Chapter Nine

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ITS LIKE HE WAS BUILT TO BE SEDUCTIVE. They way he moved about the kitchen, ordering me around and focusing on each little detail of the mean, was a turn on. Watching him eat was a turn on. And it was a turn on to watch him clean up afterwards.

"I have to say, I'm impressed." I say as I continue drying the dishes be hands to me. I have to try to stop thinking about how attracted to him I am. Maybe then I'll have a chance to focus on what is going on outside of my own mind.

He looks over at me with a confident smile but doesn't say anything. There is soft music playing from the Bluetooth on his phone so it wasn't an awkward silence.

"So what else are you good at?" I ask as I put the final dish on the pile. I turn around so that I am leaning against the counter and give him a sideways glance. His lips turn up instantly and I can almost see the dirty thoughts written on his forehead. He shuts off the sink and is in front of me, his hands on my hips in the blink of an eye.

"I'm good at many things, gorgeous." His hands begin moving down my waist to my hips and I can feel the change in my body. I've been on edge since he picked me up but each time he's touched me since I've been able to feel the difference. My body temperature spikes. My breathing becomes labored. And my legs become restless. What I really want is to wrap my legs around him and not let go. I want to feel those perfect lips against my neck as his hands tangle into my hair.

Bloody hell. His touch is too much, send my mind to dark places. I push on his chest, stoping him on his way to kissing me even though that is exactly what I want.

"Not what I was saying." I laugh, standing up straight. He takes a step back with a chuckle and I am able to breathe again. But, only momentarily because his hand wraps around mine and he pulls me into the spacious living room.

Without letting go of my hand he changes the music on his phone and turns up the volume. His hand goes to my waist as a lovely ballad begins playing.

"What are you doing?"

"Let it happen, Noah." He smiles, his face inches from mine as he begins to sway to the music, his hands on my waist pressing me into him. I love it when he says my name. I've only had the pleasure of hearing his voice wrap around my name three times and it's slowly becoming a drug. I want more.

I watch him carefully, studying him as he moves and I follow. He's laying it on thick, this I know. He's cooked for me and is no dancing with me in his apartment.

"Harry, this isn't going to work on me." I admit, beginning to laugh.

"Say my name again." He groans, looking up at the ceiling with a smile. I roll my eyes with a laugh. It seems as though I have the same effect on him as he has on me, and that knowledge is power.

So I lay it on thick.

"Harry," I say, forcing my voice lower as I say his name slowly. He stops then, instantly. His eyes are dilated as he looks down at me and I try not to laugh. Instead I give what I hope is a sultry smile.

"Don't do that or I will take you to my bedroom." He warns. His voice is low and threatening. And lights a fire inside of me I didn't know I possessed.

"Oh I'd love to see where you sleep." I laugh, throwing my head back. I step away and begin walking to the opposite end of the flat, knowing he will follow me.

"Oh I love watching you walk," he groans and I laugh again, even harder.

There are three doors and I point to each one.

"Bathroom. Guest room. My room. I don't think...and you're going in there. Suit yourself." He sighs as I walk into the door he said was his. The room isn't huge, but it is quite messy. A large bed takes up most of the floor space and there is a closet door on one end, open with clothes strewn about the floor, and another door left open that leads to the master bath.

Oh it's such a mans room.

I carefully step over dirty, or clean-who really knows?-clothes as I step into the room. There is a pile of books beside his bed, not on the nightstand but on the floor. How does he find anything in this room?

I turn around and he is standing in the doorway, his arms reaching up to the top of the door frame as e stretches out his long body. He looks so serious and it makes me giggle but I hid it behind my hand.

"Is it safe to sit here?" I ask, pointing at a seemingly untouched corner of the bed. The all white throw.

"Not if you don't want me to join you." He says without blinking. My stomach clenches at his words and I know I have two options here.

I can keep tonight very PG and walk out of his room.


I can have some adult fun and see just once and for all if he is as good as I imagine.

Without another thought on the matter I back up so that my knees hit the edge of the bed. I keep eye contact with him as I sit down slowly and cross my legs.

His eyes blaze and that very arrogant grin of his returns. And I know...I've made the right choice. Especially as he steps into the room and lifts his shirt over his head to revel his inked chest and torso.

Good. Choice. Noah.

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