Cheater Mikasa x GN reader

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(As requested, this takes place in a present day AU)

Now, most people assume your relationship is perfect. The owner of the most popular cat cafe in town, and the town's most famous boxer. Mikasa is infamously protective, and while that can be overbearing, it leads most people to believe that there's no issues behind the scenes.

But actually, it's not all fun and sunshine, especially not after a night of "training", which Mikasa comes home from in the early morning. And that's how you ended up sitting in the passenger seat of a friend's car, watching through the tinted windows as Mikasa strides down the street.

Levi: "Where's she going? The gym's in the opposite direction." Levi questions, his hands firmly wrapped on the steering wheel. Hange leans toward you, staring out the window as Erwin sits in the passenger seat, scratching his chin in thought. You watch as Mikasa steps toward a hotel entrance, taking a deep breath before stepping inside, grabbing a key from the worker.

Levi puts the car in park, opening his door and stepping out, beckoning you to to the same. Erwin moves over to the driver's seat, nodding at Levi before starting the car, pulling it up and parking it across the street. Levi leads you into the building, slamming a wad of cash on the counter, demanding the room number of Mikasa.

Once the poor attendant hands over the room number, Levi whips around, storming into the elevator, holding it as you enter with him. Levi presses a button, fuming as the doors open, revealing a baren hallway. Levi steps forward, pressing his ear against the closest door, hearing some odd sounds from inside.

Levi: "You might want to stand back, be ready to run to the elevator." Levi mumbles, lifting his foot and smashing it into the door, sending it crashing to the floor. You peak your head in, tears falling at the sight. Mikasa is wearing nothing but her shorts, her lips pressed against another woman's neck. Mikasa brings her hands up, speaking quickly, her eyes widening.

Mikasa: "Please, don't tell them. I-I was going to stop, I will stop! Just, give me a chance to tell them myself, I'll find a way to make this up to them, but if you tell them, I-I...I'll lose that chance." Mikasa begs, quickly sliding on her t-shirt. The other girl leans up, her eyes widening as Mikasa speaks. The girl slaps Mikasa across the face, causing her to gasp in shock.

???: "You said you were single! Who's this poor darling you've been cheating on?!" The woman shouts, the voice vaguely familiar to you. You lean your head into the doorframe, Mikasa only not noticing you because Levi is taking her full attention. That's why you recognize her, it's an old coworker of yours, Pieck Finger.

Mikasa: "Please Levi, I love them! You can't take the chance of redemption aw-...(Y/n)?" Mikasa shouts, her eyes meeting yours as Levi scoffs. Mikasa slowly places a bare foot on the floor, her hand extending toward you, her lips quivering as she looks at your tear-stained face. Levi steps out of the room, whispering into your ear as Mikasa slowly stands up.

Levi: "To the elevator, now. I'll hold her off for a minute, the. I'll take the fire escape, Mikasa will take the stairs to the lobby, so take it down one floor, and meet me on the fire escape." Levi whispers, making your eyes flick toward the steel doors a short ways down the hall. Mikasa catches the subtle movement, her breathing quickening as she speaks.

Mikasa: "Baby, please, this was a mistake. You know I only love you!" Mikasa pleads, her feet smashing against the carpet as she walks toward you. You don't waste a moment, sprinting toward the elevator, poking the button and watching as the doors open. You glance back as you step inside, watching as Levi holds Mikasa to his chest, the taller girl writhing as she screams.

Mikasa: "LEVI! LET ME GO! BABY! STOP! COME BACK HERE! I CAN EXPLAIN!" Mikasa screams, one arm clawing at Levi's arms, while the other reaches toward you, her face glimmering with tears as she flails against the tight grip. Mikasa tears away from Levi, sprinting toward the elevator, her hand shooting toward you as she dives at the elevator.


Mikasa smashes into the doors, cursing to herself as she listens to the elevator descending. Mikasa groans, sprinting into the stairwell, bounding down the stairs toward the lobby. On your side of things, the elevator opens, revealing a normal hallway to you. You step out, pressing the lobby button as you exit, the doors closing behind you. The sound of frantic footsteps echoes from beyond the closed stairwell door, loud sobs following soon after.

You quickly walk over to a ajar door, entering into the sight of a maid cleaning a empty room. You s eak past the maid, slipping out the open window, making your way onto the fire escape. Levi drops down from the next level up, kicking the emergency ladder, sending it careening downward, smacking against the alleyway floor.

Levi climbs down, waving over Erwin, who pulls the car up to the alley entrance. Levi shops Erwin into the passenger seat, ushering you into the back, which Hange immediately takes as a sign to pull you into their chest, gently rub ing your back as Levi pulls the car away, zooming into the distance.


(Three years later)

You sit in your new cafe, the counter occupied by the new help you've hired. Levi and a new kid named Sasha work the counter, giving you time to relax, sitting at a table with a cup of tea, a book in your hand. Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front bell ringing, you glance to the side, quickly shoving your face into your book as the person entering catches your eye. Mikasa doesn't even walk up to the counter, instead, she instantly rushes over, sitting across from you, some soft words escaping her lips.

Mikasa: "I finally found where you moved to, I've been searching for your new cafe for almost three years, and you moved it to the square? Smart move disguising it as a pet store, but you can't outsmart me darling." Mikasa mumbles, watching as your face scrunches up, your eyes meeting hers. You speak calmly, placing your book on the table, sipping your tea gently.

(Y/n): "If you're looking for another chance, you're two years too late." You mumble, watching as her eyes widen. Mikasa's world is crumbling, and she's terrified that all of her work will be for nothing. Mikasa opens her mouth, reaching forward to grasp your hand tightly, only to have you roughly pull away from her, causing tears to well up in her eyes.

???: "Babe? What's taking you so lon-...M-Mikasa? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice shouts, causing Mikasa to quickly look up, her eyes widening as she meets the eyes of a nervous woman. Mikasa quickly stands up, looking between you and the new woman, stuttering out words as her body shakes.

Mikasa: "P-Pieck? You're d-dating Pieck?! I-I can't believe this. B-but I thought I could fix us! There has to be a way! Tell me what I can do!" Mikasa shouts, drawing the attention of Levi and Sasha, the former slipping off his apron, while the latter quickly darts into the back, a nervous look on her face.

(Y/n): "You really want forgiveness, leave me alone. Never speak to me again, never seek me out again, never come back to this cafe, and NEVER talk to my girlfriend again." You demand, watching as Mikasa tears up, placing a arm over her eyes, sobbing into it as she whips around, sprinting out of the cafe, her feet pounding against the floor.

Pieck leans down, trapping you in a hug, kissing your cheek as she whispers comforting words into your ear. Pieck sits across from you, ordering a pair of donuts from Levi, who reluctantly leaves you alone. Pieck grasps your hands lightly, smiling at you and leaning in, trapping you in a kiss.

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