Chapter Twelve

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IF I COULD WAKE UP LIKE THIS EVERY MORNING, life would be good. Harry's arms are wrapped around me. His body is just so much larger than mine and he's basically my own personal cocoon. My head is against his chest, his body radiating heat. The blankets are gone, probably on the floor somewhere, but completely unneeded.

I look up at that perfect face of his. His lips are parted and he's breathing deeply. He's gorgeous. How did I end up here and why the hell did he pick me the other night? We were surrounded by half of the models that reside in London and he started talking to me.

It's obviously just my lucky month.

My hands are on his chest, squished between our two bodies. His hair is falling into his face and it's quite adorable honestly. I reach up and push my fingers into the tangles of his hair, pushing it out of his eyes.

I've never been into long hair and tattoos. I've never been into the guy that just looks like a heartbreaker but for some reason I'm so into Harry. Part of me wants to blame it on my assignment with the blog but I know it's also my natural reaction to him.

I need to do some research on this man I've spent the night with.

With one last look at the perfection wrapped around me, I begin struggling out of his grasp. Without moving him too much, I somehow manage to wiggle free from his arms and climb out of the bed.

After going to the bathroom my curiosity gets the best of me. The bathroom, first of all, is huge. The shower is all glass and could fit three grown adults comfortably. Then there's the tub. Other than the fact that at least three towels and a weeks worth of T-shirt's are hanging all over it, it could be one of the best places to relax I've ever seen.

Around his double sink however is particularly clean. There is nothing but a bar of soap on the countertop. With a look at the closed door I start opening a few drawers. And then I'm laughing. He has a curl brush and a blow dryer in the top drawer. He would.

The second drawer has teeth whitening strips, toothpaste and a toothbrush. And then under neath the sink has a ton of extra toilet paper, tissue boxes, deodorant, and toothpaste.

Actually I need to brush my teeth. Bad. I can't have him waking up in his feisty mood and my breath smell like it currently does. I search underneath his sink for an unopened extra toothbrush but unfortunately come up empty.

He has extras of everything except toothbrushes? I roll my eyes and grab the toothpaste. I guess I'll brush my teeth with my fingers. Or...

I grab his toothbrush and start to brush my teeth. I can't keep my smile off as I brush my teeth with his toothbrush. I feel the dirty kind of sexy, it's kind of a good feeling.

When I finish in the bathroom I tip toe back out to the bedroom. He's still asleep, now on his back with his hands spread to either end of the bed. The sheets are only around his waist and just looking at him makes me want to lick his inked up torso.

No Noah. Hard to get, remember?

With one last look at him, I walk out of the bedroom.

The apartment is pretty big, and very spacious. He really doesn't have much furniture or anything to make the place more unique. It looks like it was decorated by a modern hotel decorator. Minus the artwork.

I pad around for a few minutes, trying to find anything that can give me some kind of insight into who I plan on sleeping with. He's so damn confusing! I mean last night was hot and cold, hot and cold. What am I supposed to take from that?

It's obvious that he is into me. He wouldn't have worked to get my number and brought me back to his place. But then when I all but take my clothes off he decides to stop being sexually forward.

I need to stop thinking of this. It makes me frustrated and horny. I was so damn close last night.

No, stop thinking about it.

My stomach growls and I decide it's time for breakfast. I'll even make him something. I search around and find everything to make hot cakes. I start mixing up the batter and then while they are cooking on the griddle I cut and clean an assortment of berries.

"Careful, beautiful." I look up, shocked and find Harry sitting at the kitchen table. One hand under his chin and that cheeky smile on his lips. "I might not let you leave."

Oh he's gorgeous after just waking up. His eyes are halfway closed and a little red around the edges. And those cheeks of his are flushed. Men like him makes me wonder who would really win the battle of the sexes.

"Hungry?" I ask, batting my lashes as I place two hot cakes on a plate and put it in front of him.

"Not necessarily for this." He says. Slowly and oh so seductively his eyes move up my body until landing on my eyes. His smile widens; he can read exactly what I'm thinking. My damn inability to hide what I'm thinking is a pain in the ass. How am I supposed to make him work for it if he can see how badly I want him?

I look down at my own plate in my hands and am careful not to look at him as I join him at the table, in the seat furthest from him. Still I can feel his eyes on me.

I hear him chuckle and then I know I can relax as his fork starts scratching at the bottom of his plate. We are both silent as we eat but I can't even finish what's on my plate. I'm just not hungry for food right now. I'm hungry for him.

He puts his fork down.

And now I can read what he is thinking. His sleepy eyes are dark. I can already feel his hands on me and his tongue against mine. And it's hot in this damn apartment.

And you know what? I need to take control of this. I push my chair back and ever so slowly make my way around the table. He's smiling as if I'm the most amazing thing he's ever seen.

"Full yet?" I ask. Is that even hot?

"Not even close." He says. I put my hands on his shoulder and his go to my waist.

"Are you going to start with me and then stop before things get interesting?" I ask, sitting down on his lap.

He's licking his lips. He's unsure where he wants to touch me and it's making me feel great.

A phone starts ringing and his head falls onto my chest.

"Fuck." He mutters.

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