divine beast. If not you will now." Daruk started to get his Divine beast moving. He's walking over the Bokoblins like they are some ants. Aleija looked only from there how strong Vah Rudania is. With his tale he threw stones at the enemies.

"For the Lynel I'm going to use all of Vah Rudanias power." Daruk said and his divine beast immediately reacted. Vah Rudania opened his 'mouth' out of it came a mechanic that looks like a laser. And a big blue laser came out of its mouth, it was destroying everything no Lynel or any other monster was left.

"Let's go to look at the city." Daruk said worried Aleija followed him as fast as she could, still little bit in shocked.

Don't underestimate us...

Aleija and Daruk are running through the battlefield trying to reach the city. There were a lot dead Bokoblins on the their way. She took a moment to look at all of the dead body's than she thought that, is this what the war done to us. "Are you coming?" Daruk stopped and looked at her. "Yes..."


They finally reached the village. Everything looked fine just some scratches. "Oh dear Champion what are we going to do." Aleija remembered the Goron who talked thats her classmate. She was kind of a nerd always learning and not that many friends. "Dont worry me and my teammate have everything under control." Daruk was clapping at her back and almost made her fell on the floor. "Hi...." Aleija didn't knew how to react since they knew each other. "your teammate?" The goron just looked at Aleija shocked. "uhmm i think we know each other..." Aleija just looked at him with a smile. "No i don't think so, i have no idea who you are." aleija said it with a little bit too much of sarcasm, so everyone could get that this was a lie and that they now each other.

Daruk looked at her confused and the other Goron's did too. "Well uhm... I should get going now, i need to visit the rito too." Aleija tried to break the weird silence. "HAHAHAHAHA" Daruk started laughed and said, that it is true and than he wanted to Escort her to the gate. Just like that Daruk and Aleija started walking. "thank you very much for showing me your divine beast", aleija said. Daruk answered: "Do not worry about it, it's our job and you weren't able to lood at it completely, because of the attack." Aleija just smiled at him and said, bye. "HAVE A GOOD TRIP" Daruk yelled after her.

After a long walk Aleija finally made it to her horse. She got on top of it and started thinking. How did Aleija liked Revali in past, she should have knew it. That chicken is an asshole. Now that she thinks about it Jessica and Revali would be a great couple. Aleija just smiled to herself without realizing where she was going...

After about 3 hours later she realized that she was in middle of the hyrul field and it was at night. "How did I end up here? ", Aleija asked herself. Aleija looked around and saw a old lady approaching her "Are you lost?" the old lady asked with a creepy smile on her face. Why are old lady's always so creepy "No I am fine thanks."Aleija saw Vah medo at the top of the sky she knew she has to follow him to find that rito."young love is always so exciting to watch." "we're not- huh?! " Aleija looked down to her again but she was not there anymore. "I need sleep." Aleija decided to search for the nearest horse stable and stay there over the night.



Sorry it was once again an short chapter. I am just a little stressed with school since our teachers likes to give us whole Novels as homework. I hope you guys can understand. Have great morning/day/night.

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