Ex Yang x Injured MR "Do you regret us breaking up?"

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Same AU as last time Yang didn't lose her arm

White fang base (Y/N) POV

My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm the ex boyfriend of Yang Xiao Long we split up because I'm more of a shy bookworm type while she is a party animal who likes to fight.

Right now me and Yang are fighting a group of Rouge white fang members who left to continue Adam's violent message after Ghira Belladonna retook control of the white fang.

I punch one guy on the floor knocking him out but the last member of the group I'm fighting shoots me bringing my aura almost down to zero as I look over at Yang to see her progress.

When I look over I see Yang on the floor aura broken with a white fang member about to shoot her.

I quickly knock out the last member and use my little aura to use my semblence (Teleports user anywhere they can see but if used to much can cause migraines) to get infront of the bullet taking it to the chest shocking both the white fang member and Yang.

With the last of my energy I shoot the white fang member with my weapon (W/N).

As I start to fall over yang catches me and lays me on the ground in front of her reaching for her scroll to call the headmaster with one hand while trying to put pressure on my wound with the other one.

Ozpin over scroll-"What's the issue miss Xiao Long." Ozpin says in a semi worried tone.

Yang -"WE NEED MEDICAL HELP NOW!" Yang yells into the scroll desperately trying to put pressure on my wound.

Ozpin-"We have a Bullhead on Its way What's the medical issue." Ozpin says surprisingly calm.

Yang -"(Y/N) took a oumdamn bullet for me to the chest." Yang says slightly more calm but still panicked.

Ozpin-"Okay Yang listen closely you need to check if it hit anything vital. Where exactly is the bullet hole?"

(Small timeskip because I don't know anything about bullet wounds....)

Ozpin-"Okay miss Xiao Long it looks like it didn't hit anything vital I have to call the Bullhead and inform them of his injury so I have to hang up make sure he stays awake okay." Ozpin said calmly.

Ozpin then hung up as Yang tried talking to me.

Yang-"Hey there (N/N) cone on talk to me.....please say something." Yang said desperately trying to keep me awake.

(Y/N) -"Your hair is beautiful today." I said trying to lighten the mood.

Yang -"You always say that you idiot." Yang says crying and chuckling.

(Y/N) -"Do you regret us breaking up..." I said wanting to know incase I don't make it.

Yang-"Yes yes I do." Yang says still crying.

(Y/N) -"Do you want to get back together if I make it?" I said hopefully.

Yang -"I would love that." Yang says happily crying.

I slowly lean up to kiss her as our lips connect a can feel her smiling but I suddenly feel very sleepy Yang doesn't notice because her eyes are closed for the kiss.

I slowly drift into unconsciousness as Yang finnaly realizes what's happening she tries calling out to me but I don't hear what she's saying as I fall unconscious.

Yang pov

I slowly pull away from the kiss as I look at my love only to notice he's falling unconscious.

Yang -"NO STAY AWAKE! COME ON HONEY I JUST GOT YOU BACK I'M NOT LOSING YOU AGAIN!" I yell but it falls on deaf ears as he's already unconscious.

Before I know it his chest stops rising as I immediately start chest compressions.

About 30 seconds later I hear a Bullhead land and frantic footsteps.

Medic -"OUT OF THE WAY MISS!" A medic yells before grabbing his legs as another grabs his shoulders putting him on a gurney.

As we run back to the Bullhead I explain what happened in tears. As we enter the Bullhead one of the medics starts hooking him up to a ekg machine hearing the long beep just makes me cry harder. I finish my story as one of the medics brings out a defibrillator and tries to resuscitate
(Y/N) after 3 tries i finaly hear the steady beeping of the ekg machine meaning g the man I love is okay I start to cry happy tears thanking Oum.

Timeskip 4 days (Y/N) POV

I slowly start to open my eyes feeling some light pain in my chest. And a weight on my legs and stomach.

I look around seeing I'm in Beacons infirmary and I see a few of my friends sleeping around the room. Ruby is sleeping cuddling her girlfriend Weiss on a small couch,Blake is sleeping in a plastic chair with a book in her lap and Velvet is cuddled up on her "Friend" Coco's sleeping form both In an armchair.

I then remember the weight on my legs.
I look down and see Yang sleeping on me with tear stains on her cheeks.

I lightly poke Yangs cheek repeatedly.

Yang slowly opens and rubs her eyes.
We lock eyes as hers widen in happiness and disbelief as she starts crying and hugging me desperately hoping to not lose me again.

Yang-" Don't you dare do that again........ I can't lose you please don't go." She whispers desperately clinging to me.

(Y/N) -" So are we back together now?"
I say with a small smile and a wink.

Yang doesn't even respond she just pulls me into a kiss which I happily accept smiling as I do so.

Now I have a girlfriend again and an awesome scar to tell my kids about and it will be one hell of a story.

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