Cheater Mt Lady x GN reader (Part 2)

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I place a hand to my ear, speaking quietly into the small device that sits in my ear. My eyes dart from villain to villain, the small window that I'm looking through giving me a clear view of the room that they're meeting in.

(Y/n): "I have eyes on Toga and Twice, Dabi just walked out of the room, and the other LOV have yet to be seen." I whisper, hearing my boss's voice echoing in my ear.

Endeavor: "Fall back, we have some backup. We'll push them in a few minutes." Endeavor orders, earning a hum from my mouth, which he scoffs at. I silently sneak away, making it back to the building that the squad is in. The moment I enter, I regret it.

Erasure head, Snipe, Midnight, Hawks, Mt Lad-. I quietly curse to myself as the blonde hero turns to the side, the large bags under her eyes accompanied by red cheeks and a slightly thinner form. The moment her eyes meet mine, her face brightens, hey eyes shine, and her legs start moving.

Yu: "BABE!" Yu shouts, her lighter than normal form smashing against my chest. Her arms wrap around me in a death grip as her tears stain my costume. Aizawa and Snipe look away, while Hawks and Midnight look on in confusion. Endeavor steps forward, placing a hand in-between us and forcing us apart.

Endeavor: "Later! We have a mission now!" Endeavor shouts, to which Yu scowls at him, her eyes making their way back to me. Yu gently rubs her hands together, a new shining object resting on her finger. The familiar gold ring gleams in the light, and her porcelain white skin is more rough, like she has barely showered.

Endeavor: "Move out!"


Things have gone terribly. Toga has gotten Endeavor's blood, and has been rampaging in the streets with his body. Endeavor and snipe had to split off to go fight her, and Midnight has been trying to hold back Twice. Now, Erasure head and I are sprinting through the building, with Yu a ways behind.

(Y/n): "Shota! Go back and stay with Yu, I should be able to handle this!" I shout, earning a skeptical nod from Aizawa, who slows down to a stop. I whip around the corner, sprinting forward, and shoving through a door, into a ambush. Dabi blasts at me with blue flames, which I barely roll out of the way of.

Dabi: "You heroes don't know when to quit!" Dabi shouts, his raspy voice making me frown, as I stand up, glaring at him. I sprint forward, only to have him blast a wave of flames at me, which I dive over, the heat singing my costume, as I land in front of him, leaping into a kick. Dabi growls as he's send staggering back, before he holds his palm toward me, making me duck, onyk to have him kick me in the face.

(Y/n): "SHI-" I shout, only to be hut with unbelievable pain, as a explosive wave of fire is forced into my back, sending my flying forward. I groan, but manage to push myself to my hands and knees, barely able to glance up, as Dabi strides over to the door of the room, locking it and turning to glare at me.

Dabi: "You're going to regret that."


(Yu POV)

My blood runs cold, as I finish off a villain with a kick to the face, the villain hitting the ground isn't what makes me fearful... it's the blood curdling scream that is from the familiar voice of my love.

Yu: "Shota! We have to go after them!" *I shout, watching as the tired man instantly turns around, sprinting our of the room, with his eyes wide open in anger. I sprint behind him, as we barrel down the hall, another scream ochoing around the building. Just as I round the corner, I hear the sound of a fist colliding with something hard.

Shota is smashing his fist against the glass window on the metal door, but the glass is not budging. I rush up to hin peeking through the door, only to wish I hadn't. My love is injured, their costume in rags, as their body is covered in burn marks. Dabi is standing over them, smirking as he holds their neck with one hand.

Shota: "Let them go!" Shota shouts, getting angrier then ever, as he whirls around, sprinting down the hall. I don't question his movements, as he rushes away from me. Instead, I take his place, throwing my weight against the door, and swinging a fist against the glass.


(Y/n POV)

My throat is held hostage, by the burning hot palm of Dabi, as he stares at me, a wicked smirk on his face. Dabi places a finger on my cheek, running it across the flesh, with searing heat, nearly burning the skin. He leans forward, smirking deeper as he sends chills up my spine.

Dabi: "What a shame you joined the wrong side, you are a sight to behold~ Maybe in another life, we could've been the hottest couple in Japan~" Dabi whispers, before he lets a blast of head explode from his palm, burning the stomach of my costume, and searing the skin underneath.

(Y/n): "Never." I whisper, before I let some spit fly, spraying across his cheek. The evil man growls, before he closes his eyes, shoving me to the floor, and heating both palms up. He points them at me, preparing to send a killing blow, until the sound of shattering glass erupts around the room.

Dabi whirls to look at the door, only to be caught of guard, when glass shards rain down on him, from above. Dabi looks up, at the broken skylight, and the figure that is quickly dropping from above. Shota lands on his face, his full weight sending the fire quirk user crashing to the floor. Shota grabs me in his arms, taking the chance to sprint across the room, while a few more figures drop in from above.

Shota: "Shush, I've got you." Shota whispers, as he holds me to his chest, taking the chance to scale the wall, escaping out the skylight, and helping me to an ambulance. The last thing I remember, is the teary face of Yu, as she hops into the ambulance, before the doors are shut behind her.

(Part 3 is to come soon~ Consider it a
...apology, for making you wait~)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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