Chapter 7

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Ok I left you guys a cliff hanger last time which I'm sorry about that and also if you guys hate Justin Bieber I'm sorry about that too but I think he was the perfect character for this part of the story and he doesn't have blonde hair in this story only brown and he has those tattoos he has now in the present just so you guys know.

Now here is chapter 7 and it's also my favorite number.


Also that's what Luke looks like side-top picture in the story

-Constantine's Pov (short one)-

I can't stop thinking about last night, I can't believe my going to be stepbrother kissed me and I kissed him back god I'm so stupid I have a crush on Luke. I didn't go to class this morning today but I'm hanging in the tree outside of school "god I hate myself" I muttered "why do you hate yourself" I jumped at the unexpected voice "oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I look over and saw Luke climbing up the tree and sat next to me "so, why do you hate yourself" he asked "I don't really wanna talk about it" I muttered looking at my hands.

Out of nowhere I felt his arm wrapped around me "come on it can't be that bad" he asked, I looked up and saw concern in his eyes "ok please don't laugh alright" he nodded "why would I ever laugh" I took a deep breath "my father came yesterday and I met his fiancé and her son Christian my soon to be stepbrother, and um before going to bed he kissed me and I kissed him back" I bit my lip nervously "did you feel any sparks" he asked out of the blue.

I snapped my head to look at him "wh-what?" I asked confused "did you feel any sparks from that kiss" he repeated himself again "umm no I didn't why are you asking anyways?" He shrugged "so I can do this" "wha-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. he pulled away "did you feel anything from that?" he asked. That was unexpected but I did feel something "yes I did" I answered for him, he gave me a smile and leaned in to kiss me again.

-Niall's Pov-

Constantine hasn't shown up this morning and I'm worried what has happened to her and I'm not sure where she even is "babe stop worrying ok she must've slept in" Liam said trying to comfort me "I'm not sure Li maybe something happened to her" I kept blabbering as we went inside. I felt a nudge in my side "why did you do that for" I asked all he did was point ahead "oh something did happen to Constantine" I looked forward and saw Constantine with Liam's friend Luke; kissing.

"Whoa that escalated quickly" I said shocked "yeah I guess it did" he said smiling down at me. we walked over to them "hey guys" they broke apart when they heard us "oh hey Ni, Li, how's it going" she asked wiping her lips a bit "well I was looking for you but I guess you are good with Luke I believe" I smirked. she blushed and Luke cooed at her "shut up" she grumbled. she and Luke got off the tree "sorry I wasn't in class this morning" I shrugged it off "I'll let it go this time" she gave me a smile then walked away with Luke.

"I knew they'll be together someday but I didn't expect it sooner than later" "yeah but she seems happy about it" I said to him. he wrapped his arms around me "you're adorable you know that right" he said grinning, I couldn't help but blush at his comment. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. we made out for a bit but not realizing that someone taking a photo of us.

After the end of the day I was getting my stuff out my locker. the halls were nearly empty 'man those guys are fast' I thought surprised. I closed my locker but jumped when I saw Lilac there "jeez what are you trying to do kill me" I asked with a bit of anger in my voice "no but I want to make an offer to you" she gave me an evil grin "what kind of offer?" I asked confused, she stepped closer to me "I want you to go out with me or else" wait? What! She can't be serious.

"There is no way in hell I'm going out with you" I sneered my hands turning into fists "oh but you will. does your parents know you have a boyfriend" she said "n-no they don't" I stumbled on my words "well maybe if they see this picture I wonder what will change, what's it gonna be Niall" she purred out my name. my eyes widened their is no way she's going show that photo to my parents.

She walked closer to me a smirk appearing on her face "I'm sure your parents are gonna be shocked by seeing their sweet little Niall is dating bad boy Liam Payne" she got even closer to me "I told you both that you'll regret messing with me" this girl is evil pure evil I tell you. "so Niall what's your choice going to be" she asked me sweetly "I-I will-"

Boom... what is Niall going to say who knows find out in the next chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm getting very busy with rehearsals now so it's gonna be a bit hard to update.

I hate Lilac and I know you guys too but it's what her character supposed to be. it's gonna be a lot of drama in the next chapter.

And aww Constantine and Luke adorable. it will be in Niall's Pov only in next chapter.

Vote and comment.

Bye guys.

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