Chapter Fifteen

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HIS RIDICULOUSLY SKILLED LIPS ARE ON ME. His curly head between my legs. I'm gripping onto my bed sheets. God he's just as damn good as I imagined. Deep inside of me, the best muscles in my body are tensing up; my entire body wound up like a jack in the box.

Somewhere off in the distance a song begins playing.

We're ten thousand miles apart...

No! No, I'm so close! I want to tell him not to stop, ignore the damn song!

I've been California wishing on these stars...

My eyes open. Oh my god. My body is so wound up, not a great way to start my day. Rihanna is still singing. My alarm had to go off during that dream?!

I really I shouldn't. I need to get up, get showered and ready. Who knows what Tammy has planned for me today. Plus, I have plans with Harry this evening. The thought puts a bounce in my step and I am able to pretend I don't need an orgasm more than I need to breathe as I get ready for my day.

I'm shaky on my commute, unable to keep my legs still. God, even in my sleep he has an effect on me. It's highly unfair. On the bus ride, I think about texting him and telling him about my very vivid dream but then I realize that that's a horrible idea. He already knows how damn frustrated he makes me. He can't know that he's effecting me without even being near me.

Stop thinking about him. I tell myself as I walk into our building. I have eight hours where I am not allowed to think about Harry Styles. I can do this.

I can't do this. It's been three hours and I haven't been able to stay away from him. He's everywhere, still front page news. Tammy tries to keep me away from all of it but I can't avoid it. Now I know EVERYTHING about his past relationships and his womanizing reputation.

I'm so screwed.

"You won't fall for him." Steph tries to reassure me as we sit in the break. My sandwich is not satisfying at all. Probably because I'm so not hungry for food; I have new appetite for a certain inked up pop star.

"That's not what I'm worried about," I say even though that's only half true. I'm worried I'm going to become addicted to him.

"I would be," Steph laughs as she goes to refill her water bottle. For reasons I don't quite understand, he wants to loose her ass. Her goal: drink six 64 oz bottles of water a day and get at least an hour in the gym four days a week. "He's gorgeous and on the first date he wants to cook for you."

"That was to protect me." I remind her.

"Sure it was. Did it work?" I shake my head. "Exactly. Are you sure you guys didn't fuck? I mean, he makes you dinner and you sleep in his bed. I don't understand the no sex part of your night?"

"Some people have self control."

"Who?" Steph starts cracking up. "You sure as hell don't!"

I roll my eyes and stand to begin cleaning up the remains of my lunch. Steph is right, I have no self control. Not with him at least.

As I make my way back to my office my phone vibrates in my pocket. I'm way to excited as I unlock my screen and read the message from Harry.

*how is your day?*

I smile and instantly text back:

*great. Except someone made an appearance in my dream and has left me frustrated all over again ;)*

I don't even put my phone down as I wait for the response. God, it's like I'm in high school again. My phone vibrates within seconds.

*wow. He must be an ass*

My fingers can't move fast enough:

*he really is. I hope he's planing on making it up to me*

I put my phone face down on my desk and can't wipe the smile off my face. I try and focus on my work but can't with my phone sitting there. I want to read his response so bad but I know I can't, not right now. I could sit here texting back and forth all day and I have a list of things to do.

When ten minutes go by and I don't touch my phone, I decide to treat myself.

*dont worry love. He fully intends to*

My stomach constricts at his words and I can feel it between my legs. I squeeze my legs together as that heat from this morning returns.

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