Chapter two

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Here it is

And the picture is Constantine so you guys know what she looks like and what she wears sometimes :D


Niall's Pov-

I decided to work on my other homework so I could kill some time till Constantine comes. After two hours of working on my homework I checked the time and it was already five, whoa time goes by so fast.

I heard the doorbell ring. So I ran downstairs and got to the door, I opened the door and saw Constantine standing there "come in" I said. she stepped inside as she closed the door behind her "lets go upstairs and do our project" "ok, you lead the way" I went upstairs with her following behind me. I opened my door (because he closed it when he got to the door) and let her in. I sat on my bed when she sat at the desk chair "what should we do first" I asked.

" how about I can ask you questions first and then you can ask me questions. is that alright with you" she said and I nodded "go right ahead, ask me anything you want to know about me" she looked at the ceiling then back down at me "how old are you" "17" she nodded her head in understanding (A/N Niall is younger and Liam is older in this story just so you guys know) "where are you from" "Ireland" she kept asking me asking questions about my family and other stuff before she asked me this "are you gay?" I looked down and nodded my head.

I looked back up and saw her smirking at me "i think I know who you like" she said her smirk getting bigger "who do you think it is" I asked shyly, she leaned forward "it's Liam Payne isn't it" as she said his name my face turned red. she chuckled "so you like the bad boy of the school" I waved my hand at her "ok enough questions about me, now I want to know about you " I asked her "ok Mr Horan ask me what you like to know."

What should I ask her *thinks* hmm "what do you like to do when your not at school" "I usually hang with my little sister, I like to take her to the park every day" I nodded "where are you from cause you don't sound British or Irish" I asked. "I'm from Ontario,Canada" she's Canadian "why do you wear clothes like that" I asked. she shrugged "I'm emo and and also outsast" my eyes widen "I'm sorry I shouldn't asked that question" "it's ok I don't really mind though, I'm used to it" she bit her lip nervously "is there anyone you like at school" I asked.

"Well there's one boy but I don't think he'll like me back" she looked at her feet "come on Cons I'm sure he'll like you back" she seemed surprised

By the nickname I gave but then she smiled "his name is Luke Hemming's" she said. wow "I have to get going but it was nice to know you Niall" I gave her a smile and she returned one back then she left. 'I wonder what tomorrow is gonna be like' I thought.

The next day-

I walked into class and saw louis smiling goofily on his phone, I guess he's texting Eleanor. I plopped next to my seat "whatcha doing" I asked he puts his phone away and looks at me "just texting El, so how was your project yesterday" he asked as he propped his elbow on the desk and put his face in his palm. I shrugged "it was good but I still need to know more about her" he nodded, he look at the back then back at me "someone's staring at you" he smirked. I turned around and saw Liam staring at me, he smirked at me then gave me a wink then turned back to his friend I felt my face heat up. I didn't even see him here.

I turned back around, Did he just wink at me, I looked back at Lou when he still has that stupid smirk on his face "wipe that smirk off your face" I grumbled" he just chuckled. everyone started piling in after the bell, I saw Constantine come in so I waved at her and she waved back. she sat behind me "hi" I said "hey" she said back. I turned around when Mrs Lopez came in "alright class I want you to get back with your partners from yesterday" everyone went to their partners, I turned around in my seat so it can be easier to talk to Constantine, I notice her hair is completely red except for one part that still has blonde in it "did you dye your hair" I asked. she nodded "yeah red is my favourite so I dyed it last night but kept blonde in it though."

I smiled "I like it,it looks good on you" she smiled "thanks Niall" "your welcome Cons" she laughed a bit "I'm surprised you gave me a nickname since we just met" I shrugged "your my friend so I like to give friends nicknames" she smiled at what I said. It was finally lunch and we decided to eat outside because it was a nice day out, we sat down at a tree "so Constantine how long have you been here for" Louis asked "hmm I guess since grade ten" she said to him. "Then how come we haven't seen you around" Eleanor asked "well you could say I'm an outcast of this school so no one really pays attention to me" I felt kinda bad for her that she had know one to hang with. "hey guys I see Liam and his gang. what do you think there doing" "who knows Lou they might be smoking weed or something" El answered.

"You know what" I look over at him "what Louis" he stood up and walked over to me "your gonna go to Liam Payne's party this weekend" my eyes widened "you know I can't do that, my parents will ground me for life" I stood up "Nialler calm down you need to let loose so your going to that party alright" I sighed and nodded knowing I can't win this argument "Niall Horan is going to his first party!!" Louis yelled but I covered his mouth before anyone hears him. People gave us strange looks but went back to what they we're doing."your gonna have the time if your life Nialler" Louis said to me.

I can't believe I agreed to go to the party.


Sorry if there's any mistakes in the story.

This chapter was Niall getting to know Constantine.

Next chapter is the party. has anyone seen 1D's music video steal my girl because I did and it was amaZayn.

Comment on what you like in this chapter.

Gonna work on chapter 3

Bye guys.

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