Chapter 17 || Mess

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P a r k J i m i n P O V .

I'm on my knees, holding Sara close to myself as I pat her cheek, repeating her name, hoping it would wake her up. Jungkook stares at us for second before jumping into action as I tell him to call a cab. He brings his car instead, well that is better than waiting for a cab.

"Sara, get up, baby." I say, rubbing her hands as I sit with her head on my lap in the backseat of the car. Her eyes remain shut with a calm expression, as if she was having a good nap. I rummage through her bag and comes across a few books, pens, a small make-up thingy, tampons, but not her medicines. "Why are you like this?!" I mutter, biting my lip as I turn the bag over, pouring out all the things. It's not here.

"Home," I say, and turn to Jungkook, "Dude, drive to her apartment."

"Are you sure? Shouldn't we go to the hospital?" He questions, looking at me and I shake my head.

"I'll call Dr. Kim there. She already has the medicines at home." He nods and doesn't argue further which I really appreciate right now. Taking my phone I dial the doctor's number, holding it between my shoulder and head tilted as I grab the water bottle from the side to sprinkle a few a drops on Sara's face.

"Hello? Dr. Kim, It's me, Park Jimin." I say as soon as the doctor answers my call, "Yes, actually Sara's unconscious and it would be great if you could come at her place right now, it's urgent."

"Yeah, uh kind of." I nod when he asks if there was something stressing her out. Then he asks if she's eaten anything and I tell him, a chocolate cake a few minutes ago.

"Thank you, we're almost there. I'll see you at her place." I sigh, glancing at Jungkook and nod as he's been turning back to ask what happened. "He's coming."

He pulls in front of the building soon and steps forward to carry her, "I'll take her." I tell him, carrying Sara out, making him sigh and follow after me with worried eyes never leaving her body. I shake my head, looking at Sara with a soft look. People like her don't belong in such a cruel world.

My attention shifts away when the phone in my pocket rings. I look down and then at the girl I'm holding. Maybe Jungkook has some sense left in him for he doesn't try to take Sara from me, instead pulls my phone out, answering the call for me and kept it on speaker.

"Yes, Dr Kim, Are you already here?" I ask and sigh in relief, hearing he's waiting in front of her apartment, "We're coming in a minute, thank you."

The elevator door slides open and I step out first followed by Jungkook who has been abnormally quiet all this while. Maybe I've been harsh, but I don't regret it. He deserves all the pain he put my Sara through.

"Ah Jimin, you're here. What happened?" Dr Kim asks, entering inside with me.

"We were out and she fainted suddenly." Jungkook answers while I lay her down on her bed, before stepping away, making space for the doctor to check her.

"Is she taking the medicines on time?" He asks, looking at me, making me sigh deeply.

"I don't know, I could only pay attention when I stay over." I say with a hint guilt in my voice. God, I should've been more strict with this girl.

"Well then, I suggest you should stay over quite often." He says, giving her an injection and stands up, "She should be up soon. And as I said before Jimin, try not to make her worried. You know how her health is, stress will just worsen her anxeity. I can tell today must've been something similar, she was stressed about something and probably didn't realise when the anxeity got this bad. Take care of her Jimin, make sure she's eating enough and stays hydrated."

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