Chapter 13 "Story from The Mountain"

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It was cold... Snow everywhere. A lonely girl walking on top of a mountain. Maybe with a little bit of luck she would make it down. She already feels in every step that she was about to freeze. Some stupid boy gave her that faith. What has she ever done to be that punished.

"Dear Hylia... Please save... Save me. She wasn't able to talk anymore. How long did she walk that she wasn't able to talk anymore. Maybe multiple hours. She looked around with last power she had in her eyes. Infront of her was an beast. A golden Lynn. It saw her. She knew that would be her last moment.


Tw: gore
Don't read if your uncomfortable with it.


The beast saw her and started to Roar. That Roar was so load that it let an pain in her ear and pushed her from her feet. It took out his weapon and run to her. To cut through her body. He hit her. Blood coming out of the wound. She started to cough. It came back. She thought she will feel the next blade. But she didn't. The Lynn put one of his 'legs' on top of her. Because of that her air got even more less. Was he going to kill her like that. Before she knew he grabbed her while standing Infront of her. With a little bit of power he ripped one part of her body of. She was now in 2 parts. Organs falling out of her top part which the Lynn was holding. The snow around them was in a deep red. Organs lying around everywhere. On top of it a body which is parted in two.


Gore end.


She said something before her tragic death.

"Revenge will be mine."


"And that was the story from the cursed mountains." A old man was sitting with a child at a dining table. "That's not even true grandpa!" the girl said with her cheeks red.  "Did you know that the boy DISAPPEARED after her death." With the word disappeared he started to tickle her. The girl barely got to talk: "stop it gran gran." gran gran was an nickname she is calling her grandpa. The grandpa stopped and looked sternly at her.
"Aleija never go to that mountain."
"Yes grandpa!."


Well guess what. Aleija is now at those mountains. She knew that the ghost from the girl is not true. But she was worried about the Lynn tho. In this area a Lynn is living. And overall a golden one. If she gets down, she will definitely kill Revali, if she is making it out alive... Now she started to get scared. Her clothes where holding her warm and she still had some poisons. This would be no problem.

It's only a Lynn Aleija calm down. Maybe it doesn't exists. Or maybe It won't attack me. Didn't I hear that they won't attack if you don't own an weapon. That's trueee... Right...?

Aleija started to get anxious. What did she ever do to Revali to deserve this. All she wanted his to befriend him. I mean he was rude at beginning. But that's normal she is a Stanger to him. But this. She won't die here right. Aleija continued her walk through the thick stone. She knew in around 3h walking she would find an horse stable. If she would jump down she would probably end up near it. No one survives that jump tho.

Everybody would have gave up probably. But not she. Aleija gave her grandpa a promise. She will keep it. So she continued to walk and Walk and walk. Jumping down some non dangerous cliffs to create shortcuts.

Without realizing that someone is watching her to make sure she was save.

On her way down doing everything to advoid monsters she realized that she almost run into one. There was only 1 and half hours walking. She can't die here. But it would get impossible. Aleija sneaked behind a Rock. It didn't saw her, the Golden Lynn. She needs to find a way to sneak past it.

It wouldn't be that easy. She was a sheikah yes. Sheikah are known for that they are smart. Aleija was smart,... but also clumsy. There wasn't much expect thick snow. She would definitely leave a trail. Maybe that monster was smart enough to follow it. So she could lead it to the horse stable. There also wasn't another solution. Other than one.

The trails from the Lynn where extremely deep. She could hide inside them easily. Aleija had special shoes since she grew up in the mountains. It was her only way from escaping. The trails start near her rock and going like a Maze to another stone, which was to far away from her normally sneaking there.

She decided to stay with her plan and sneaked into a trail of his when he wasn't looking. Only then she realized how deep the snow actually. She was almost completely buried from snow when crouching. Aleija started to crouch in trails from the monster to the other stone. Staying away from it as far as possible. But rule number one her grandpa teached her. Monster are not predictable so never trust them.

This one also wasn't. Aleija had no idea what his idea was but. He started to jump around and 'play' in the snow. Aleija had problems not to get buried. Well without her realizing she jumped out of her hiding spot before getting buried alive. Well fun fact it saw her. It cried out load. Which Aleija almost threw her off her feet. She was kinda stuck since running deep trail of snow without owning time getting out of the snow again was hard.

Well it got out both of his weapons. A 2 handed sword something similars to daruks. And a shield. He hold his sword right next to him. Then put his arm in the sky and started get ready to take a swing. Running into Aleijas direction in a fast speed. Aleija at the other hand started to panic she tried to climb of the snow backwards. Obviously  failing at it...

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