Cheater Yandere Midnight x Male reader

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Your body is frozen, your eyes wide in shock at the sight in front of you. Nemuri, your fiancé, is having sex with another man, only 2 weeks before the wedding. It was all in the video you were sent, it had been cut off with the man saying he was going to send this to you, which allowed you to see a look of horror cross Nemuri's face.

Nemuri: "NO! PLE-" Was all she could get out before the video cut, her hand darting toward the camera in a desperate lunge to preserve her relationship. This was sent 15 minutes ago, and you know that she could be here in 30, and that was from the city's outskirts. So, you did the only thing you could, you threw your stuff in a bag, tossed it out the first-floor window, and hid it in the bushes.

You grabbed the keys to your car, and pulled it into a nearby parking garage, hiding it from view. And you waited, sitting in a chair in the corner. You were prepared, your light manipulation semblance allowing you to darken the lights of the room, to the point it gave an eerie vibe. But it was only 2 more minutes until the door handle started shaking frantically.

Nemuri: "BABE!" Nemuri screams, throwing the door open and rushing inside. She was hoping you hadn't seen it yet, and she could delete it before you saw it. But those hopes were dashed the moment she saw the lighting of the living room. She knew what was coming, she knew the engagement was over, and that scared her more than any battle she'd faced.

(Y/n): "Hello Nemuri. Please take a seat." You say, your voice darker than the room around you. Nemuri slowly steps forward, her face already stained with tears. Nemuri lops down on the couch opposite you, her entire body shaking as quiet sobs rack her body.

(Y/n): "I'm going to cut to the chase. I'm breaking up with you. The engagement is over, and you can keep the house." You explain, spurring Nemuri's tears to be accompanied by a single long...wail? Nemuri curls in on herself, pulling her shoes up onto the couch, she buries her face in her knees, and her mind is filled with nothing but regret and sadness.

(Y/n): "If everything is settled...then I will be going. You don't have to worry about seeing me again either. I'll be moving back to the states." You state, finally making Nemuri speak for the first time since she walked into the house. She lifts her face, revealing a pair of broken eyes, and a pair of trembling lips. She slowly stands up, walks over, and drops to her knees in front of you, bowing her head and speaking.

 Nemuri: "DON'T! I'M SORRY!! What can I do to make this right, to stop you from leaving me?! I'll do anything, what do you want!? Do you want me to give up being a hero and stay at home all day? I'll do it! Please! Anything!" Nemuri screams, begging in an effort to repair her engagement.

You do the only thing you can, you sigh and take off your engagement ring, dropping it onto the floor in front of Nemuri, her eyes widening in horror at the sight. But they only widen further when you stand up to walk out. And that's when Nemuri finally snaps. 

Nemuri: "NO!" Nemuri screams, her hand darting to grab yours. It only takes one moment for her mind to be made up. A gas soon fills the room, which knocks you unconscious. Nemuri catches you before you hit the floor, and she gently lays you on the couch, grabbing some rope from your room, and using it to tie you up, forever in her hold.

(Part 2)

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