Ex gf Monica x Male reader

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You sit at your computer, watching the screen flicker from the YouTube video you were watching to the title screen of the game you had once left open 24-7. Before it can solidify it's presence, the program you installed immediately closes it again.

You click back onto the video, only for the mouse to jerk to the search bar, a few words filling the blank space soon after.


With a sigh, you move the cursor to the power options, but the mouse resists, pulling away and darting to the program sitting on your desktop. Before Doki Doki can open, you press the power button on the PC, powering it off. Little do you know the words coming out of a certain AI's virtual mouth.

It had happened two years ago, you had installed a normal dating simulator, everybody you watched had a perfectly normal playthrough, they chose their girl at the end, and had a romantic confession. But you? You had a...glitch.

One of the girls, Monika, had become self aware, and had fallen in love with you. She had killed the other girls and taken over the game, her world booting up whenever you turned on your PC. After a few weeks of friendly conversation she had confessed, which you had reluctantly accepted.

But three months ago, Monica had taken a different approach to your talks, she had begun insulting you a bit more, and just being more mean in general. It finally culminated with her telling you to go shove your hand into a woodchipper after you called her hair pretty.

After that, you had said one more thing which turned her face pale. You said you were done with her and her antics, and then you closed the game, shutting off the PC before going out to get some food. Monica had tried talking to you when you got on your PC next, but you used your secret weapon, a virus you installed on a drive to stun her for ten minutes. You installed a program to close the game whenever it opened, she would still be in her world, but without you.

Ever since, she's been trying to get you to talk to her, anything from hacking your PC to begging you in your search bars, to desperately attempting to open the game, allowing for her to talk to you. But nothing worked in her favor, until today.

Your face is illuminated by the glow of your monitor, a website for PC parts pulled up as you scan for the final part of your project. Once you find what you're looking for and order it, you do something you probably shouldn't have.

You shut down the program that closes Doki Doki. Withing ten seconds, the game is opening without your input, the title screen quickly switching to Monica's familiar face. She now has significant bags under her eyes, her hair is a mess, and her face is stained with tears.

Monica: "BABY! You came back!" Monica shouts, her face riddled with relief and guilt as you appear in front of her. But her relief is smashed to pieces when the next words come out of your mouth.

You: "I'm getting a new PC. Which means you can no longer come after me. I only opened this to give you closer before I threw this PC out." You explain, watching as Monica's smile falls into a look of horror at your words, a new PC? She'd never get you back!

"NO!!" Monica screams, her hand instinctively darting towards your arm. She normally would've been stopped by the glass barrier that was always there, but this time? Her arm phased right through.

On your side, Monica had just reached through your monitor and had a death grip on your arm. Monica doesn't question it for a moment, instead tugging with all her might. Not prepared for this, you're dragged toward the monitor, your arm disappearing into it as you're tugged forward.

You let out one last scream before your dragged inside, never to be seen again. 

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