Chapter Twenty-Three

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FREDDIE RENALDO IS THE MOST EXCITABLE PERSON I HAVE EVER MET. He's loud, rambunctious and absolutely brilliant. His designs are breathtaking and are sure to capture the attention of the media during the winter shows. And, he's charming. A little too charming actually, Tammy is eating up every word he utters in that Spanish accent of his.

As for me, my chicken salad is delicious and my wardrobe just grew by seven outfits, not even presented to the fashion world.

"So, I've been dying to ask this since I sat down." Freddie leans over his empty plate, removing his napkin from his lap. "Are you the girl that's been with Harry Styles this last week?"

My jaw drops. Freddie smiles. And Tammy tries to recover.

"What girl with Harry Styles?" Tammy asks. I look over at her. There is no way this man is going to believe that a Editor in Chief of a women's magazine, that has a celebrity news column, is going to believe that she hasn't seen the photos of Harry and I...some girl...together.

"Don't bullshit with me, hermosa," he says, his lips throwing his perfect Spanish accent into the sentence. "I've seen the photos, and she could be your twin. So, the real question is do you trust me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Freddie. Honest." I finally find my voice and want to pat myself on the back. I could convince myself.

"Fine, don't tell me." Freddie says, leaning back in his chair. "I would like to do a photoshoot of you in my clothes though. You're gorgeous and you'd be perfect. The new face of the new designer; we could make history together."

Tammy is being oddly quiet, sitting back and allowing me to handle this.

"I don't think I'm tall enough to model," I answer without thinking. Tammy and Freddie both begin to laugh and I can feel my embarrassment washing all over my face.

"You don't need to be tall." Freddie explains. "I will make the clothes fit you, perfectly."

He wants me to model his line, get it ready for spreads in magazines around the world. ME! I'm 5'5". I'm short. I'm not insanely skinny. I don't have legs that go on for days. I haven't been able to find a pair of jeans that actually fits since I reached adult sizes. I'm perfectly average.

But, he know's I'm hanging out with Harry Styles.

My face, all over the internet. Unknown to all.

"Noah?" Tammy says my name, pulling me from my internal conflict. What am I supposed to say? Do I want to do something like this, have my face out there for all to see? And what happens when the connection is made: the face of Freddie Renaldo's winter line dating Harry Styles? The headlines will no longer read Mystery Girl. Instead, my name will be attached to his. One on a long list of past flings.

And then there's my blog! What happens to me when that connection is made? What will happen to the blog? What will happen to me? We can't just pretend that no one is going to find out about that...

Oh who the hell am I kidding.

"I'm in." I say without another negative thought.

Freddie claps. Tammy smiles like a proud mother. And my stomach drops as my phone rings on top of the table.

Freddie smiles. Tammy's face drains of color.

Perfect timing, Styles.

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