Chapter 6

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Ok on the last chapter was about Constantine and her past with a bit of her father on the last part, so this chapter will explain about what happened. you must be confused about why her father left but don't worry it will explain everything in this chapter.

Hope you enjoy :)

P.S. Please don't hate me :'(

Constantine's Pov-

I watched as mom opened the door to reveal my dad and his fiancée and her son who looks nineteen or twenty, they walked in and I closed the door for them. my mom showed them to the living room and they sat down as I came in and stood on the wall "Shannon" he smiled but when he looked at me cold "Constantine" he gritted out "father" I said the same way as he did.

"I'll like you guys to meet my fiancée Michelle and her son Christian" he smiled at her lovingly feeling my fists clench and unclench watching them makes me sick "ok I'll go get the supper ready, Constantine I want you to show Christian downstairs where he'll be staying then I'll call you guys up when dinners ready" she smiled then went into the kitchen with Michelle following her. Justin stood up and picking his suitcase up and following me down into the basement.

"Wow" I heard him mutter when he placed his suitcase down next to the bed I sat down on the couch and sat next to me "so tell me about yourself Constantine" he asked, I bit my lip to think "well I don't know where to start" he smirked "as long as I'm listening take your time" I couldn't help but blush "well my names Constantine Shane James, I'm seventeen years old-" he nodded his head for me to continue "um I have four awesome friends, I can sing and dance. I love to draw sometimes" "and when did you become emo?" He asked.

I didn't feel like answering but I know I have to get this off my chest "it was a year and a half ago. I thought everybody will be ok with it but I turned out I was wrong...I lost friends, gained bullies and my father never wanted to look at me anymore" I felt tears in my eyes, I felt an arm wrap around me "hey it's ok. is it alright if I ask why your father won't talk to you" I took a deep breath "yeah it's alright. it happened when he came back from his business trip."

-Year and a half ago-

I helped mom get dinner ready when dad comes back from his business trip "are you sure he'll like me like this mom" she gave me a warming smile "of course he will sweetheart, he loves no matter what you are" I smiled at her. after setting the table with food we heard a car pull up "he's here!" My mother said enthusiastically. The door opened and my dad came in "welcome home honey" my mother welcomed him with a sweet kiss.

I smiled at them, my dad turned and looked at me "what is that you're wearing" he asked "well uh you see is-" "is that why my daughter became a freak!" He spat out angrily "Marcus" my mother shouted. while dinner eating dinner it was quiet and awkward "how was your business trip honey" "it was good. when did you start wearing this" he asked me coldly "I like being like this dad, this is the real me" I said with a small smile which faded from his glare.

He stood up and left the dining room, I gazed at my plate "this isn't what I expected" I muttered "don't worry Constantine he'll come around" my mother reassured me. after helping mom with the dishes I went upstairs to my room but stopped when I saw my dad "I don't know why you have to be so mean to me" I asked him "does it look like I care" he said with venom is his voice "can you just expla-" I was cut off by a slap in the face, I slowly brought my hand to my stinging cheek as I felt tears in my eyes.

I look up at my father looking coldly at me "you will never be my daughter being this way and dress this way!" He sneered "don't you ever talk to me again, Constantine!" and walked downstairs then I heard the door slam. I slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest as I let the tears fall "how about we do- Constantine what happened" my mother asked as she saw me on the floor "he-he hates me, he said I'm n-not his daughter" I said between sobs. " Aww honey" she said. my mother comforted me the entire night. Then he came back home telling me it's all my fault for taking his little girl away.

-Memory Over-

I had tears falling down my face as I explained to Christian about what happened between me and my father "that's not a nice way to treat your daughter" he muttered and brought me into his arms "do you want to get your mind off that" he asked and I nodded "let's play a video game if you like." we decided to play A few games for a bit until my mom called us for supper "I guess it's time eat" he said as he paused the game.

Dinner wasn't awkward as I thought is would be but my father still sent me glare "so Christian you go to university in Washington" my mother said astonished "yes" he answered with a shrug 'hmm. it seems he doesn't like it there' I thought "what major are you in" she asked "well I'm studying for engineering" "wow fascinating" "so Constantine how's school" my father asked, I shrugged "its good, made new friends and one got the boy of his dreams" I said still remembering when Niall told me about his crush "did she ask him out or did he ask her out" he asked, I couldn't help but laugh "no my friend is a boy" I said.

"What!" My father said exasperated "your friend is gay" "yeah, is that a problem for you" I said getting frustrated. He was silent for a moment "that's interesting" it was silent after that, I went upstairs to my room "hey" I I turned around and saw Christian "oh hey" "you going to bed or something cause I thought we're going back to that game" he said walking towards me, I leaned against the wall "oh so you want me to kick your ass at a game" I smirked.

He laughs and strokes his chin to make it look sexy "your dad talked a lot about you" my smirk faltered "was it bad" I asked quietly turning my gaze to the floor. I felt a finger on my chin and made me look into Christians eyes "well yes but I don't care. I don't see a freak" "then what do you see" I asked, he leaned forward his warm breath on my lips "I see a very beautiful girl" he said, I couldn't help but blush.

"Your cute when you blush" he gave me a loving smile, then he started to lean in, is this right or not, he's my step brother who I just met a few hours ago. what if-! I was cut off from my thoughts when I felt his lips against my own, I just lost my first kiss to my step brother but what about Luke. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I'm gonna regret this.

What!! You didn't see that one coming, if any of you guys hate Justin Bieber I'm very sorry but I wanted him to be in this and I only like a few of his songs, I'm not a huge fan anymore but he's still good though. Also there's going to be a lot of drama and I mean a lot in this story so be ready. Niall's Pov will be in the next chapter.

I hope you loved it and don't get mad it's not real just all made from my mind.

Next chapter will be out in a while.

Bye guys.

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