Chapter Thirty Three

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MY MUMS HOUSE IN TINY. A fact I never paid much attention to before now. I stand outside of the place I spent my childhood days and I can't even comprehend the drastic turn my life has made in the last month. The shutters desperately need to be repainted, maybe even replaced. I wish I could give her more, fix all of these little things or even  buy her a new home. 

You're buying yourself a flat. 

I shake the thought from my head. Technically I am renting; and Tammy is renting for me. 

Someone is buying me my perfect life and I have done nothing to stop it. 

The blue door opens and my mum steps outside, waving dramatically.  Emily and Jonathan run out behind her, passing her quickly before I am tackled to the floor. 

"Damn guys, its been a week!" I say, the breath knocked out of me. But I'm laughing, trying to catch my breath all the while. I've been on edge all week, I notice that now. Emily and Jonathan start talking. Emily's been promoted, Jonathan has met someone and all the while I just smile and take it all in.  I haven't been so relaxed in a week.  The wine is flowing freely, a crisp pinot noir that is cheaper than the shoes I'm wearing but is quickly having the intended affect. 

"I read something about you," Emily says, her s longer than usual. She starts giggling and I join in quickly.  The digital clock on my phone tells me that it has only been two hours of drinking while my brain tells me I need to slow down. Jonathan has removed his shirt for some reason, his toned abdomen seems stronger than the last time I saw him. 

"I read something too," My mum makes another grand entrance, a plate of crackers in hand and another bottle of wine. 

Nope, I'm not slowing down. 

"She's dating Henry...oh what's his name darling?" mum looks to me, her eyes squinted shut and a lazy, drunken smile. 

"Harry Styles," Emily corrects, staring intently at her half empty glass of wine. "She's moving in with him, apparently as well. I don't enjoy reading things about my best friend, Noah." 

"Em." Jonathan says her name sharply, staring her down with a disapproving gaze. 

Emily rolls her eyes and turns back to me. 

"Are you moving in with him?" She asks. 

"No!" I jump to my own defense. 

"You were looking at flats with him on Monday." 

"He was going with me, helping. I don't know anything about renting in London." 

"So now you're moving to London?"

"Yes, it's an easier commute to work.  I have a big girl job now with a paycheck."

"And don't have time for us little people anymore?" 

"That is not what I said!"

"No you're just too good for our little town now that you have a big girl job." 

"Emily!" Jonathan yells. Emily and I both shut out mouthes and turn to him.  Tears are stinging the corner of my eyes.  I'm not too good for them, I have never thought that.  I hate that this is how she feels.  It takes two, doesn't it? She hasn't reached out to me either in the last two weeks. 

Emily breaks down, tears streaming down her face.  She places her wine glass on the coffee table and walks out of the room, tripping twice over her own bare feet. 

We went to different schools.  We didn't talk every day or feel the need to but we were still best friends.  I have never felt contempt towards her for other friends of relationships.  We have been catch up best friends, two girls that get together as often as possible and even when there are months spanning between visits we pick up like we were never apart. 

"She's just..." Jonathan puts his arm over my shoulders.  His shirt is now back on and his keys are in his hand. 

"Mad?" I finish. 

"She feels left behind, I think." 

"She's blaming me! That's not fair." 

"It's not. But you are realizing your dreams first, its easy to feel like you're being surpassed." 

"She didn't feel like that with you." I rest my head on his shoulder.  The bathroom door opens and closes and I listen as Emily's light step makes it's way back.  The sofa slumps next to me as she sits down.  Her head falls to my shoulder.  She sniffles. 

"I'm sorry." We both say at once and my arm goes around her. 

The three of us sit in silence, holding onto each other like we have since our awkward teenage years.  It's been us against the world, everything about our middle class status built up to keep us down but despite it all we have all come into our own skins. Different dreams and skins, but one in the same. 

My phone rings, breaking the silence and comfort in the room. Jonathan lets go first followed by Emily and I as I reach for my phone.  Harry's face lights up the screen and a smile breaks across my face again. 

I answer without a second thought. 

"Where are you?" Harry asks, straight to business as usual. 

"At my mums. Why?" 

"I came over and no one answered.  Where does your mum live?" 

"Petersfield. Harry..?" 

"That's far I guess.  Never mind.  I'll see you tomorrow." And without, the call dies and I am left confused. 

"What did he say?" Emily asks, smiling and excited, a deep contrast to just a few minutes ago. 

"He wanted to know where I am." I answer, staring at the screen of my phone. 

"It's ten o'clock," Jonathan laughs. "He wants to nail you." 

And that does it, we all burst into uncontrollable laughter all over again.  


Thank you so much for being patient.  I have been having a crazy first semester of senior year of college and I'm drowning a little bit.  I will be writing again soon though because I need to escape into Noah and Harry's world in order to distract me from the real world! Thank you so much for reading and let me know where you think Harry and Noah are headed. 

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