Chapter Ten

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"I WAS WORRIED YOU WERE GOING TO WALK OUT OF MY ROOM." He says as he climbs onto the bed, effectively pushing my shoulders down so that I am lying beneath him. His hands trail down my sides, stopping when they reach the hem of my jeans. He loops a finger into one of the belt loops and tugs down gently. He smiles wickedly and presses a soft, chaste kiss to my hip bone which makes me squirm beneath him.

"I thought about it, but you were blocking my escape route." My voice is different, it doesn't sound like me at all. I sound sexy. Maybe this is the way Noah from my blog would talk when sexually sedated. His hands start to travel upwards, underneath my blouse, and I watch him carefully.  He's concentrated again, but its a different concentrated then when he was cooking.  This is fun, excited concentration.  He can't keep his eyes off of me.  His eyes jump from mine to what he is touching with his rough fingers. 

"I told you, I'm good at getting what I want," he says as his cold fingers reach the lace of my bra.  I shudder in anticipation but all too soon his touch is gone. I look down to see him now standing at the edge of the bed with a playfull glimmer in his eyes. 

"Wha-" his hands wrap around my ankles suddenly and he pulls me back down to the edge of the bed, quickly and forcfully. I watch as he kneels in front of me and grabs my heels.  He takes his time with the silver zipper on the inside of the bootie and then throws the first heel to the floor before moving onto the next one. 

"Harry?" I question as he stands up and turns around. He turns back to me with a smile. 

"Come on beautiful," he says, reaching out his hand to me.  

I am so confused.  I thought we were about to have a good romp between the sheets.  He's standing in front of me shirtless, he took of my shoes.  Why are my pants not off? Why are his pants still on? Why is he now leading me out of the bedroom?

When he told me he was making food for us at his place, I had expected a lot of not so innocent fun on the agenda.  And when I made sure it got to that point, he's turning it back around?  Damnit!  He's barely even kissed me! And now I'm sexually frustrated as he is searching through a stack of movies, again not organized but thrown on the floor underneath the larger than life flatscreen. 

Honestly, there is no excuse for a man to make a woman all hot and bothered and then just leave her hanging. 

I sit back in the corner of the couch, not even bothering to hide my frustration as I cross my arms over my chest.  I can't even leave dramatically since my things are all over this flat.  My bag and jacket are in the kitchen and now my shoes are in the bedroom. 

He pops something into the DVD player and then takes a seat next to me...still shirtless.  He grabs my feet and places them in his lap, pulling me closer to him so that my arse is against his thigh. 

"Smile." he said, reaching one of his long arms around me.  He pulls me closer so that I am now completely in his lap; which is what I wanted...just with a few less layers of clothing. 

"Why are we watcing a movie?" I ask.  I don't wrap my arms around him, even though I know that's what he wants. I can't give him the satisfaction. 

"Because it's an excellent movie." he says. 

"I am very uninterested in watching a movie."

"What are you interested in, Noah?" his voice changes again.  This is the Harry I was dealing with ten minutes ago.  Sexy, rip-my-clothes-off-now Harry.  This is the Harry I want to know more of.  Is he just doing this to prove that he can?  Does he want us to move on his terms? I don't think I like that. 

"I'm interested in what was about to happen in your bedroom." I say, suddenly feeling shy.  I've been really good all evening, confident and I wasn't even acting the part.  But now, I kind of feel rejected and it doesn't sit well with this new and imporved Noah Walker. 

He smiles and shakes his head as if he doesn't believe it at all. And then, finally, he kisses me.  His hand cups the back of my neck and her wraps his other arm around my back tightly.  I am only too happy to oblige as I wrap my arms around his neck and move  a little so that I am straddling him on the grey sofa. 

His mouth moves against mine, his lips firm and commanding as he brushes his tongue along my lower lip. He pulls my lip between his and sucks gently.  His hand moves from the back of my neck, down my arm, and to my hips. He pushes against my hip, stopping me from grinding against him.  I can feel him growing within the restraint of his tight pants and I want more of it; more of the friction against my sex. 

"You're different" he says.  I can feel his smile as he continues kissing me, our breathing falling out of sync as we loose our breath within the kiss. 

He's being fucking difficult.  

I stop. Lock my eyes on his and just look at him, trying to figure it all out. This is not what I was expecting as we walked into his flat.  I thought I was going to be the one having to slow things down. 

He looks guilty, unable to look at me for longer than a few seconds. 

I climb off of his lap and sit down next to him. The movie is playing and we've missed the first fifteen minutes.  I don't even know what movie we are supposed to be watching and I have no interest in it. 

"Don't be mad at me," he chuckles and pokes me in the side. 

"I'm not mad." I lie. 

"You're mad." he says. "You're cute when you are sexully frustrated." he pinches my cheek and I whip my head around to stare at him with a look that could kill. 

"Aren't I supposed to be pushing off sex until you take me out a second time?" I ask with venom on my tone.  I sound ridiculous, I know it.  But I can't help it.  There are expectations set when you meet someone like Harry.  I wasn't thinking he was going to be in this for the long run and, honestly, I don't see anything wrong with having a little bit of fun right now, right here. 

"Yes you are," he laughs again.  I'm getting very sick of that laugh right now.  I'm having an attitude...

"I'm quite confused as to why you are trying to push me into ravaging you right here though," he looks at me sideways.  


Do I need to write it down for him? 

"I've never had a guy say no." 

"Trust me, I'm not saying no for me." He laughs darkly. "I'm saying no because I don't want you to regret it."

"Then why did you take me to your flat to have dinner? That kind of screams i want to have sex with you, don't you think?" I throw right back at him. 

"Yes it does. But, its a little different for me, don't you think.  If I take you out to dinner, you'r picture is going to be blown up on every tabloid all over the world. I don't want that for you and I doubt you want that.  Bringing you here wasn't because I have an agenda to get into your pants." 

"It sure seemed like that last night." 

"Don't you think I would have gotten into them last night if that was my overall goal?" He grabs my jaw and turns my head so that I am forced to look up at him and into those green eyes.  He is smiling as if I am the cutest, funniest girl he has ever encountered. I can't even stay mad at him right now though.  He is so genuine.  So sweet.  It's honestly throwing me off.  This is a completley different person than last night.  A completely different person than the one that was reaching up under my shirt just a little while ago.  It's hard to keep up. 

"You confuse me." I say, point blank. 

"Well, at least we are on the same terms there."

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