Chapter 10

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Hi guys how was your spring break? Nothing ok that's fine but mine sucked but who cares. Let's get on with the story.

Also feel this emotion in this story it's gonna get tense at the end.

Niall's Pov-

"Ok when Lilac comes out those doors we interrogate her and we take her phone to delete the picture" Constantine said to me and Liam as we are outside of the school "is the plan actually going to work" I asked her nervously. She patted my shoulder "of course it will Ni." After twenty minutes of waiting we heard the door open and saw Lilac walking out.

"Hey Lilac we need to talk to you" I said approaching her, she turned around eyes widening "what are you doing here?" She asked me in a whisper "we know what you did Lilac and we want that picture" Liam said standing next to me. She tensed up at the mention of the picture "there is no picture" she said almost yelling "don't lie to us Lilac, I'm not going to allow you to ruin a relationship like you did with my life" Constantine said getting in her face.

Lilac looked at the ground and then behind her "look I am telling the truth I deleted that picture" she said but I saw her eyes get a bit teary "I never wanted to ruin peoples lives ok but I had no choice too but this time I'm not gonna do it. But please leave before something bad happens" she said turning around walking away then into a black car that was parked at the front.

I looked at Constantine then at Liam "what was that about" I asked "I do not know. let's just go home" when we arrived at my house I already smell food "hey mom, whatcha cooking" I asked her as I enter the kitchen "oh hey sweetie, just making some Shepard's pie your favorite" she gave me a warm smile. "hey Mrs. Horan how are you" Constantine said to her giving her a hug.

"Oh my dear how many times have I told you call me Maura" my mom said giving her a smile, she laughed "sorry Maura I sometimes forget" my mom shook her head fondly "were gonna be in the basement if you need us" I told her as she nodded. When we got down stairs we all sat down "so what are we gonna do about Lilac, she clearly lied to us about deleting that photo." I said to them.

"She was acting strange though, she looked at the black car like she was being watched or something" she said. I shrugged my shoulders "maybe but for now let's wait and see if my mom or dad do get that picture" I said to them changing the subject. She leaned back in the recliner she was sitting in "everything happened so fast" she said "what do you mean by that" I asked her she looked at me and Liam "ever since we met you opened up to me and told me that you like Liam, and after that party you guys are now dating it's sweet how things go by so fast" Liam wrapped his arm around me bringing me to his side. "And now you and Luke are dating as well" she giggled a bit "yeah I'm happy about that" she smiled, Liam leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips

For the past few days I kept asking my parents if they got a picture sent to them but they kept saying no they didn't, as days turned into weeks of asking they still said no, its been a month now and still no picture "maybe Lilac was telling the truth about deleting that picture" Constantine gave me a look "what makes you say that" "I kept asking my parents if a picture was sent to them but they kept saying no."

"Why would Lilac even delete that picture in the first place" Eleanor asked, I finally had the gut to tell Louis and Eleanor about what Lilac did. I shrugged my shoulders "I don't even know El" I looked around until a saw Sarah Miller walking towards us "what brings you here" Liam asked her a bit rudely "it's not about you Payne" she sneered at him, did they have a history or something.

"What brings you here Sarah" Louis asked her confusion on his face "oh right, I was wondering if you guys seen Lilac she hasn't been to school for two weeks" she asked hopeful "no sorry we haven't seen her" she nodded her head in understanding "it's ok" then she walked off. I turned to them "I thought Lilac never missed school for this long" Constantine said "maybe she's shopping getting some new clothes" Eleanor said making us laugh, but I don't know if that's for sure.

Lilac's Pov-

"I don't even know why I still kept you" he whispered harshly in my ear "I'm sorry" I whimpered out, I heard him chuckle "you know what I'm capable of doing to you right" he roughly grabbed my hair pulling it back forcing me to look into his eyes "sorry isn't gonna do you any better girl" tears were streaming down my face "I-I know but I couldn't do your dirty work anymore ok!" I yelled at him.

He glared down at me, him being taller than me "your a piece of shit you know that" he spat out as he walked over to a table grabbing something. He walked over to me with a evil grin on his face "Damian, wh-what are you do-doing" I stuttered in fear "oh don't worry Lilac I'll take good care of you" he said with that evil grin on his face. I looked what he was holding as my eyes widened "please don't d-do this" he shook his head.

He brought the knife to my shirt and started ripping it showing my bra, when he finished I was left in my bra and underwear "sometimes I wish I could just kill you right here but I can't get rid of a pretty face like yours" he said as he stroked my cheek with his free hand I flinched at the contact. He put the knife back on the table and walked back towards me "look at you, chained to a wall looking vulnerable, submissive and weak just for me."

Tears keep going down my cheeks "please let me go" he shook his head as he placed his hands on my cheeks pressing his body against me "not a chance" he pressed his lips against mine forcing his tongue into my mouth, tasting alcohol on his tongue makes me want to throw up. He bit my bottom lip pulling it with him "now let's have some fun" he said smirking when he started to unbuckle his belt and slip off my underwear.

-Skipping Rape Scene-

He zipped up his jeans "Josh" he yelled, a boy with brown hair came out "yes Damian" he asked "get her some clothes and take her back to her house" he said to him walking out as Josh nodded his head. after I was dressed I was in a black car being driven to my house "why does your leader treat me like this" I asked him knowing what the answer already is "because if you break one of his rules you'll be punished but it seems you done it more than once" I shuddered at the thought of those punishments I've received.

He pulled up in front of my house "don't do anything stupid alright" I nodded my head getting out the car, when I was at the door the car sped off. I walk into the house happy that no one is home. I got to my room collapsing onto my bed as tears streamed down my face "why does this happen to me" I said to myself as I started to cry myself to sleep.

Whoa sorry about that guys but it's supposed to get a bit tense and in other chapters as well. I don't think you guys will like what's gonna happen in the next few chapters. I wonder how this story gotten all nice and happy to crazy and intense.

I do not like rape, I'm strongly against it, rape makes me sick to the stomach of why bad people do it to good people it's just wrong, so that's why I skipped it so you won't read it and I won't write it but if I did write it I would've thrown up by how disgusting and cruel it is, sometimes I think if that actually happened to someone I dearly love (my niece) oh someone is gonna regret messing with me (I'm actually serious, you will be afraid of me when I'm angry if you mess or even touch my niece). Sorry for freaking you guys out about that.

The picture at the top is Damian (aka Zac Efron). You will find out more about him in the next chapter *grins wickedly*

Next chapter will only be in Lilacs Pov only (there is a lot of Pov's in this story).

Bye you amazing and awesome people.

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