Chapter 01 || Conflicts

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P a r k   S a r a   P O V .

"Guess who couldn't wake up on time again?" The same irritating voice says as he walks beside me, throwing his heavy arm around my shoulder which not to mention almost makes me run into the wall. I shoot him a glare and he just snickers, wavering his hands in the air, a usual gesture that says he surrendered.

"I was doing my assignment." Which is true, I did stay up till three in the morning to complete my project assignment which was due today, instead of the original submission date which is still three days away, all because our professor has a date that day. Amazing!

"We had an assignment?"

I glance to my side, stopping at the voice that depicts how much of a shock I gave my best friend with my reason to be late. He stares at me with his doe eyes virtually begging me to change my words or at least for the love of this world, tell him that the assignment thing is not from the class that we share together.

"Poor Jungkookie," I shake my head, patting his shoulder, "I feel so bad for you."

"Shit!" He curses, "The egg is going to eat me alive! He already hates me enough and now I forgot about the assignment! I'm so gonna fail!"

"Who told you to go around drinking in parties?" I laugh at him and he rolls his eyes, brushing his hair back with his right hand and muttering prayers for Mr Kim to forget about any assignments due today. "By the way, who else was there?"

"Jimin wasn't." He tells me and goes back to praying, while I give him a brief glance, regretting how much he knows me. If I ever have to leave this world, I would surely not do it without him, considering the horrendous amount of knowledge he has about me. I will definitely have to kill him too.

"I'm not asking about him," I say as we enter the classroom. Jungkook glances around the class, his eyes stop at the seat at the second last row near the window, where he usually sits if he hasn't done his assignment or just not in the mood to study. He looks at me, smiling nervously as he points there and strolls off without waiting for a response while I shake my head, going to my normal seat, in the second row from ahead.

Mr. Kim arrives, making all the buzzing and chattering halt at once as the students descend back to their respective seats. He places his books on the desk and takes a proper look around the classes, smiling at his few favourite faces, one being me.

"Good morning students," He says.

"Good morning sir," We great him back. Well a few of us do, the favourite ones, and that is enough to make him happy. Despite being a professor in one of Korea's top Medical Universities for almost a decade, he still looks young and full of energy, which is one of the reasons why I show equal enthusiasm in his lectures. You need to reciprocate the effort someone puts for you.

"I'm hoping you all had a great weekend," He says, "and also spared some time for my poor assignment."

I let out a low chuckle, glancing back at Jungkook who staring at Mr Kim with a tormented look. I sigh and sit straight as Mr Kim starts asking about it from the right end of the class, just behind where Jungkook is sitting.

"Mr Kim," A panting voice interrupts him after the sliding of the door, drawing attention from all of the people.

"Mr. Park," Our professor exclaims with fake enthusiasm at the boy and I decide to focus on my book instead of the guy who steps in. "Late again, of course. What's your excuse today?"

I look up anyway to find him smiling nervously at the older man, his eyes reducing to crescents and nose scrunching up slightly as he scratches the nape of his neck before speaking, "I was... uh doing my assignment last night. So I had to stay up past midnight."

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