Chapter Two

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"YOU CAN'T FORGET ABOUT US LITTLE PEOPLE, NOW." Emily, my best friend since grade school and one of the loudest girls over twenty I have ever come across, says as she examines her second empty glass of wine. "Just because you have a big girl job now and I still work at the same bakery I've worked at since I was fourteen, does not mean you can forget about me."

"Tonight isn't about you Em," Jonathan, our other childhood friend, says with a roll of his eyes. Tonight he's opted for a pair of cropped maroon skinnies and a black and white striped jumper; since he came out of the closet during our sophomore year of high school, he has never looked even half bad. Even when he was taken out by the flu for a week, he managed to make bed rest look fashionable. "Rose, would you like another glass? Noah?" My mum and I both hand our glasses to Jonathan as he stands and ignores Emily's plees for more.

"I'm just saying," Emily continues. "You are going to make all of these important acquaintances and become the most famous blogger London has ever seen! And i'm still going to be here, making cupcakes."

"You make excellent cupcakes." I say, grabbing another one off of the tray she brought over with her. A little flower sits on top of the icing and I am taken back to the day she attempted to teach me how to bake. Somehow, I always mess it up.

"I do make excellent cupcakes. Jonathan! Bring the whole bottle!"

"I don't know that you need anymore, Em." Jonathan says as he hands my mum and I our now full glasses. Emily sticks her tongue out at him and leans back on her arms with a long and over dramatic sigh.

My day has been surreal. I was hired on the spot, something I never expected in my wildest dreams. I signed my name on more legal documents than I have ever seen in my life and was given a tour of the Siren offices. I even made a new friend out of the receptionist who I now know as Stephanie. She was warm and kind as she acquainted me with the many nooks and crannies of the office. And then, I went home. Two hours was all it took for my life to be turned upside down and I am still processing it all.

"So what are you supposed to blog about?" Jonathan asks.

"My life," I shrug. "My very uninteresting life." Jonathan laughs. My mum laughs. Even Emily laughs. "I don't know, she said we would talk about it tomorrow. She had a few meetings this afternoon so we couldn't talk today."

"I'm sorry I laughed, love," Jonathan puts his hand on my leg. "I have no doubt that your life is about to get interesting." I raise my glass to that thought and smile. That's all I can hope for really. That, and a few more reasons to buy new shoes.

THE OFFICE IS DEAD WHEN I ARRIVE AT 8 THE NEXT MORNING. Stephanie is at her post behind the reception desk and waves me over.

"I have something for you." She pulls an envelope off of her desk in front of her and opens it, producing what looks like some form of id. She hands the card to me and I turn it around to see my smiling face printed into the Siren Magazine building ID. In the picture, I am standing awkwardly but smiling brightly. I look fresh faced, with the entire world in front of me. I have no doubt that I look the same today.

"You are official!" Stephanie squeals.

"That was so fast."

"Well, we have to be. We don't want you having to stop and get one of those building guest passes every day, do we?" Stephanie says. She walks around the desk and begins walking back into the offices with me. Today she is wearing a tight black skirt that hugs to her wide hips nicely, and a cheetah print blouse that works so well with her dark skin. Her red glasses are gone and her winged eyeliner looks like it could have been done by a professional makeup artist.

"So, unfortunately we haven't been able to clean out your desk yet but by the end of the day that should be sorted out," Stephanie walks me back into the offices, both of our heels clicking against the tiled floor. "Also, I hope you are free tonight because Tammy is inviting you to an event that you are going to want to go to!" She winks at me and opens Tammy's office door for me. She smiles and waves as the door closes and then clicks her heels back to her desk.

"Good morning," Tammy glances up at me over the rim of her glasses for a quick second before staring back at her computer screen. I take my seat in one of the arm chairs and cross my legs only to uncross them a second later. The pencil skirt I'm wearing today makes it an awkward seating position; I am going to have to learn to sit in these outfits everyday.

On the desk, Tammy's cell phone rings and she picks it up with a gentle press of her perfectly manicured nails.

"Paul, love how are things?...Yes, I know this is last minute but I need to add one more guest for tonight...Noah Walker...Of course!...Oh stop it! I will see you tonight, say hello to Tricia for me!" she hangs up the phone and goes back to her computer. I sit awkwardly. hearing my name on a phone call made my stomach drop and now I am even more anxious to know where Tammy is taking me tonight. And more importantly, what the hell am I supposed to wear.

Finally, Tammy stops typing on her keyboard and looks up at me.

"Noah, you are gorgeous, it throws me off every time I see you." She shakes her head with a warm smile. I smile and look down at my hands with a quiet and somewhat timid thank you. Confident, Noah! I scold myself and look back up at Tammy.

"Where are we going tonight?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow.

"Well first I would like to go back to what we talked about yesterday at your interview. I have big plans for the blog I am going to start you on and I think you are going to love it. I already have our design team working on options for the blog and they are supposed to send you samples by the end of the day." I take a deep breath when she finally pauses, taking in everything she is saying. My own blog. How is all of this possible? Yesterday, when I came in for the interview, I had expected coffee duty and every so often an article assignment. Maybe I would get to send out a few emails or help out coming up with questions for celebrity interviews. And now, not twenty-four hours later, I am being sent samples for the layout of my blog.

"You said you would go far for your story and that's what I want from you. Your blog is going to be a welcome into the life of the rich and famous. I am going to send you to the top parties, you are going to shop at the top boutiques and let our readers know exactly what that world is all about." Tammy smiles. "And you are going to write about it. Change names of any real person or persons, obviously, but I want an exciting account of what stepping into this world is like. We will see how this goes and in a year, we will either keep going or change the theme of the blog. What do you think?"

My mouth drops open and I shut it again only for my jaw to relax once more. I have no idea what to say. What do you say to an offer like this one? I look down at the department store outfit I had thrown together, all sale prices. How can I write about a world that I never expected to be a part of? My mother worked two jobs my entire life. She went out with her girlfriends one night every month and saved all year round for our summer trip. And now, Tammy is handing me the assignment and life of my wildest dreams. It's a bit hard to keep up with everything.

"I honestly have nothing to say just yet." I finally say, gasping over my words. I can't breathe. My adrenaline is pumping and I'm imaging the worst and best. "I'm so in." Tammy smiles and nods her head; I don't know if she was worried I would say no. What sensible girl would?

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