Chapter Thirty-Two

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MY PHONE RINGS, waking me up from a sedated slumber.  It's only seven in the morning and I only fell asleep two hours ago after hours on hours of getting lost in Harry.  Harry rolls over and groans, tucking his arms under another pillow as I grab my phone and climb out of bed. 

I grab a shirt off the floor as I leave the room and smile when I realize it's Harry's white tshirt from today.  I slip it over my head before putting the phone to my ear.

"What are you doing up so early?" I ask my mum.

"Where are you? I haven't seen you in days!" She ignore my question and moves onto her own.  Suddenly I feel terrible.  I have become so wrapped up in my own life that I have all but forgotten about my old one, including my own mum. I take a seat on the sofa and curl my legs to my chest.

"I'm sorry, life has been crazy these past couple of days."

"No doubt about it!" My mother giggles. She actually giggles and I can't help laughing along. Absolutely ridiculous, actually. "I see you are moving in with Harry?"

And the laughter is gone. I'm on high alert. My back goes straight and my legs fall in front of me.


"It's in the post this morning," she says and I can hear the crinkling paper on her end. "Harry Styles and Girlfriend spend the day looking at properties in London. I didn't know things were so serious so quickly, Noah."

"Mum," I search my mind for an explanation. I haven't even told her I planned on moving out. I haven't even mentioned it to her or my best friends.

I really am a terrible person.

"Mum, we're not moving in together." I explain, my brain churning with this new revelation. How is this printed already? "Harry was helping me look at places. With the new job and paycheck, I thought I might finally get my own place."

"You can afford these buildings?"

"Sort of." I want to scream. There is nothing worse than not lying but not exactly telling the truth to your mum.

"Sort of? Noah, love, what is going on?" I can hear the confusion and disappointment in her tone. She knows me better than I know myself and there has never been a time where I couldn't talk to her. I told her the night I lost my had my first kiss, lost my virginity, failed my first exam, and got my first job. So why do I feel like I can't tell her this?

Just as I'm about to open my mouth and start explaining, the bedroom door creaks open and I turn to see and very sleepy Harry looking around the room.

"What are you doing up?" He asks, taking three strides across the room to reach me.

"Mum, I've got to go. I'll come home this weekend." I hang up the phone without waiting to hear her goodbye. I wonder how much Harry heard.

"My mum." I explain when I notice he is still waiting for an answer.

"We'll come get back in bed," he says in his lazy voice. "We've still got time left."

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