GN reader X V8 Ironwood "That, was for everything you've done."

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(I'm writing this on my phone so excuse any mistakes.)

(Y/N) (L/N), a combat teacher at Atlas academy and a close ally of General James Ironwood. While many have their doubts about Ironwood's plan of raising Atlas into the sky, (Y/N) pushed their doubts down inside because of their faith and respect for the General...and the fact that (Y/N) has loved him for years helps.

(This takes place early on in Volume 8)

(General Ironwood's office.)

Ironwood sits at his desk as (Y/N) stands in the middle of the room with their hands in the pockets of their jacket.

(This is what you're wearing btw. Fit it to your body type.)

(Minus the mask)

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(Minus the mask)

Ironwood: "I- I just don't know what to do. If I do nothing, Atlas and Mantle fall! If I go through with my plan, everyone will hate me and I'm leaving innocent people to die. We don't have time to make another plan. I-I just can't save everyone." Ironwood mumbles as he runs a hand through his hair.

(Y/N): "I-...whatever you choose, I'll follow sir. I trust you." (Y/N) says as they look at the ground and let out a shaky sigh.

Ironwood: "You shouldn't. I wouldn't trust me. I've killed dozens, injured more." Ironwood says as he looks over at a picture of his Ace ops, he lingers on Clover's face before he looks away and shuts his eyes tight.

Ironwood: "Please leave. I need to think." Ironwood says making (Y/N) sigh and our of the room.

(Major time skip)

Everything is going wrong. Watts has escaped. the staff of creation is gone. Atlas is falling. And worst of all, (Y/N) has helped Winter and the others with the evacuation.

Winter: "I repeat, is anybody receiving these messages? Can anyone report status on the investigation?" Winter says into her scroll as she and (Y/N) walk down the path of the Atlas vault.

A red dot appears on Winter's back making (Y/N)'s eyes widen. (Y/N) tackles winter to the floor as a green laser blows a bale in the ground.

Ironwood: "I've chased a lot of shadows over the years, always expecting betrayal. But never once, did I ever expect it to come from you." Ironwood says as he lower to the ground on the elevator and charges his cannon again.

Ironwood: "My best soldier, and my best friend. What a... frustrating turn of events. Step aside, please. I need the staff to save Atlas." Ironwood says as his fear rises deep within.

(Y/N); "I always wanted to help people, protect the innocents. And I know you want to protect them to! But you're doing this the wrong way! Came with us and we can go to Vacuo, we can help people together!" (Y/N) shouts as they take a step towards the general and let's tears flow down their (S/C) cheeks.

Ironwood: "Don't you get it! If we don't do something to stop Salem now, WE CAN'T WIN!! Now, Step! Aside!" Ironwood shouts as he raises his cannon.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry." (Y/N) says as they raise both of their arms and let blue fireballs appear above the palms of their hands. (Like in the picture.)

(Y/N) clicks their heels which makes the gravity dust in their boots activate and float them into the air.

Ironwood let's a lone tear fall down his cheek as he sprints forward and shoots at (Y/N).

(Time skip)

(Y/N) stands victorious over a unconscious Ironwood. Winter pants beside the (H/C) teacher, (Y/N) tries to pick up Ironwood but he ends up being to heavy making Winter have to drag the (H/C) teacher away from her best friend and into Ever After. (The pocket dimension)

Cinder's Grimm arm shoots right at Penny making (Y/N) gasp and fire a fireball which sever the arm and causes Cinder excruciating pain. Before anyone can react (Y/N) rockets towards Cinder using their boots.

(Time skip)

Cinder corners an almost auraless (Y/N) to the edge of the platform.

Cinder: "Well lookie here. Everyone has abandoned you. We're the only ones here. You failed at saving everyone. Your little team RWBY and the others have already met the void. To bad that Penny girl escaped." Cinder says as she looks around at the empty pocket dimension.

(Y/N) reaches out and punches Cinder in the face breaking the villains aura. Cinder retaliates by using her maiden powers to attack the (H/C) teacher and destroys their aura.

Cinder: "Looks like you're done for." Cinder says letting her cocky nature take over.

???: "Not today." A voice says before three new holes appear in Cinder's chest. Ironwood stands behind her with his gun drawn and smoking. Cinder falls forwards and onto the ground as a pool of blood forms underneath her.

Ironwood: "That, was for everything you've done." Ironwood says before he walks over and pulls (Y/N) to their feet.

Ironwood: "You we're right. I'm sorry. You were always right. I should have been fighting for everyone, not just for Atlas." Ironwood says as he looks into (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes.

With no hesitation (Y/N) slams their lips onto Ironwood's, the general's eyes widen in shock before he melts into it and kisses back. When they pull away Ironwood smiles and holsters his gun.

(Y/N): "I've always lo-." (Y/N) says before they get cut off by a large push of wind that blasts (Y/N) off the edge and towards the void. Ironwood leaps after them and wraps his hands around them.

Cinder: "Looks like I won." Cinder rasps out before she chuckles and goes limp.

(Y/N) and Ironwood fall towards the void and share one last kiss as the disintegrate.

(Time skip. (Y/N) POV.)

???1: "-OOK! It's the general and (Y/N)!" A voice shouts making my eyes open slowly.

(Y/N): "C-Clover?" I mumble as I open my eyes completely. Their stands Clover and another Ace Op, Vine. The sand underneath me and the nearby waves shows that I'm on a beach.

(Y/N): "You're supposed to be dead!" I shout as I sit up quickly and look around. An empty beach surrounds me, and an unconscious Ironwood lays beside me.

Clover: "Welcome to the land of the dead."

(Part 2?)

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