Cheater Coco x MR "Hey Firefly."

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This is the story of (Y/N) Ironwood and how he met the love of his life. (Y/N) can control light.

[(Y/N) POV]

James: "Remember if you want the offer to join me in Atlas still stands." My father says over the scroll as I roll my eyes and sigh.

(Y/N): "I know dad. I have Coco though. I can't just leave." I say before we say our goodbyes and hang up.

My name is (Y/N) Ironwood, son of general James Ironwood. I'm a 2nd year at Beacon, my dad wanted me to go to Atlas, but I wanted to go on my own path. Coco and I have been dating for 2 years. We started dating 2 weeks into my stay at Beacon.

I walk to my girlfriend's dorm and feel around in my pocket feeling a small box. It's the anniversary of Coco and my relationship. I'm planning on proposing today. Only my team knows about it though. Speaking of my team I should probably introduce them.

Alistair Valentine is my best friend and the leader of our team. He has red hair and eyes. His semblance is the ability to slow time to half speed. Next is Damian Lawrence. He has black hair yellow eyes. His semblance is electric touch. His hands always produce electricity, with him being unable to turn this off he wears gloves all the time. Finally, is Sara Takahashi. She has orange hair and purple eyes. A pair of beige ram horns are embedded in her head. She can alter the gravity of any object she touches. We are team VILT (Violet) and we have the best score in combat class.

I shake my head to clear the thoughts of my head. I reach for the door handle but stop when I hear a voice from inside.

Coco: "DON'T YOU DARE!" Coco shouts from inside.

Jaune: "I WON'T LET YOU CHEAT ON MY FRIEND ANYMORE!" Jaune screams back as footsteps approach the door. I use my semblance to alter the light around me and turn myself invisible. Tears start brimming in my eyes as what Jaune said sinks in.

Coco: "JAUNE NO!" Coco screams as Jaune storms out of the room with Coco following close behind.

Jaune: "Why should I stop? You obviously don't love him anymore." Jaune says as Coco grabs his arm. Tears pour out of her eyes as she grips his arm tight.

Coco: "You can't. I love him. Please don't." She pleads as Jaune rips his arm out of her grip.

Jaune: "You've been screwing someone else for three months. I'm not letting this go on any longer." Jaune says before shaking his head in disappointment.

Coco: "DON'T TELL HIM PLEASE! I'LL STOP! I PROMISE! I NEED HIM, DON'T TELL HIM!" Coco screams as her entire body shakes.

(Y/N): "He doesn't need to." I say as I turn myself visible. Coco's face drains of all color as she starts stammering apologies. Jaune looks at me with an apologetic look.

I create a hard light barrier around Coco as she pounds on it desperately screaming.

(Y/N): "Thanks Jaune. Coco. We're through." I say as Jaune nods at me and walks away. Probably to his girlfriend Pyrrha.

Coco: "PLEASE! NO! DON'T GO! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN! I PROMISE! I NEED YOU! PLEASE!" She screams as she pounds on the barrier. I turn and walk away, once I get into my dorm, I release the barrier and lay on my bed.

My teammates walk in and shut the door behind them as they see me lying on my bed looking at the ceiling with an emotionless look and tear stains on my face.

Alistair: "Who do I have to stab?" Alistair says as he pulls out his dual swords.

I stare at the ceiling as I explain the story to them. To say they were furious was an understatement.

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