2 Yandere ex wifes x Female reader

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Most marriages end in divorce, but not everyone is as unlucky as You. You had 2 marriages end in divorce, both were not your fault either. The first was to a tomboy woman named Quinn, who had fallen in love with another and had left you and locked you out of your shared apartment while she lived inside.

The second was to a fancy woman named Zoe, who had decided you were "not worth the time of a busy CEO". Zoe had fired you from her company, and asked you to leave the city, which worked because she has a astounding amount of influence. But a week after you left, she had realized her mistake, and has been trying to find you ever since.

Ever since you left, you'd decided to live alone, you bought a apartment in a small town in the middle of nowhere, a few hours from your ex's towns. You mostly stay inside and read manga, but you do have to leave to get supplies.

One day, as you enter town to buy supplies, a familiar sound fills your ears. The sound of a motorcycle roars down the street. Before you can dive behind something to hide, the motorcyclist swerves and slides to a stop, their helmet coming off as they look at you.

???: "Baby? I FOUND YOU!" The familiar voice of Quinn screams, her red hair falling down to her shoulders as she steps off her bike. Quinn's eyes fill with tears as she takes a cautious step toward you, but before she can run toward you, your take off into the alley.

Quinn curses and runs after you, but you have something she doesn't, keys. You pull out a key from your pocket, using it to rush into the backdoor of a familiar building. You slam the door behind you, watching through the doors window as Quinn runs up and grasps the handle, tugging on it, only getting failure as a result.

Quinn: "OPEN UP! I'M SORRY ABOUT BEFORE!" Quinn's muffled voice screams, her face filling the window as she desperately rips at the door. Quinn curses and steps back, reaching into her jacket and pulling out a metal object. You screech and bolt up the stairs at the sight of a pistol, but the sound of a doorknob being shot followed by heavy footsteps terrifies you.

You run up the stairwell, getting as far away as you can, the roof specifically. But as you get to the rooftop, a loud sound fills your ears. A helicopter lowers from the sky, with another familiar woman stepping out. It's Zoe.

Zoe looks at you and smiles brightly, as much as you want to go with her to escape, the sound of the rooftop door being kicked open fills the air. And Quinn runs out, pointing her gun over your shoulder. Zoe draws her own pistol, pointing it past you and aiming at Quinn.

Quinn: "GET BACK BABE! THIS LADY IS GONNA DIE!" Quinn screams, earning a scoff from Zoe, who simply tightens her grip and speaks her own order.

Zoe: "Get in the helicopter honey. This woman is clearly insane." Zoe orders, spurring you go with the only avenue you have.

(Pick your ending)

[Go with Quinn]

You slowly step backward and walk toward Quinn, refusing to look back as Quinn's gun recoils, and the sound of something heavy slaps against the pavement. Another shot is fired, and the sound of glass shattering fills your ears, which does make you look back, watching as the pilot falls forward, his face landing in the pile of glass from his window.

Quinn drops her gun and rushes over, tackling you in a hug, knocking you both to the floor. Quinn hugs you close, apologizing for leaving you, she promises to do anything you want if you let her try to win you back.

Quinn breathes in your shampoo, snuggling into you as she apologizes profusely. Quinn lays on top of you, refusing to let you go as she just let's herself feel relief again, her true goal accomplished.

[Go with Zoe]

You reluctantly walk toward the helicopter, listening to Quinn's gasp of shock, followed by three shots of a pistol. You hop in the helicopter, Zoe hops in next to you, and wraps her arm around your shoulder, pressing her gun to the side of your head, the pilot lifts off, which gives you a moment to see Quinn's body, her blood staining her leather jacket.

Zoe: "I finally found you~ Do you know how hard it was to track you down out here?" Zoe sings, pressing a kiss to your cheek as she snuggles into her shoulder. The cold metal presses lightly to your head as Zoe cuddles you, refusing to let you go.

[Go with neither]

After a moment of refusing to choose, they decide not to wait, and they both fire, they didn't account for you not letting either of them die, leaping forward and taking both bullets to the torso. The bullets fly through your body, one slicing into Zoe's arm, while the other imbeds itself into Quinn's leg.

Zoe/Quinn: "NO!" The women scream, Zoe quickly staggering over while Quinn crawls toward you, both having desperate tears falling down their faces. Zoe arrives first, falling to her knees and leaning her weight into your bullet wounds, trying to stop the blood.

Quinn arrives next, tearing off pieces of her shirt and handing them to Zoe to wrap around your torso. Quinn leans down and sobs into your shoulder, which Zoe snarls at, earning a shout from Quinn.

Quinn: "SAVE HER FIRST! We can fight later, she's the priority!" Quinn screams, causing Zoe to apply more pressure, Zoe and Quinn quickly move you to your apartment, stitching you up and making sure you live. The duo both set you on the couch, and decide to speak about the situation in your living room.

After an hour of arguing, they decide to have you settle it, which causes Quinn to turn to you, freezing as she looks at your body. She stutters out a chilling sentence that makes Zoe dove toward you.

Quinn: "S-she's not breathing!" Quinn screams, quickly standing up, pushing past her leg pain as she stumbles toward you. Zoe presses her finger to your neck, and starts screaming at you to wake up, pressing her hand to your chest and breathing into your mouth in desperate CPR.

But you don't wake up, you don't respond, and you don't get to choose. Because you had decided to not let either of them die, and you took their place. Quinn and Zoe never recover, they both decide to join you, neither of them taking care of themselves as a way of working toward death.

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