Bullied Male Jaune reader "I'll get my stuff."

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(Y/N) Arc, the adoptive son of Jack and Jenny Arc. (Subtle roast) The only person who knows who his real parents are is himself. He inherited his (H/C) hair and (S/C) skin from his mom while his green eyes came from his dad.

His dream was always to become a huntsman, so he did the unthinkable, he got help from his real dad to forge transcripts into Beacon.

Once at Beacon he made some great friends, team RWBY team CFVY, and the rest of Team JNPR. One day Cardin overheard (Y/N) talking to himself about his transcripts and revealed them to the whole school. He even framed him for crimes he didn't commit. Slowly everyone turned on him, only a few remained by his side. The ones who turned on him even started to bully him.

(Team JNPR dorm.)

(Y/N) slides to the floor, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth, even with his semblance it would take hours to heal this beating. Yang, Pyrrha, Cardin, and Coco stood over him.

Pyrrha: "I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER LOVED YOU!!" Pyrrha screamed at him before kicking him in the ribs. You may be asking the reason for this harsh treatment, Cardin had framed him for stealing Pyrrha's necklace, which her deceased grandmother gave her.

Cardin reared back and kicked (Y/N) in the face, knocking him out. At least (Y/N) wouldn't have to hear Weiss and Ruby badmouthing him or have to bear Velvet and Blake ignoring him. The bullies left, after a few minutes, 2 people walked in and saw the unconscious student.

Ren: "(Y/N)!" Ren shouted as Nora and him sprinted over to their knocked-out leader. Nora picked him up as they rushed to the infirmary. Ren used his scroll to message a group chat with, him, Nora, Yatsu, Fox, Headmaster Ozpin, and the rest of the faculty. They were the ones who stuck by his side throughout the whole ordeal.

A few hours later (Y/N) woke up, Ren and Nora were sleeping in hospital chairs while Ozpin was standing next to the bed. After a few minutes of waking up and thinking he spoke.

(Y/N): "Hey, Headmaster can you do something for me?" (Y/N) asked in a nervous tone. Ozpin nodded and sipped from his mug.

(Y/N): "I...I want to drop out." (Y/N) says making Ozpin sigh.

Ozpin: "I thought you might say that...if that is truly what you want. Would you like me to bring your family?" Ozpin says sadly.

(Y/N): "The Arc's are not my family, they all turned their backs on me, except Saphron." (Y/N) says while he shakily stands up from the hospital bed.

Ozpin: "I was talking about your REAL family. I know your dad turned over a new leaf, he and your sister own a dust shop in Vacuo now. He said you can have a job anytime." Ozpin says making (Y/N) smile brightly.

(Y/N): "I'll get my stuff."


(Y/N) arrives at team JNPR's dorm, he sneaks inside and sees Pyrrha sleeping soundly on her bed, he knows she's a deep sleeper so he grabs his stuff and takes out Crocea Mors and stabs the sword into the ground, he pulls off his armor and shield and leaves them next to it, he pulls out a picture of him with his team, and a note, before leaning it against the sword and leaving the room and closing the door softly.

He gets on a Bullhead that holds Ozpin. Without saying a word, he sits down and looks out the window as the ship takes off and heads off towards Vacuo. He closes his eyes and drifts to sleep to pass the time.

(The next morning)

(Y/N) wakes up when Ozpin shakes his shoulder, he opens his eyes and leaves the Bullhead, into the desert town that his father resides in. After a minute of searching he finds a small dust shop and enters, the owner comes out with his eyes closed and does a pose, before opening his eyes and smiling brightly.

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