Chapter Twenty Five

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COOL NOAH IS STARING BACK AT ME AGAIN. Her eyes are lined with thick eyeliner and a gold shadow. Her lashes are too thick to be real and her brown eyes are darker than ever, endless. My waistline is something for a magazine cover and my hips have popped out of nowhere. There is the perfect amount of side boob action going on and I haven't even thought of something horrendous happening in that area.

I can't wait to see Harry. Better yet, I can't wait for Harry to see me.

My phone rings from the desk in front of me and I grab it.

"How do you look?" Tammy asks, right to the point as always. She never even has time for a simple hello and it makes me giggle into the phone like the professional I am.

"Alex is amazing!" I say as I look over my shoulder to the woman now cleaning up her on the go hair and makeup kit. I can't believe Tammy had someone come here to get me ready. Am I this big of a deal already? Is the Noah that England is getting to know who I am becoming?

"She is," Tammy agrees. "We are on our way up now, Freddie found the perfect pair of shoes. We have two sizes just incase."

"Fair warning, they're really high!" I hear Stephanie yell in the background.

"She can handle it," Tammy says and I can practically see the annoyed look she gives Stephanie on a daily basis. They are more like family than employee and employer, probably since Stephanie has been working for Tammy since her first internship with Siren six years ago. 

We hang up and not two minute pass before the trio is bursting through Tammy's foyer and into the master bathroom where Alex and I are on our second glass of champagne. I stand before Tammy can ask me too and Freddie pats himself on the back.

"It's like I made this for you," he exclaims, fanning his face. "If I wasn't happily single and not thinking about working with you more, I'd be jumping all over that." He gestures to all of me and I laugh, I'm not sure that he's complimenting me or his own work.

Tammy swats his arm, Stephanie grabs herself the champagne bottle and Alex smiles proudly.

"Hey we're still drinking that," I scold Steph. She shrugs as Tammy hands me a shoe box.

"You'll have plenty to drink later. I will not," Stephanie argues back, taking another swig from the bottle.

"Well I'm not either so careful there," Alex says, grabbing the bottle right out of Stephanie's hand. She pours herself more while Stephanie pouts but waits for the bottle to be handed back.

I am being fit into the bigger shoe. I feel like Cinderella as Freddie kneels in front of me to help me slip my feet into the shoe. The gold shimmer on the shoe is distracting from my all white jumpsuit. Tammy holds out two different statement necklaces, both good, and decides on the bigger of the two.

I stand without muttering a word as they complete my look. Alex and Steph are talking amongst themselves, sitting and sipping on the edge of the tub.

"I don't think it can get much better than this." Tammy says to Freddie, as if I'm not even here. Freddie nods in agreement and they both smile at one another before exchanging a small high five.

"Alright so Stephanie has set out boxes out in the front room, it looks like you're ready to move out any day," Tammy explains now, jumping back to work. "So when he gets here, the boy better say he's helping you find an apartment.  We need that content."

"And publicity," Freddie adds. I roll my eyes at him. Yes, seeing me around town with the Harry Styles will give his campaign a boost after he goes public with the information that I will be the face of his spring line.

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