Chapter 15: Enemy's?

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Aleija immediately woke up sweat running down her spine. "Thank hylia, you are alive" she heard a familiar voice say. When she looked at the source of the voice she noticed that she was right. Revali was standing there looking at her with regret. "what... No how am i alive?" the last thing aleija remembers how she got deadly hit by that Lynn.

"well I found your body. I started to look for you because I felt bad." Aleija was shocked didn't that guy wanted her dead. "Wow and I thought you wanted to see me dead, like why else would you have left me there." she decided to confront the rito which feathers started to rise. "Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I want you dead. I was just..." Revali hesitated finishing that sentence.

"Just what oh dear rito" a third 'person' joined the conversation. "Oh dear Aleija I am really happy that your save may I ask what happened." Zack showed worry in his which made aleijas cheeks burn. "Mind you we are in a conversation. And where do you know her name from." Revali interrupted his rival Zack. "Stop being so rude to him. Im pretty fine how are you Zack." sayed Aleija biting back. "Im fine now seeing you so well. Revali your such a useless champion, they should have chosen me."

That sentence from zack made her think. These two are Rivals. The fact Zack treats her differently now then ealier when they met. Is Zack using Aleija to get back Revali. Those sentences he's bringing are too emotional to say. Or is she-"Aleija?" She heard revalis voice ask. "That's it get out of my house." Revali commanded towards Zack. "She needs rest and we need to talk about important champion topics GET OUT" His feathers started to rise again he must be really hating Zack. Zack stemmed like he wanted to say something but stopped in his tracks when revali glared at him.

When he was gone aleija only raised his eyebrow at him. "What" Revali questioned. "Are you really worried of me." this time revali gave her a questioning look. "I have no idea where that question came from but yes. If i knew that there was a golden Lynn I would have never left you on the mountain." revali answered her question. "YOU SHOULDN'T LEFT ME IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU-" Aleija got mad at him but decided not to be disrespectful.

Revali only furrowed his brows at her but decided to let that topic fall. "So was I the last champion you visited?" Aleija got mad and stood up with a huge pain and left. On her way she met Zack which she also ignored. From the corner in her eyes she only saw Zack smiling and rolling his eyes, and something inside of her knew exactly why. Without a second thought she got on her horse. And made her way to the Zoras. She wanted to see Alex desperately.

Looking around she saw stressed Postmans. Weird. After 10 mins of riding she saw many rito flying past her at the front revali. What? A rito suddenly stopped Infront of her. She didn't knew him. "Are you champion aleija?" "Yes?" aleija answered unsure.
"Hyrul is getting attacked, all the champions are needed." WHAT. Aleija isn't the best fighter but she is still a champion she needs to go and look what's happening.

Without a second thought she immediately made her way to hyrul. It took her a whole 20 mins reaching her destination. Inside the city she saw the Yigas attacking. She also saw a lot of Soldats from the Gerudo, Zoras, Gorons and Rito. Even some Sheikahs like impa fought. The Yigas were a lot less than the amount of Soldats fighting. That doesn't make sense. OR WAIT.


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