Chapter Fourteen

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"I'M GOING TO CALL YOU." Harry says when he pulls up in front of the building he thinks is mine but is really Tammy's. I smile and take my seatbelt off. I'm too nervous to really think about him calling me eventually, what if Tammy didn't get my message? What if she isn't even home? I guess I can just walk in, wait a few minutes and then make my way to the bus terminal?

"I had fun." he says, adding to the silence that is bordering on awkward. I look over at him and he surprises me by reaching over, placing his hand on my check and leaning over to kiss me.

Oh he's so damn frustrating! One minute he's radiating sex. The next he's holding out on me. And then, out of nowhere he is sweet and pretty damn close to romantic.

I open the door and climb out, throwing my leather jacket over my shoulder. This, right here, is the closest thing to the walk of shame I have ever experienced and I'm not even upset about it. I am, however, worried as hell. How am I supposed to get in if Tammy hasn't called me up?

"Hello, again. I'm here to see Tammy Davis, I was here last night. Noah Walker?" I am blubbering to the guy working the front desk. He smiles kindly, no doubt used to dealing with things like this on a daily basis. I don't know if he was the one working the desk last night or not, but he hangs up the desk phone and smiles.

"You can head on up Miss Walker." He says, waving his hand to the elevator bay.

Oh, thank goodness.

I get upstairs and the door to Tammy's flat is unlocked. I step inside and it's empty. Where the hell is Tammy?

"Tammy? It's Noah," I call into the apartment, afraid to search around. I hear something from the back room and a few seconds later, Tammy emerges.

"Oh, he's not here?" She says, looking around the large and finely decorated room that is her foyer and living room.

"No, he dropped me off downstairs." I tell her.

"He didn't want to come up?" She asks, hands going to her hips. She's wearing a pair of jeans and a white button up blouse. It's a Sunday, how is it that she looks so great every single day? And if this is her casual, I really need to step up my game.

"I didn't invite him." I say. Tammy rolls her eyes disapprovingly. "I spent the night with him, I think one night was enough."

"Oh, true." Tammy says. "I guess you can handle the dating part of this without my help hm? So, tell me everything."

"You can read it all in my next blog post," I give her a wink. "I'm going to head home. I'm exhausted..."

"That good?" Tammy's eyes light up and I start cracking up. If only...if only.

"Not like that," I laugh. "It's been a big few days for normal Noah Walker. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, darling. Get some rest, I look forward to reading all about your night." She walks me to the door. "And Noah, I'm really happy that I picked you."

My Sunday comes and goes much too quickly. I sleep for a good two hours when I get home and Emily and Jonathan wake me up for our usual movie nights. They ask all about my week and I tell them all I can but for some reason, I leave Harry out of it. How am I supposed to explain this?

The reality is, I'm seeing him for my job. I'm using him and I'm enjoying it. How do I tell my best friends this and how I am supposed to continue when they question the morals of this little project of mine?

When my phone buzzes and I see a message from Harry, I almost blow it.

*can I pick you up tomorrow night?*

"Who is it?" Jonathan jumps on me instantly.

"What?" I ask, looking up from my phone and attempting to feign innocence.

"Don't even try, Noah," Emily laughs, throwing a throw pillow at me. "Who's the boy?"

"No it's, Steph, from work." I lie. Why am I lying? These two have been my best friends since we were running around on a playground. Plus, judging by the look they exchange, I'm a terrible liar.

Suddenly, both Jonathan and Emily are jumping on me. My phone is taken from my hand and I'm yelling at the two of them as Jonathan pins me down and Emily looks at my home screen.

"You bitch," she laughs. "Who is Harry? And why is he picking you up tomorrow night?"

"Emily, please?" I'm stuck beneath Jonathan. I really don't want to explain this.

"Noah, what's going on?" Jonathan asks.

"We're your best friends." Emily says as Jonathan climbs off of me. She hands me back my phone and they both take a seat on either side of me.

"You both suck," I tell them and then I go right into my story, this time without leaving out a single detail. It takes a lot of time because suddenly it all come out. How I feel about it and how damn confused I am about him.

They both listen without saying a word, they take it all in without any sign of disagreement or worry about me. And when I get to the end, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Wait." Jonathan says and grabs my phone out of my hand. He scrolls and types and when he turns the phone to me, a google image of Harry Style sis on my screen. "This Harry Styles?"

"The one and only." I nod.

Emily and Jonathan exchange a look over my head.

"So how is he?" Emily asks, leaning in close.

"Guys! Not what matters!"

They both start laughing so hard, Emily holding her stomach as she nearly falls in the floor.

"Plus, we didn't." I roll my eyes. Okay, I'm still slightly bitter about that simple fact. Isn't that supposed to happen when someone insists on making you dinner at their house?

"Oh right. Well I want those details ASAP, love." Jonathan says, throwing on his super gay voice that he only whips out for special occasions like this one. "I'd love to get the chance to play around with that boy."

"Down boy," Emily giggles. "Apparently, he's taken." She turns her phone to me and now I'm looking at more pictures of Harry leading me into his building. And in these pictures, that girl is clearly me.

Last night, One Directions Harry Styles was photographed walking into his central London flat with a brunette beauty. After his unofficial romance with Nadine Leopoldo, which ended only a week ago, this date came as a shock to many.
Harry is know to break hearts, just take a listen to any of the songs from Taylor Swifts 1989, but maybe Harry is ready to settle down and take after band mates Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik?

The article is accompanied with multiple pictures of Harry seen with girl after girl. Taylor Swift. Cara Delvigne. Kendall Jenner. And Nadine Leopoldo, the girl I made friends with on the night of my walk into society.

"Oh, that's just perfect."

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