Chatper Twenty-Two

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"LET'S GO BACK TO THE SEX." Stephanie asks, banging her palms against the top of my desk. "You didn't give a lot of detail on the sex." Her dark brown eyes are staring at me, begging for more information through her perfect winged eyeliner.

"I don't want to go into detail!" I giggle, covering my face. God, I said more than enough about my exciting night. What more does she want? I'm not going to go through it all. "Anyway, tomorrow you can read about it on my blog." I shrug and turn back to my first draft. I go over my last sentence.

With one long look, he makes me feel like the sexiest woman in the world.

And he does. Just replaying last nights events and writing it all out turns me on. He hasn't texted me today and I have put it off. He ran out this morning, official One Direction business but still, he ran off. Until that phone call things were going well. He was in a great mood, playful even and I adore that side of him. He's so confusing though. Great sex followed by silence cannot be a good sign.

"Come on, Noah!" Steph begs. I laugh at her and she groans. "Worst best friend ever."

I click open my to-do list and look it over. I need to go shopping later, Tammy thinks I should ask Harry to help me pick out an outfit tonight but I don't know. I don't want to be the one to text or call him first but then again, I want to see him again soon. I don't know if he is going to premiere tomorrow night and I'm not sure if I should ask him to be my date. Are we at a place where we can go out so publicly?

"Should I ask him to be my date tomorrow night?" I ask. Stephanie stares at me.

"Way to avoid telling me more." She rolls her eyes. "Do you want him to be your date?"

"Obviously." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes at her. "But he's the famous one, not me. Shouldn't he be inviting me? But what if he didn't plan on going?"

"What would this Noah do?" Stephanie taps the top of my laptop screen, her perfectly manicured nails clicking. I laugh and stare at the words written on the screen.

The blog reads as a novel and my life is turning into one slowly but surely. What would the readers want this Noah to do? An idea pops into my head and I click to the last post and scroll to the comments section. My jaw drops.

"What?" Stephanie asks. She gets to her feet and stands behind me.

"Did you see this?" I scroll through the comments. The thousands of comments.

"You haven't?" Steph laughs.

"No. I didn't realize this many people were reading."

"Your a great writer. And right now they're all trying to figure out if the girl writing this is the girl in these." Stephanie leans over my shoulders and takes over my keyboard. She types Harry Styles into Google and then clicks the news tab.

Headlines glow in blue on the screen.

Harry Styles Out With Brunette Beauty.

Who's Caught Harry Styles' Attention This Week?

Harry Styles take Mystery Girl on Romantic Get Away

Stephanie clicks on the third headline and there I am. Well, a blurry version of me, but the girl in the photograph is most certainly me. Harry is wrapped around me, looking straight ahead and there I am, smiling up at him.

God, do I look like a love-sick puppy.

"Why are you just showing these to me now?" I ask Steph.

"I thought you'd be smart enough to google search the guy you've been seeing for a week!" she laughs. "Noah, honestly. You need to do some research." With a final flick of her wrist she is walking out of my office door, her heels clicking against the tiled floor. I turn back to the screen and my blurry picture.

At least I look good. My first appearance in gossip columns could have been much, much worse. And Harry, of course, is absolute perfection. His hair is pushed back from his forehead to reveal the jawline that might as well have been sculpted by the gods themselves. And I have never noticed just how much he towers over me.

And, I have to say, we look damn good together.

My phone buzzes atop my desk and I answer.

"Noah, I am leaving for an impromptu meeting with Freddie Renaldo in fifteen minutes. Would you like to join?" Tammy cuts right to the chase as her usual self.

"I'd love to," I answer without a moment of hesitation.

"Perfect. Lobby in ten." She hangs up with those final words and I stare at my screen. The words go on, the cursor blinking at the end of the last sentence just waiting for the next words to be written.

I can't help wondering how this all is going to end in my reality. Noah's life on paper is great, dream like, and mine is slowly turning into that dream. But one day I'll have to wake up and what happens to the real Noah when that happens?

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