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That's right you see the title, this story ain't over yet people, their is more to come.

Also I am very disappointed on chapter fifteen, my dang picture didn't show up ugh I hate it when that happens *pouts*

I don't know what to call the title yet for the sequel so can you guys help give me ideas please.

Now this story is gonna have a lot of twists and turns in it but I don't know when I'll post it but it will happen.

I'm gonna apologize how this story turned out so I'm very very sorry I tried my best of my first Niam story and I failed I wanted it to be happy and fun but I guess my mind wanted something else.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story you can read it again if you want to.

Bye you guys and The Payne Twins chapter one will be up sooner or later I don't know as long as I'm not busy basically.

Bye you guys *waves* you'll be seeing the sequel in a long while though.

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