Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I-I'M JUST GOING TO TAKE THIS OUTSIDE," I stutter as I grab my phone and scurry away. Harry literally has the worst possible timing. My head is spinning. There is way too much going on right now and I don't know what to focus on first. I need to deal with Harry. I just got pulled into a modeling gig I didn't even know I wanted.

"What?" I answer when I finally get outside.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks, sounding worried. I take a deep breath. I need to calm down, there is no reason for me to be mad at him. Even if he has absolutely terrible timing.

"Nothing, I'm at a meeting with a designer who wants me to model his winter line and he saw your name on my phone." I start to talk too quickly. "I don't know if he is going to say something and I'm really not ready to deal with your fans everywhere."

"You're a model?"

"No!" I yell. I notice a few girls walking past staring at me. This is so not my day. "I don't know, he was showing me his line and we were discussing which shows he should do and then he asked if I would be the face of the line. I'm so short, Harry."

"Yes, you are." He agrees and I roll my eyes. "But, you're gorgeous Noah. You know that."

"Shut up," I giggle as the blush runs up my neck and into my cheeks. "Anyway, why did you call me?"

"I actually wanted to see if you saw the tabloids this morning?"

"Yes," I sigh, placing my hand on my forehead. The photos that Stephanie showed me this morning have not been far from my mind. There have been momentary distractions but not enough to take away the shock of my picture circulating all over the internet. I don't know what I expected, accepting a date with the Harry Styles but this was too quick. I thought it would be a few weeks before someone caught onto what we were doing.

"What did you think?" he asks.

"I was a little shocked, not exactly accustomed to seeing headlines about me."

"Well, my publicist wants us to go public." He says slowly. "She thinks its better to confront these things head on, for you and for me. Were you planning on going to the Lights premiere tomorrow night?" I breathe a sigh of relief. Good, now I don't need to ask him.

"Yes, I am actually going out tonight to find an outfit." I explain.

"Well then can I be your date, Noah?" He asks. I can almost hear the smile laced into his voice.

"I'll think about it," I tease.

"Well hurry up with it," He says, "I'm sure I could find a last minute date however..."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," He laughs. "I will pick you up tomorrow? Four?"

"Perfect." I say, smiling like an idiot as I hang up the phone.

I head back inside with a new sense of accomplishment. Who cares if Freddie knows about Harry and I when, come tomorrow evening, the whole world will know anyway. I take my seat, this time placing my phone facedown on the table while both Tammy and Freddie wait for me to speak.

"That was a friend," I announce finally, placing my napkin back on my lap and picking my sandwich back up. Freddie and Tammy both exchange a look. "Fine, it was Harry are you both Happy? Goodness, It's like I'm out with my two best friends."

"Noah!" Tammy laughs at the same time Freddie exclaims, "Finally!" I can't help giggling as Freddie begins to gush over my conquest of the one and only Harry Styles.

"You are most definitely the luckiest girl in the world," Freddie continues on his rant. "He's probably one of the sexiest lads out there."

"I honestly have to agree," Tammy adds. "I don't typically find boys appealing, but I don't know that I would say no to him."

"Tammy!" I yell, laughing and covering my face with both hands. Hearing her say that about Harry makes me cringe. It's like hearing my mum say that she finds my boyfriend attractive. Well, my mum did find him attractive but I guess that is apart of his charm.

"So, let's head over to my studio so we can find you something hot to wear tomorrow," Freddie extends the invitation. "I think I have exactly what we need."

"We'll pick up a bottle of champagne on the way," Tammy says, waving over our waiter for the check. Both Freddie and I argue that we want to pay our portion but Tammy refuses. "Please you need every penny you can get. We need to get you out of your mums house already." She winks. "Speaking of which, is Mr. Lover Boy going to visit flats with you?"

"We're going on Tuesday," I reply as we all begin to stand up. I drape my Michael Kors over my shoulder and follow the two of them outside.

"I'm sure he'll give you an excellent house warming gift," Freddie sings as he skips over to the waiting limo.

I hold the door open as the two of them climb into the back. I look around, over the top of the limo that I'm slowly becoming used to riding in and take a deep breath. My life changed, literally overnight and it's so hard to keep up with. Three weeks ago I was shit faced at a bar, celebrating my graduation with a few kids I spent hours with in countless classes. I was worried, as the night wore on, how I was going to pay back my mum for my bar tab. Now, I'm riding in Limos. Sipping champagne and being fitted by a designer for an outfit I'll wear once. To a premiere. With Harry Styles.

"Noah, darling?" Tammy sticks her head back out of the limo and looks up at my, squinting as the sunlight hits her.

"Coming," I answer, shaking myself out of my own head as I climb in.

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