Cheater Sayaka x Male reader (Part 1)

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Being the secret boyfriend of a famous pop idol meant quite a few things, no public PDA, no bragging to your friends, no dates unless the entire restaurant is reserved anonymously. But you still made it work! ...until today of course.

It was a normal day for most, but for was the day you were going to propose to the love of your life. You had both met at hopes peak, you were the Ultimate (Talent) and she was the Ultimate Pop sensation. But that was over 3 years ago! Graduation was just around the corner, and you are both already 19!

The ring in your pocket lightly shakes with every step, the large diamond on top will soon be gleaming on Sayaka's finger. It's after school, so she is supposed to be waiting for you in her that's where you walk to. The proposal slips from your lips quietly, the words psyching you up slightly. You grab the ring box from your pocket, gripping the doorknob with your other hand.

But the moment you open the door to the room in question, your proposal dies in your throat. Sayaka's pressed against a wall, a man you've never seen before is kissing her...and she's not fighting back.

Her eyes open, a look of...lust in them. A slight gasp escapes your throat as you watch the scene in front of you. Sayaka's eyes dart to you, immediately filling with a lot of emotions.






And absolute undeniable fear

She panics and shoves the man away, spewing excuses and apologies as she slowly steps toward the door. She notices as your foot slowly flicks toward the door as if you are getting ready to sprint away.

Sayaka: "W-wait! Please!" Sayaka shouts, her slow walk turning into a fall on Sprint as she runs toward you. Without a second thought, you're running in the opposite direction, Sayaka only a couple feet behind you.

Sayaka: "NO! COME BACK! PLEASE STOP! BABY!" Sayaka shouts, any thoughts of keeping your relationship a secret long gone. You turn the corner, noticing 2 people walking toward you, their faces very familiar.

(Y/n): "MONDO! TAKA! HEEEEEEELP!" You scream, 2 of your closest friends gazes locking onto you. Just as you dart past them, Mondo grabs Sayaka's arms, hilding her in place as you Sprint away. Taka walks over and wraps his arms around hers, locking them behind her back.

Sayaka: "BABE! STOP! MONDO, TAKA, LET ME GO!" Sayaka screams, her arms straining against Taka's grip. Your footsteps recede away, leaving her sobbing while struggling to get after you. Nothing but regret in her mind.


You eventually make it outside, only to find it pouring rain...and of course your supposed to walk home. With a sigh, you prepare yourself to brave the weather, but you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder.

???: "If you think you'll be able to make it home without falling ill, you're more dumb than I thought."

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